
43: More Fillers, but now with an Old Pedophile in a wheelchair.

Lady Death didn't know what to do... She was there, looking at her crush, naked in front of her, asking her questions... But he was so handsome that she couldn't focus and answer his questions at all! "So, care to answer my little questions? Death." Byron asked again, making sure that she heard everything he said. "Y-yes... It's easier to show you." She approached Byron, she could feel a huge amount of Psionic, Cosmic, Chaos, and Soul energy that was going across all galaxy! She could see golden threads, all of them connecting with a demon. This was Byron's {Hive Mind} ability.

She created a golden thread too and connected it to Byron's mind, sending her memories about him.

Byron saw and felt her jealousy, her love, her despair, her love, her possessiveness, her love, her hunger for the d, her love. Did I say love? Yeah, Byron felt the enormous amount of love that she had... And it wasn't for only a lifetime, no... Byron saw using her eyes his other lives, always beside her, always making love with her... Always loving her. When the memories were absorbed by Byron, he looked at lady death who was a little tired, he knew that she couldn't leave her realm and use a pot of energy because she needs kill and collects souls.

Byron sighed and kissed her, he knew that those were her memories about him... But he felt all the love she had for him, and when you feel that someone loves you so much... You can't help but love him/her a little bit, even if you deny that. "Go," Byron said it looking at her eyes, she gasped for air and smiled a little bit, then she simply turned into dark little spherical particles, dissipating in the air.


Charles Xavier is a very powerful mutant, Omega Level to be more specific. His control over Psionic energy is wonderfully incredible, with the help of his Brain he can access all the minds on Earth, it would be impossible if his control over Psionic energy was weaker. But... Something strange happened.

He felt that there were minds he could see but couldn't access, it was just looking at a cloud in the sky and wanting to touch it but be unable to. Those minds were on the Bermuda Triangle when he tried to enter the mind of someone that was there, he felt the difficulty of controlling Psionic Energy... It was like some other kind of energy was stopping him to do so. Also, there was a barrier that stopped him from entering the minds of those inside the Bermuda Triangle... He was curious about this, but he left it behind and continued to be the professor he was.

Until one day, he felt a huge amount of Psionic Energy around the globe. This was like threads of energy that was crazily going around the earth, attaching itself on the back of specific people, and also going deeper and deeper until it touched the souls of those who they were attached to. Charles was completely stunned to see such a thing, he could 'see' that all the threads were connected with only one entity. Charles instantly thought about the guy who took Jean away. He sighed and went back to inside the institute. He decided not to look deeply into it, because he might infuriate someone he doesn't want to.

Years passed and Charles Xavier had saved several children, but once in a while, he would detect another children awakening his or her X-Gene, like now. Canada, he felt a huge explosion of power, another Omega Level mutant just awoke! He decided to observe for a while because the explosion of power was so wide that it would take some time to detect where the mutant was specifically. When he found out the location of the mutant, he went there with Logan, Ororo, and Scott. He knocked on the door, who opened it was a young man, he looked at Charles and asked him what he needed, Charles asked if they could enter, and after some time thinking, the young man let them in.

"I guess that this is too much to process, but your son is a mutant," Charles explained while looking at the same young man that opened the door, his name was Victor... Charles tried to not enter his mind, he is currently fighting against his paranoia of wanting to know everything and control everything around him. That's what he gets for working with demo- *cough* children. Victor seemed very calm, another young man, but this one taller, more muscular, and handsome entered the room. He looked around for a second, looked at Victor who nodded, then he shouted: "Charles! There are some people who want to meet you." Some seconds later, a teenager entered the room, he looked around confused, Victor looked at Markus and nodded.

Markus left the room and went to make a call. While Charles sat on the sofa near Victor.

"You, young man, are gifted. I have an institute for special people like you, where they live and learn how to control their powers. I came here because I wanted to invite you-" Before Charles could complete his phrase, a blue portal appeared out of nowhere, a man with a tuxedo jumped out of the portal. He had neon purple eyes, his red hair also was very vibrant and shiny. He didn't even look around and directly shouted: "Why didn't you called me sooner!? Let's get going!" Everyone was looking at him, but he only noticed Charles Xavier. He smiled, but his smile was dangerous... "Oh... Charles Xavier. That's the second time we met." Charles Xavier instantly remembered the first time they met, he avoided looking at those purple eyes, because he felt if he looked he would die.

"Well, you came faster than I thought you would. Now, my grandkid won't go to your school. Charles, grandpa is here to take you to Tartarus~ Come, boy, I will let you ride a Leviathan!" This phrase gave a lot of information to Charles. 1st: He knew that he would come and was waiting for him. 2nd: The new Omega Level mutant is his grandchild, so it means that one of those young men are his children. 3rd: The new Omega Mutant won't go to his school. 4th: He is taking the new Omega Mutant to Tartarus. And 5th: Tartarus has Leviathans... Before anyone could say anything, Byron grabbed his grandchild's arm and simply disappeared...

"Well, it went faster than I expected it would." Markus was on the door, looking at the dumbfounded mutants, with a sigh he sat on the sofa and smiled. He was going to have a talk with them.

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