
23: Red Heads

Today is 01 of October 1982, just another normal day of school, everyone in the world now knows about Byron and his six children, because Byron was asked in a reunion if he had a son or daughter. He just smiled and laughed, saying: "I have six children, three boys, and three girls. And I love them all." since then, everyone in the school didn't doubt Markus and his sibling's identity no more. Everyone wanted to be their friends, a bunch of greedy people even flirt openly with them... This disgusts the siblings so much! Today is the third month since the Tarts Siblings started to study in this school, they already found humans with great potential but nothing worth mentioning.

Right now they were on the same table at lunch, people don't dare to approve their table because of the accident where one of the bullies ignored the sibling's advice and made Markus drop his food... He went to the hospital that day and stills there. Byron had to delete memories of some students and reduce them from others. But anyway, they were left alone after that. Today, however, Markus was getting to the table when someone dropped his food on the ground, he angrily looked behind himself ready to punch someone when he gasped. A short guy with light red hair, a pair of glasses on his face, a cute face... Markus ignored the food that dropped on the ground and just looked at this guy... His potential... Is enormous!

When his siblings noticed what he was looking at, they all gasped and looked at Markus. Byron said however found the talent first can keep it, so that's what Markus is doing. The red-head looked up and just saw Markus staring at him, not blinking even a little bit and was confused... 'What did I do?' he thought while trying not to fall down on the ground. "S-sorry!" he apologized, he saw what happened with the guy who dropped Markus' food on the ground, he didn't want to go to the hospital too! When he tried to leave, Markus grabbed his shoulders and pushed him towards the table where he and his siblings sit every day. "Ho... Looks like you found it, right Mark?" Asked Evy with a teasing tone that Markus ignored and focused only on staring at the poor red-haired guy.

"Look, just stare at him like a predator stares its prey doesn't actually help," commented Harold while touching his brother's forehead and giggling when he saw that Markus was too focused to hear him. "Compensation." Markus just said one word to the stunned red-haired guy who was paralyzed by fear. "C-compensation? What do you mean?" the voice of the red-haired guy became weak while he spoke to Markus he didn't dare to look directly at his eyes because he was too scary! "What he means is that you need to compensate him, you just dropped his food you know?" said Alexandra with a happy smile looking at her brother, Kevin was too much focused on writing on a paper sheet to when he said: "Just take him on a date or something like that. Or maybe you can give him food and he will calm down."

The red-haired guy took an apple from his lunch, the last one he had, and put it on Markus' hand when he blinked the apple was already in his mouth and gone. "Huh... What do I do now?" asked him, looked concerned because Markus was still staring at him. "You don't need to think about it, just come to eat lunch with us every single day and you will live. Easy right~?" said Alexandra with a teasing smile on her face. The guy gulped and nodded his head, eating what he had left of lunch. Markus smiled, he finally found a good servant.


"Supreme one, what the one sir told us to observe is acting strangely." a Noble rank demon appeared behind Byron when he was looking at a high screen that showed the whole Tartarus Archipelago, Byron sighed and got up from his throne and teleported away. The target that he was following was a mutant, this mutant is Jean Grey, Byron used some spies to observe her because of the thing inside her that has a large amount of Cosmic Energy, Light, and Dark matter too... Byron reappeared mid-air on top the X-Mansion, he felt a huge wave of Cosmic Energy coming from the mansion. The ceiling is the mansion exploded half of the mansion was destroyed by the cosmic energy. Byron used his [Void Rune] to destroyed parts of the ceiling that attacked him, he then felt someone trying to enter his head.

With a simple thought, Byron's [Mind Rune] activated, and the link between the one who was trying to read his mind and him broke completely and damaged the one who was trying to enter his head. Byron felt the cosmic energy around him, when he touched it he received information:


[Chaotic Cosmic Energy Detected... Analyzing energy... Analyzed.]

[Children of the Universe detected!]

[Phoenix, one of the children of the universe, the flame of destruction and life. 50% of being corrupted by humans' emotions and become Evil.]

[Abilities are: {Destroy}, {Create}, {Flame}]

[Destroy: Destroy things using Cosmic energy, if the target is stronger than the user, then nothing will happen]

[Create: Creates molecules using Cosmic Energy, capable of generating life if enough Cosmic Energy is used.]

[Flame: Creates a flame 100× hotter than the sun even without oxygen around, just using Cosmic Energy.]


Byron gasped, this was exactly what he wanted to do! He needs to know how the heck this Phoenix can do this! He saw a red-haired girl floating mid-air while everything around was getting destroyed. "Hum... Chaos. That's something I like, but I need this girl alive so I can speak with the flaming chicken inside her." commented Byron while walking forward, he felt the eyes of others around him staring at his back. From his back, his pair of black bat-like wings popped out instantly. His horns grew from his forehead, and his tail with a blade-like claw attached to it from his lower back appeared tearing up his flesh a little bit. From his body, a huge amount of Cosmic Energy was released, decreasing the pressure around.

"Who are you!?" shouted a guy with red glasses, Byron ignored him and walked forward the Jean Grey who attacked him throwing several bricks and other things with her Telekinesis... She seemed scared. Byron sighed, she reminded him of his children a little bit, so Byron decided to take a little easier on her. "Voidus." when his voice echoed around, a black sphere appeared in front of Byron who continued to speak: "Gravitius Concentratus, Black Hole." the initial black sphere expanded, sucking everything around him but strangely enough not him. The things that were thrown towards Byron were destroyed by the black hole he created using [Void Rune] and [Gravity Rune] with a little bit of Cosmic Energy to stabilize the black hole and not destroy the whole Earth.

Byron continued to walk forward, the girl continued to panic, from her hand a beam of hot orange-black flames went towards Byron, who sighed when felt the huge amount of Cosmic Energy she was using. If she continues to use it she will faint. Byron gathered Rune Energy and used [Barrier Rune], [Void Rune], and [Repel Rune] to create a barrier that repels and dissipates the dark energy and absorbs the orange flame, and like that Byron resisted the attack of the Phoenix. Jean continued to attack Byron in her panic and felt weaker and weaker at every second she used the beam attack, that was when she fainted. Her body fell down and was going to hit the ground at a good speed when Byron teleported to her and carried her body.

He looked at the baldie man in a wheelchair, at the white-haired dark-skinned woman, and at the black-haired man with metallic claws coming out of his hand and said: "I want to know exactly what happened here." His voice was heavy, how could such as bear so much pain? Charles Xavier sighed and said: "Please follow me, sir." Byron flapped his wings and instantly appeared beside the baldie who brought Byron to inside the mansion, where his room that was surprisingly intact and started to explain. He said how Jean killed her mother in a car accident and it was traumatic to her and made her lose control over her powers, so to keep her safe he locked her memories away. "Let me get this straight, you locked her memories, without knowing that she has a fucking cosmic entity inside her right now!?"

Byron sighed to calm himself down a little bit, he got up and went to get Jean Grey. "I'm going to take her, I can't trust you on helping her." When he said that, the same red glasses guy appeared and said: "You can't take Jean away! She needs our help." Byron sighed and snapped his fingers, Scott instantly fell down on the ground paralyzed. Byron walked forward and went to the room where Jean Grey was, there Ororo something because the author doesn't remember her name, was beside Jean who was in the bed. "What are you doing?" she asked with concern on her voice, Byron simply opened a portal and brought Jean with him, teleporting away. Ororo just staid there, paralyzed by the sudden change.

"Professor, he..." Ororo looked back at the room's entrance and saw Charles, who shook his head and said: "He will come back later, I know it." Ororo nodded reluctantly her head. Byron appeared on the Father Island medical part, where he put the red-haired Jean Grey in the bed and teleported back to the X-Mansion. "That was... Rather quick," said Ororo while looked at where Byron reappeared, he looked at her and said: "Now she is with me, you won't see her again. Unless she wants to." Byron just came back to say it, a warning. Charles sighed, the damage he received when he tried to enter Byron's mind was enormous. Byron reappeared next to Jean Grey again and sat there, waiting for her to wake up and explain to her what happened and maybe... She will like one of his children.

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