
10: Fruits


Byron was teleporting to New York, where he would create his own company when his surroundings simply shattered like glass and he found himself inside another dimension. "Ho... That's the mirror world? That's cool I guess but is not very resistant." after saying it, he smiles and says: "Baraku Siderius." the whole dimension started to break and he returned to the normal world, a woman wearing orange robes appeared behind him, she had a gloomy expression while observing Byron. Byron said: "Roomis Demensionis Cretatus." using [Room Rune], [Dimension Rune], and [Create Rune], Byron made a temporary dimension where he could control freely. The bald woman gasped for a second before returning her expression to normal, Byron looked around and saw that the dimension he created was completely punched black, he bowed to the woman and said: "I'm sorry madam for such impoliteness."

Byron started to draw several runes with both hands, the first runes created four hands. Each hand was made out of a different element. Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. The four hands started to draw runes too, the ground turned white, two chairs appeared, a table, a teapot, and two Japanese teacups. Byron said: "Please, take a seat and let's talk. I do not like to use violence." The woman seemed to be cautious of what Byron would do, but she sat down on the chair while Byron asked: "Tea? Coffee? Water? Blood?" she ignored the last part and said quickly: "Tea, please." Byron nodded his head and from his teapot, green tea was served for her. "So, miss mage, care to explain why were you peeking at me? I know I'm hot, but k don't like stalkers." The woman seemed unaffected by Byron's teasing and said: "I'm sorry that I made you uncomfortable, Mister Byron." Byron smiled and said: "Such fine woman knows my name and I don't know yours... Isn't that a bit rude?"

The woman glared at him and said: "My name does not matter anymore, but I'm called The Ancient One." Byron sniffed the air and looked at her, saying: "I smell darkness inside you, don't tell me that you are a Warlock that worships an all-powerful dark entity? You know life isn't D&D." The Ancient One glared at Byron and said: "Interesting, I already knew you know the future, but I can't see from your eyes... It's like you are blocking me." The comment didn't escape Byron's ear, he smiled and said: "You know, madam, not only you can manipulate time." After saying it, from his fingertip, a shining green light appeared and Byron drew the [Time Rune]. The Ancient One glared at him with a surprised expression... She sighed and said: "I guess I should return home and meditate more, im sorry for leaving to early but I need to check the future again."

Byron nodded his head and a portal appeared inside the dimension before she left, however, Byron smiled and said: "Do not interfere with my children." The Ancient One nodded her head and disappeared after, Byron smiled and looked at his status:



[Name: Byron (SN)]

[Race: Divine Demon (Emperor Level)]

[Special Traits: {Unbreakable}, {Breath}, {Void}, {Emperor Authority}, {Emperor Might}, {Emperor Subordinates}]

[Magic Runer: Advanced: {Array Maker}, {Rune Singer}, {Enchanter}]

[Rune Mastered: [Fire Rune], [Water Rune], [Wind Rune], [Earth Rune], [Blade Rune], [Sharp Rune], [Void Rune], [Shield Rune], [Spin Rune], [Alarm Rune], [Barrier Rune], [Float Rune], [Smell Rune], [Sound Rune], [Reverse Rune], [Circle Rune], [Arrow Rune], [Deflect Rune], [Repel Rune], [Explosive Rune], [Small Rune], [Big Rune], [Condition Rune], [Vibration Rune], [Darkness Rune], [Light Rune], [Life Rune], [Metal Rune], [Ice Rune], [Lava Rune], [Contract Rune], [Seal Rune], [Thunder Rune], [Strengthen Rune], [Pillar Rune], [Wall Rune], [Slow Rune], [Fast Rune], [Pain Rune], [Bond Rune], [Fusion Rune], [Heat Rune], [Sphere Rune], [Sun Rune], [Moon Rune], [Illusion Rune], [Plant Rune], [Hard Rune], [Remote Rune], [Wave Rune], [Gravity Rune], [Soul Rune], [Down Rune], [Up Rune], [Backward Rune], [Forward Rune], [Stop Rune], [Room Rune], [Space Rune], [Control Rune], [Curse Rune], [Blood Rune], [Dimension Rune], [Create Rune], [Stabilize Rune], [Time Rune], [Expand Rune], [Divide Rune], [Multiply Rune], [Blessing Rune], [Beam Rune], [Remove Rune], [Radiation Rune].

[Runes Own: [Power Rune]

[Body Stats]

[Muscles Strength: 1,200]

[Body Flexibility: 1,200]

[Body Stamina: 1,200]

[Body Health: ∞]

[Soul Stats]

[Soul Strength: 1,050]

[Soul Defense: 1,015]

[Soul Energy: 1,050]

[Soul Purity: 1,100]


"I wasted all my MSP in the [Power Rune], I don't know how strong this will be when I master the rune..."

Byron walked around the streets of New York, he was searching for a good place to start his company. The company obviously is going to sell things and the things Byron will sell? Well, he is going to have a company to sell technology and a restaurant, this restaurant is going to be famous because Byron will cook himself, so he can create an image for himself in the public eyes he will only be a humble restaurant owner, and not the leader of a secret organization. Perfect plan, right? But first, he needs to have success, then he can open a restaurant and if someone's ask why did he open a restaurant he can say: "I just want my children to be happy, now that they are happy, I can finally take a break and do what I love! Cook." Byron had this plan while he was talking with The Ancient One.

He will use his technique using [Soul Rune] and [Control Rune] to control the mind and body of powerful company owners, so they will sell him some shares of their company! "Hahaha, that's a good plan, right?" asked Byron while looking at his children, Alexandra had to leave the Germanic army because she had an "accident" that was obviously intentional, Hydra members tried to kill her when they discovered that she was a spy, It seems they have a special member that can read memories and he read Alexandra's memories, she was fast enough to kick him out before he read her memories about Byron and her brothers but sadly they discovered that she was a spy. Markus, however, was teleported by Byron so they could talk to each other and give their opinions. Harold was also there but his servant was outside the room, only his brother, sister, and father were inside the room now.

"Well, your public image will be pretty good, and also a good excuse. I also discovered something called the Red Room, it seems that they train girls to be assassins and spies. We need to be careful with females, maybe some males but females are the main force." Alexandra was sharing her information with Byron while Harold and Markus were thinking about what she just said... "Harold, I want you to go and infiltrate in a gang and become the leader. I want you to have control over drugs, it will help us later... Maybe I should create new drugs... I had a crazy idea. I'm gonna try it later, I hope it works, if yes... Then we are going to get to the top easily." Markus and Harold were curious about what Byron was going to do, but Alex's next words stopped them from asking: "Father, I ask permission to create an organization myself." Byron smiled, he said: "I already knew you were going to ask this, so yeah, you can create your own organization. Go around, search for talents and make then your subordinates. I want you to be information specialized organization."

Alexandra smiled and nodded, Byron pointed towards the door and she left with a short bow. "Now, Markus I want you to be careful with Steve Rogers, observe his movements and report for me later. Harold, you already have your mission, take my daughter-in-law with you." both nodded and left the room, Byron looked at the window and smiled. He teleported back to his base in Germany, he was going to create magic items. His idea was the following: Enchant a seed with a rune and grow it, will the plant grow or will the plant die? Byron tried his theory, he enchanted a seed with [Fire Rune] and planted it, later he used [Plant Rune] with [Life Rune] to make the seed grow faster! He was still searching for the best method of cultivating, he could accelerate the seed itself using [Time Rune], [Fast Rune], and [Forward Rune] but the fruit would just grow faster if he used [Life Rune] and [Plant Rune], the final result would be full of life!

"It worked..." murmured Byron while observing the final result! A normal apple tree, but the apples were on fire infinitely without burning! Byron touched the apple and the only thing he felt was a warm sensation in his body, he took a bit from the apple and his whole body was felt warm inside... He noticed that his temperature increased after he ate that apple. "I will call it Warming Apple for now." Byron collected the seed of the Warming apple, the seeds were red and on flames too. "Let's try other things..." Byron continued to try several combinations of runes, he then found that some runes couldn't be used because the seed was too weak to hold the power of the rune. "Well, the final results are Warming Apple, Freezing Banana, Paralyzing Peach, Lava Watermelon, Illusional Strawberry, Blood Grapefruit, and last but not least Wind Starfruit. The effects are very amazing!"

Freezing Banana is the result of [Ice Rune] plus a banana seed, it has the opposite of the Warming Apple, it makes your body colder. Paralyzing Peach is the result of [Thunder Rune] together with a peach seed, the effects are pretty much interesting, it paralyzes the body of those who eat it for ten minutes. Lava Watermelon is the result of [Lava Rune] and watermelon seed, the effects of this fruit is melting! Literally, it melts your insides after 10 minutes, the only thing that Byron found that stopped the effect of the Lava Watermelon is the Freezing Banana, it stops the effect of the Lava Watermelon instantly! Illusional Strawberry is the result of the [Illusion Rune] with a strawberry seed, the effects of this fruit are having a random illusion. Blood Grapefruit is the fusion of [Blood Rune] with grapefruit seed, the effects of this fruit are the stimulus of blood production! And Wind Starfruit, the result of [Wind Rune] together with a starfruit seed, the effects of this fruit is pretty interesting...

It makes your lungs full of air, no matter if you are breathing or no. It makes you breathe! This was the start of his plan to create a new drug that only his organization would sell, together with medicines and other things!

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