
06: Kids

When the trio woke up, they were in different rooms, they felt rather tired... When they tried to move their bodies, they noticed... They had new members. Each of them had a pair of bat-like wings, a pair of tiny horns in their foreheads too... And the tails, each one had a bull-like tail. Byron heard three screams at the same time, he smiled and thought: "Do they noticed huh..." the three new doors of his house open with a bang, revealing the three demon kids behind. "What you did to me!?" shouted Alexandra, "This is so cool!" said Harold, "What the fuck is this!?" asked Markus... Byron, however, just looked at them and said with his deep voice: "Shut up." their bodies instantly stiffened and they couldn't move...

"You accepted be my subordinates, congratulations you are now a King Rank demon." the kids seemed stunned to the revelation, Byron continued to do what he was doing that is basically creating an enchanted bow that shot wind arrows... He also tried to add [Void Rune] to the bow, but it didn't work well... The bow simply turned into black ashes. "What was that!? So cool!" Harold was excited with everything he saw, Alexandra was curious but also cautious, Markus was just staring at Byron with a stoic expression. "Now, I guess I should start explaining to you three what I want to do... In one word: Organization." Markus, for the first time, looked at Byron with a confused expression while Alexandra asked: "Organization?" Byron nodded his head and opened the door, leaving the house. The trio followed him with curiosity, they saw a beautiful scenario! A blue huge lake beside the house, trees, and animals lying around the ground...

Byron started to write some runes on the ground while explaining to them: "I intend to create an organization. An organization that will run around the entire world, looking for talents or anything else I want. I will be the master of the organization, The Emperor, you three will be my kings, and I will name this organization... Tartarus." The explanation was good, but they didn't know how the hell they would create an organization! A secret organization is cool and all but, what would their organization do exactly? "If you are wondering what our organization will do, I assure you that it will be something easy. Assassination, Espionage, Kidnapping, and other stuff. We will also infiltrate inside other organizations and governs." Byron is at ease because once his subordinates share the same blood as his, they will not betray him. Never.

"So... How would we do this?" asked Alexandra, Byron smiled and said: "Simple, I will have you all first prepared to war. We will infiltrate in the American and Germany army. As soldiers, you should be able to do that easily, climb your way to higher ranks, and in the end, control the army. In the worst-case scenario, you would need to flee and abandon the army." Markus smiled a little and asked: "So, what would YOU do?" Byron smiled more and said: "Well, I will do what I do best, search for talent." After Byron said it, the runes he drew on the ground started to shine with different colors and create a floating humanoid made of earth. "This will be your fighting dummy, N.01, start." After Byron said it, the golem seemed to be alive, moving its limbs it started to walk forward and stopped before Byron.

"Combat Mode, Close Combat, Martial Arts attack." At each word, Byron said, the golem moved its body and started to attack Byro. who dodged each attack and attacked back with his fists and kicks. Byron destroyed the golem with a punch, but the golem regenerated and returned back to normal, but stopped after Byron destroyed it. "You can adjust the difficulty level, you two," he said pointing towards Markus and Harold "Will train with N01 and N02 every day until you master all the martial arts. And you..." he said looking at Alexandra: "Will train you aim with me." They seemed confused but after a week of training, they finally started to improve. Markus discovered his {Void} ability later when he destroyed N01, Byron had to explain to them each ability to them he also showed that he could do the same as them. They became excited, who doesn't want to have power? Harold started to act like the child he is, so Markus had to beat him up a little bit to make him shut the fuck up...

They treated each other as siblings and Byron with the same respect a father would receive. A routine was created, Byron would exercise with the kids every day at morning, Markus and Harold would train with N01 and N02 fighting styles and Martial Arts while Byron trained Alexandra. Alexandra's training was very simple, Byron simply used [Float Rune], [Wind Rune], [Fast Rune], and [Earth Rune]. He would first create a stone disc and use [Float Rune] to make it float, use [Wind Rune] to control it around and use [Fast Rune] to make it fly around faster. Alexandra would have to hit and destroyed every 100 discs, throwing at them rocks, sticks, or anything she could. The objective was to train her aim, so she couldn't fly towards the discs and destroy it with her hands. Byron also trained them on flying combat, it was hard to teach them how to fly at first... But later they got the hold of it and sometimes they even race around.

Byron just made them be careful with humans, he doesn't want to be exposed to the world... Now. Byron also asked what weapon they wanted and show his weapon, the Almighty Stick... They laughed when he said his weapon was a stick, but he showed them what he could do with it... With only a swing of his stick, half of the trees were cut clean. Byron had to use [Life Rune] to regenerate the trees. Since then, they started to think about what kind of special weapon they wanted, Alexandra wanted a double ranged weapon, Harold wanted two swords and Markus opted to the sword and gun. Byron made a note to himself to create those weapons later... Now it's been six months since he started to train them. Byron observed their new appearance... They became King Rank demons, their appearance changed. They became adults.

Markus still has his blond hair, his green eyes still beautiful as ever. He has three new scars in his body that are in his back when he was attacked by N01, a scar on his left leg when he dropped from the sky when he was learning how to fly, and the third one is in his chest when he attacked Byron by surprise to test his strength and Byron used his stick to attack him, making the new scar. Markus is now 1,90 centimeters high, and more muscular than his 16 years old self, he is now 17 years old and looks like a 20 years old guy. He started to like training, he does it all time because he still can't control properly his {Void} ability... He destroyed the house ten times now accidentally creating a void hole...

Harold also grew up, his body became more muscular and flexible because of the martial arts he practiced. He likes to punch now and ask later, he is a muscle head... He has an unbelievable will when it comes towards fighting, Byron sighs every time he sees Harold with broken ribs still fighting against N02 in Divine Difficulty... But because all the besting he received, his regenerative power became stronger, almost like Alex with her {Breath} ability. Byron also trained him in tracking and espionage, also acting. Harold can use his brain, but he doesn't like to use it all the time because he says that it is tiring... Harold's appearance changed to better, he is not so muscular as Byron and Markus but he is muscular too, he is 1,80 centimeters high.

Alexandra is the beauty of the group, well all the boys of the group are handsome and muscular but she is delicate and dangerous at the same time! Her body isn't muscular, she said it would make her look ugly... Markus and Harold have strong muscles, but if you compare the leg strength between the three of them, Alex would win easily. She can jump higher than 20 meters, she can run faster than a Cheeta and can also kick! Her kicks are scary... Alex only knows Leg based martial arts, she uses her arms to shot only. With her beautiful long black hair and blue eyes, 1,70 centimeters high and incredibly beautiful face, she is the most beautiful woman!

All of them know how to use Ki because when Byron was training to feel magic power he found out about Ki and started to teach the kids. Byron found some useful things that Ki can do, he can only write runes with his magic power that is unique to him, he knows it because he tried to teach the kids how to write a rune but failed miserably. Today Byron will make them kill their first human being, they will fight against the same group of thugs that killed the other kids before... This will teach some things because Byron asked them to not kill them instantly but fight with normal human strength. This will be hard because Byron never user normal human strength against them when sparing, he always punched really hard! He almost killed them several times...

"Anyway, I want you to return here each one of you with a head in hands. Go." Byron clapped his hands and they disappeared in the night sky. Byron smiled a little bit and murmured to himself: "I guess it's time... Markus will go to the American army while Alexandra will go to the Germanic army. I think I should start to create those things..."

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