
01: Demon...?

Byron died. Yeah, cliche right? Everyone dies! But he died very mysteriously... He was walking around in the streets of New York when a bright light shone upon New York, he heard several people screaming with pain... and then he lost consciousness. That's all he remembers because now he is 5 years old. Yeah, he only remembers that he died and now he is 5 years old... He has all his memories from the past life, but he can't remember his hobbies, the movies he watched, animes... comics, novels... Nothing. That is pretty strange! But the strangest thing is the floating screen in front of him now... Let me tell what is write on it:


[Rune Magic System]

[Elementals] [Utility] [Special]

[Initial Pack: Four Elemental Runes + 1 Random Neutral Rune]


Byron is pretty much confused. He has the intellect of an adult in a kid's body, and now this! He curiously touched the [Starter Pack] and the screen started to become brother and brighter until it was shining bright like a diamond [Author is coughing now], after some second the screen stopped and this appeared:


[Congratulations, you got:]

[Elemental Runes: Fire Rune, Water Rune, Wind Rune, Earth Rune]

[Utility Rune: Blade Rune]


"Eh...?" Byron felt a headache and suddenly information was on his brain, he learned how to draw 5 runes... Byron stretched his finger forward a blue light shone on his finger, slowly he drew a faint blue symbol in the air, the runes were pretty quick and easy to draw. After he finished his drawing, a strong wind started inside the room he was in! It broke the window and even made Byron fall in the ground. It was good that he chose Wind... What would happen if he had chosen Fire? Just the thought made Byron fear what could happen. Thinking back now... It seems that he made the rune wrong. Knocking sounds came from the door of the room and Byron could only sit on the bed before an old lady entered the room and gasped seeing the broken window.

She looked at Byron and her shocked expression changed to an angry one. Before he could explain himself, she slapped him an he could only fall down in the ground with pain. Before he could ask why she slapped him she shouted: "You did it again! You monster! Why can't you be normal? If you were normal, our lives would be much better!" Byron was confused at first, but them memories entered his mind that was not his own... He saw his kid body, the kid, however, was screaming a while his screams echoed around, cracks appeared in the ground and walls... Byron then was angry, he saw this woman and another man shouting at the original owner of the body, saying that it was his fault that everyone saw their family as an exquisite and dangerous family...

It seemed like he was adopted two years ago by this family when his parents died, they had an eight years old son before but after the original body owner was adopted, the boy died mysteriously... Byron saw in his memories that the eight years old boy was bullying the original owner when he started to cry and then the older boy simply stopped existing, turned into dust, disappeared! Byron was pretty surprised to see that... He looked at the woman in front of him and thought: 'I never was, am, or will be a hero... So I may just as well be a villain!' Byron really wanted to do something about her, but now he couldn't. Why? He just tried to construct his first rune and he was already tired! He looked at the ground and didn't say anything, the woman left while mumbling about him, Byron however, ignored her and focused on the scream in front of his eyes that was shining again!



[You Unlocked an Achievement: First Rune]

[You got 5 Magic System Point]

[You Unlocked an Achievement: First Time Using Wind Magic]

[You Got 5 Magic System Point]


Curiosity was stronger than his anger before, so Byron just clicked the screen... TL;DR: He can unlock more runes using MSP, or Magic System Points, he can receive MSP by Mastering runes, unlocking achievements, or creating runes. To master a rune, he has to use it continuously until his soul can use it perfectly. Achievements are just what you saw earlier, doing something for the first time, or several times can unlock an achievement. Byron also has other pages: [Status Page] and [Runes Page]. In rune page, he only has fire, water, wind, earth and blade runes. Status... Is easier to show:



[Name: Byron (SN): Soul Name]

[Magic Runer: Apprentice]

[Body Stats... Analyzing... 100%]

[Muscles Strength: 4]

[Body Flexibility: 6]

[Body Stamina: 5]

[Body Health: 2]

[Soul Stats... Analyzing... 100%]

[Soul Strength: 20]

[Soul Defense: 20]

[Soul Energy: 20]

[Soul Purity: 100]


Byron didn't know the normal standards for normal humans, but his soul was very pure, energetic, and powerful. His body, however, seemed to be in a very bad condition... Byron noticed that it was his body that was tired, his body can't handle him using magic freely. Byron then decided to first have his body healthy, and then have revenge over his "parents", and maybe... just maybe kill everyone that made the original suffering worse. He took away the body, so this is the only thing he can do as a "thank you for giving me your body" or something like that. "Maybe there's a rune that can help me with it...?" thought Byron while clicking on the [Utilities] category, there were several useful runes, like [Wall Rune], [Spin Rune], [Big Rune], [Small Rune] and others...

After searching, Byron found the [Strengthen Rune], depending on how he uses it, he can possibly make his body stronger... Byron looked at his little 10 MSP and at the price if the rune... 10 MSP too, without thinking twice about it, he bought the rune. Instantly he felt a headache and the rune was marked inside his head! Byron, lying on the bed, frowned and instantly started to sleep... When he woke up the next day, he felt pain in his right arm. When he looked at his arm he saw that he was trapped. He looked around, but it too dark to actually see something! He tried to move his feet and saw that he was trapped in a chain, like a prisoner. He then started to hear the same woman saying: "Please Priest, I'm sure that the kid has a demon inside him!" Byron was stunned when he heard it, it was not only the same woman that slapped him earlier but also the man in his memories together with a lot of people from the small village he was in.

Byron heard the priest saying something about checking him out and sighed, he needed to turn the tables... How? Lying. He heard the priest walking down, it seemed that he was in the basement. He felt a flashlight in his face, his eyes were shut and he acted like he just woke up and looked at the priest, making himself seem confused. "What... happened? Where am I? Who are you? Why I am here? What are you going to do with me? Please don't hurt me anymore!" While acting like a scared child, he tried to make the priest think that it was the parents who were doing something to him and not him being a "demon"... The priest, however, didn't change his expression and just observed him while asking: " What is your name?" Byron instantly froze, but he still remembers the kid's name: "Marty..." It was indeed the kid's name, but Byron was not sure if the parents said that it was his real name, there's a possibility that it happened.

Byron was asked some questions, he also acted his role as a kid and asked the priest to take him away, that he was scared, and other things... But the priest, in the end, left him there. Byron tried to hear what they were talking about and he heard: "It seems like there is something strange about him, you two said that he would always stay quiet? You two really needed to trap him there using chains?" Byron heard a heated discussion between the priest and the parents and other voices from men and women as well... sayings that he was indeed a demon and needed to be purified or something like that. What more, it seems that they are speaking Germanic. Byron didn't notice it until now that the priest spoke in English with a person, Byron knew how to speak English, Germanic, Portuguese, Spanish, and Japanese in his past life.

Byron pretty much guessed what was going to happen... An Exorcism, with him as the exorcised target. Byron wanted to laugh, he never saw such a stupid thing in his life, but he did not laugh. It will happen tomorrow, normally the priest would need to ask formally for an Exorcism to proceed, but he seems that the villagers pressured him so much that he could only accept to do tomorrow. Knowing it, Byron needed to think of a plan... He looked at his System Screen and started to read about the runes he has... Then he had a plan to escape that place and kill them, Byron doesn't know why, but the thought of killing someone doesn't disgust him... It is natural to him.

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