

"Wait what? Didn't I always call you Seb?" She wasn't really understanding what was so unfair with calling him Seb. Considering the fact that she used to call him boss or Mr Stewart, Seb actually sounded very intimate. But little did Ellie know that it wasn't enough for him.

"Yes you did but that was before—" Pointing towards himself and then Ellie, he continued, "We happened, now things are not only different but everything has changed."

Not understanding what he was trying to say, Ellie helplessly shook her head and focused on petting Boji. 

Being completely ignored after stating a very serious issue, he started grumbling, "Are you trying to ignore me? So you are willing to call Boji with cute nicknames but not me?" When she did not say anything, he gasped, "You love Boji more than me."

Helpless shaking her head, she sighed, "And here I thought that I was dating a mature man, what happened to my sensible Sebastian? What did you do with the mature Seb?" 

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