
Quinn Vs Immortui (Part 7)

The system error screens, they wouldn't stop pinging, and for some reason everytime a message would come up, a great shock would be sent into his body. It felt like he was being stabbed all over at once, what was worse, the pain, it felt the same as when he was human. 

As a vampire, his vampire self, it almost was as if his injuries were relatively dulled. A simple cut wouldn't hurt as much, allowing him to continue on fighting. Even with serious wounds, Quinn would be able to continue battling, but if he felt this type of pain while out on the battlefield, he didn't think he would even be able to move if he wished.

'What is going on? Why is the system going crazy, and why the heck is it affecting my body, is this something to do with Immortui?' 

Before he knew it, blood was trickling out of Quinn's mouth. It was foaming up and spilling to the sides. To the point where even Immortui thought that something was strange.

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