
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


That was a nice pep talk from his great ancestor, Ray, er Sen.


nes lol


Guess I have to read my dragon System now… if no one knows the dragon ray in the tablet I’m Assuming given his name is the same in that book as well

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At the time that Ray helped conceive his child, he was back to nearly 99% dragon, but obviously was still able to have a child with a human. His strength developed from trials, much like Quinn. However, Ray had it far easier... Ray got new abilities each time he saved a human. Quinn has saved far more people in his short life than Ray did, but has only progressed so far and is limited to a single ability along with his vampire powers. It is nice for Ray to tell him that if he grows into his potential he could overpower the Dalki and more... but, without showing him a way to do so... it doesn't help much. However, the quest was to discover more about the Talen Family. Since Quinn now knows his ancestry, that should complete that quest... So, Quest Reward Time? Please?


I wonder if his vampire side will effect his next evolution, like a hybrid of some kind. I know Ray grew scales when he evolved, will Quinn?


Well that was better then I thought I was afraid he would go through his whole life story. Like the pun at the end of the chapter it was nice. I wonder if the system is related to whoever wanted Ray to help humans it seems to have knowledge even Eno wouldn't know plus we know Ray is from my dragon system. Maybe the equivalent exchange ability comes from whoever gave Ray his system and they hijacked Quinn's Vampire system. I am looking forward to Quinn growing stronger but what his next evolution will be makes me wonder. As call as it would to see a dragon vampire hybrid Quinn hasn't shown anything of his dragon side so would feel it would come out of no where when he has been a vampire from the start. His Talen blood just hasn't seem to give him any benefits since the start.



Still nothing important, atleast we know Quin maybe possibly become as strong as sen


Bliss will teach him magic ANd become the first mage draconic Vampire.


Ah yes, Quinn's three grandpas in one place. Put these old men together, give them some drinks, have them tease Quinn about his poor love life and you get MVS: Christmas Edition


"New Ray of hope" ha ha ha! that's awesome 😎


Evolution beyond Vampire Lord and an encounter with Bliss could unlock the sleeping potential inside his draconian blood, turning him into a Daconic Vampire Overlord of Shadows the new Supreme being in this universe


you keep writing this fire story and I'm never going to need a new book lol


a pretty wholesome chapter thank you for the cameo jks. gagaga


love that quinn and Sen got to talk and the old dragon helped his grandson


“A new ray of hope”….Nice Jack!


Oh yes if you haven't read MDS .you are completely lost its a good read too and will enlighten you on what you just read so where is Bliss or has she already appeared just as someone else staying out of it but staying close so she could monitor everything and only reveal herself in the case of an emergency does Bliss even age can she die can't remember if she was immortal Sen was defeated by her so she is basically God like in abilities and strength she is the creator of the system giving it to Ray when she reincarnated Sen into a human and was born by the Original Talen family were they chosen because their bloodline was special what was Bliss's reason for choosing Ray parents to have Ray they were both strong and helped fight the shadowplague and his father was infected by the Shadowplague and Ray had to unfortunately kill his own father in the end and his mother was the key to making a weapon that could wipe out cities that was in the hands of Ray's enemy in MDS a tyrant type that wanted to rule over everything and had used the weapon by taking Ray's Mother who had invented the weapon .before Ray's birth then hid it and fled far away then got pregnant had Ray and tried to live a normal life but she was a Wizard of sorts so the kingdom she lived in would ask her to help fend off the growing shadowplague as well as his father he got infected fighting against it but Ray evolved and destroyed the weapon and the shadowplague and saved a lot of lives he had the strength to have 1,000 abilities or skills but to unlock them in his dragon system he had to save human lives and he figured it out that for every human life he saved he was granted the use of one of his abilities it started when he was young he saved a girl and her brother from certain death and had received his first system quest and reward for finishing the quest unlocking 2 abilities and the system showing 2-1000 so every life he saved granted him another ability eventually evolving and getting stronger and the quests getting harder and harder more lives were being saved so his abilities would come in bunches when he would show up and save different groups becoming so strong he could wipe out whole civilizations by himself but when he saved his 1,000 life he transcended becoming the Tablet itself he had the chance to become the great red dragon Sen again but stayed in his Dragon human hybrid form and held back from saving the last life for a long time for fear of what would happen he married Slyvia who must've been the Vampire side of his cause they had a son then Ray came to a situation that if he intervened he would save his 1,000 life and decided it was time and saved the persons life and basically disintegrated into a thousand pieces and just disappeared so there wasn't anymore after that the book came to an end My Dragon System is a enlightening and hole filling read for anyone who has read this novel it answers a lot of questions but leaves a lot to be figured out in the process I've spoiled enough already so I'm just glad we are tying up a couple of loose ends connecting the two novels MWS is the middle novel happening a few hundred years before humans started getting and learning abilities but that was Eno's doing with his ability to use the Tablet to transfer an ability to someone or possibly It was with Bliss's help


I like how he said she should still be prancing around out there. 🤣🤣🤣 A Ray of Hope


It would be cool to see how Quinn's Dragon/Talen Blood will effect his next evolution, maybe he'll be able to have multiple Abilities like Ray did in the past or maybe he'll develope some Draconic feature like Ray did after he evolved a few times. I wonder what will happen when Quinn and Bliss finally meet especially if she informs him about the Shadow Crystal that she left with Bryce and also would be interesting to see if she and Eno have any history as well being as he's been around for quite some time.


New "Ray" of hope. I see what you did there!