
Turn the tide

The first group of citizens led by the co-founder Linda had entered through the teleporter. Many of them were visibly nervous and unaware of what was really going on. Linda had only told them a few details, that this was a place where they could stay while the Sunshields were attacking.

At the same time, she was also brutally honest to them all. There was a chance that they might not be able to return back to the Crow's base or the planet at all. Many of them trusted her and the Crows, they knew that they were fighting for their home, so they couldn't complain and went through the teleporter.

However, Even Linda was a bit nervous about where they were about to go, even she hadn't seen what the spaceship was like. Stepping through the teleporter, they had entered a large empty room and waiting for them was Peter.

The group were still nervous and bickering, twisting their heads around trying to get a sense of where exactly they were.

"Where are we?" One person asked.

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