
Development! I

The number of Fruits of Existence was limited- so Noah had to make sure he had another source when Mors Apokalypsis was over.

The Infinite Hyperversal Haven was the Prime candidate to produce the Fruits of Existence, but it wasn't the only one.

There was also Noah.

He held his Soul, and he held his Infinite Forge within it.

At this moment as his Aspects of Existence experienced the baptism and his heaviness just increased more and more, threads of their authority flowed into the Infinite Forge.

Over the next hours and days, would Noah be able to see the elevation of the Infinite Forge to a level where it may produce fragments of the Fruits of Existence?

On a longer time scale after he bathed in an uncountable number of Fruits of Existence, would he not be capable of producing them himself?!


His eyes burned with ambition as he allowed the authorities of the 100 Fruits of Existence to rage across his existence.

Next chapter