
An Absolute Seed of Extremity! VI

Through the single Realm Reconstruction he utilized on the Emperor Penguin, Noah increased his rate of Convergence in the Indefatigable Dynamis of Extremity while also opening a pathway for a second Absolute Dynamis of Extremity in the future.

This was the boon of Realm Reconstruction as even though he would not and should not alter his own Realm, altering the Realms of others and experiencing cycles of beginnings and ends aided him greatly towards his own path!

It meant many more experimentations were in order as when he rebuilt Origins, he could test different Essences and structures to act as the base as what if instead of 9 Planes correlating to the Natural Laws, what if he restructured an Origin to be made of Planes correlating to the 6 Fundamental Natural Laws? Or even combinations of different concepts of Extremity?

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