
Old Monsters From the Past Age! II

The journey would be long as there were multiple stops to make.

The Pure Blooded Domains of the 5 Cardinal Royal Bloodlines stretched out with the Main Reality at the center, where one would progressively find more and more clusters of Realities as well as Grotto Sanctums the closer they were to the Main Reality.

This would also be accompanied by increasingly powerful forces, especially in the Main Reality where the past Bloodline Rulers of the Pure-Blooded Cardinal Royal Bloodlines took positions as Representatives of their Bloodlines in the Primordial Alliance!

In the past Era, there was the Olden Alliance that contained Representatives of Ancient Bloodlines among many others. 

In this new Age and Era- there was the established Primordial Alliance that held the true power of the Primordials, with the past Bloodline Masters of Primordial Bloodlines being the Representatives who enjoyed great status in the Main Reality!

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