

An authority of TABOO was required as wondrously, Noah had such an authority even though he didn't have a TABOO concept!


Domineering arcs of light bellowed out as the TABOO Relic LETHE finally undulated with less light as Noah's authority bounded out, its glorious visage beginning to flow towards him as his hand beckoned towards it now with the authority of his Black Tier Ascendancy Halos that held the Authority of TABOO!

They were Halos that one could normally only achieve with the Flames of TABOO concepts, and Noah Infused his essence through them to command this Relic before his eyes as it moved behind him and went on to clasp onto his back!

Around this same moment in time.

Within a cluster of innumerable Realities.

The gaze of a LEGEND was a terrifying one to have directed at you, with it being silent most of the time as their concepts of TABOO acted in such a way to not cause a reaction with one's destiny!

Next chapter