

Ichigo was still too completely bewildered and couldn't speak or say anything as his mouth hung agape from his jaw. Everyone just blinked in confusion as Rukia curiously glanced at Kishin. "Uhhh...wait...you knew Ichigo?"

Kishin awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and nodded. "That's right, though this incident happened a while ago and wasn't really worth mentioning so I didn't say anything."

Rukia just gave him a suspicious stare. "Really...why do I get the feeling that you're hiding something?"

"Uhhh...am I?" He awkwardly scratched the side of his cheek. "Wait, senpai, now that I think about it...have you never seen Captain Shiba?"

Rukia gave him a strange look and cocked her head to the side confusedly. "Captain Shiba? Why're you bringing up his name now? I recall hearing his name, but as I didn't hold a very high rank back then there was never a reason for me to see him...or any of the other Captains aside from Captain Ukitake and Nii-sama for that matter. So...to answer your question. Then no, I guess I haven't actually ever met or seen Captain Shiba. But isn't he missing right now?"

Kukaku nearly choked on the tea she was sipping as she heard the entire conversation and automatically pieced together that Kishin and Isshin probably knew each other on a personal level.

"K-Kukaku-san? Are you okay?" Orihime chimed in concernedly.

Kukaku took a moment coughing and catching her breath before nodding her head. "I-I'm fine."

Ichigo finally regained his composure and stared suspiciously at Kishin. "You...how old are you anyways?"

Kishin pondered for a bit before answering, "Hmm...you know...I also wonder about that."

Everyone nearly fell on their side at his statement. This time Ichigo gave Kishin a look of disbelief. "You don't even know how old you are? Jeez...so you really are an old man."

"Hey, do I look like an old man to you?"

"Heh, well if you can't even remember how old you are wouldn't that mean you lived so long that you've lost count? Ha!" He then turned to Rukia and said, "Oi, Rukia. You should be careful not to fall for this guy's tricks. He's probably waaay older than he lets on."

Kukaku immediately held a palm to her mouth doing her best not to let out the laugh she was holding in whilst Rukia's face turned completely red from embarrassment and shame and anger at Ichigo's comment. Ichigo immediately felt that he said something weird so he awkwardly scratched the side of his cheek completely confused. "Ummm...what? Why are you guys so quiet all of a sudden?"

Finally Kukaku couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing. "Bahahahaha! Oi! Kid, it seems you really don't know anything about Shinigami! Man, Yoruichi should have taught you to think a bit before you say anything."

Ichigo just raised his eyebrow in more confusion. "Eh? What are you talking about Kukaku-san?"

It was Ganju who let out a sigh and shook his head as he explained, "Ichigo, you're really an idiot. Shinigami age differently than Humans. Even though you are a substitute Shinigami you know next to nothing about a Shinigami's livelihood. From what I've gathered after everything that has happened it's to my understanding that Rukia is about twice as old as Kishin is. If you thought you were clever by insulting Kishin for his age then you super insulted Rukia since by default she's older than-OW!" Ganju shouted at the end as Kukaku hit him on the head.

"S-Sis? W-W-Why did you hit me? I was only trying to explain the situation to Ichigo!"

Kukaku glared at him and shook her head. "Are you an idiot? Even if that's the case it remains a fact that you called Rukia-chan old in your explanation. How rude! I taught you better than to insult a woman. Especially with regards to their looks and age!"

Ganju gave a look as if he had been wronged whilst Ichigo widened his eyes in shock and understanding. He instantly regretted his words and felt completely awkward. He had only tried to make a joke and jabbing remark at Kishin to try and pay him back a bit for all the harsh suffering that he had to go through training under him, but it backfired in the end. "Uh...R-Rukia I-uh...Ahem! I didn't mean what I said. Haha...really…"

Rukia just huffed and crossed her arms regaining her graceful noble composure. "It's fine. I hope you understand a bit more about Shinigami now."

Though Ichigo still felt awkward, he decided it was unwise to try and continue apologizing so he just nodded his head obediently. Kishin smirked in amusement and snuck his hand beneath the table lacing his fingers with Rukia's. She glanced up at him in startlement but he just gave her a playful wink. Ichigo coughed to get everyone's attention again as he steered the conversation back to the topic they were on before. "Ahem. Sooo...Kishin, how do you know my old man anyways?"

Kishin took a sip of the tea that Ganju had served, taking a quick moment to think on how he should answer.

From the looks of it, Kukaku knows Ichigo's true identity. Most likely due to his appearance and because of Yoruichi. If she isn't saying anything then maybe I shouldn't reveal the truth so easily to him yet.

He set down the tea cup and then replied, "As a member of the 13th division we have the duty of overseeing Karakura Town and guiding souls from that place into the Soul Society. Call it a chance meeting if you will."

Ichigo narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "So...that's it? A chance meeting? Then why did you come visit the clinic?"

"You really want to know? I told you back at that time that I wasn't a patient remember? But that doesn't mean there wasn't a patient. Since I was overseeing Karakura Town at that time there was a civilian who was injured by a Hollow attack. I took care of it and visited the nearest medical center I could find which just happened to be your dad's clinic. After he ordered you to take care of your siblings I brought him to the injured man and he took care of him. After that I left."

Again Ichigo narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but he couldn't find a hint of a lie or hesitance in Kishin's answer and his story did make sense. Plus, as a kid his memory of that time was incredibly hazy so he didn't really remember what happened. With no other choice he simply nodded his head believing Kishin's lie. Kukaku on the other hand gave a curious look at Kishin since she knew that Ichigo's dad was actually a member of the Shiba Clan and furthermore, the last head of the Clan before its fall from status. They all remained for another hour before deciding to take their leave, all except Kishin as Kukaku had something to discuss with him.

Just as Rukia stepped outside the door to leave she paused and turned around standing face to face with Kishin. "Are you sure...you don't need me to stay?"

Kishin glanced at Kukaku seeing that the matter she wanted to talk about seemed serious so he turned back to Rukia and sighed. "Haaah...well, actually I want you to stay with me all the time…"

Rukia's expression that felt a bit reluctant to leave before, suddenly had a change of heart as she understood the hint in Kishin's undertone.

He...is going to say something extreme like wanting to tie me to a bed again so I don't get in any kind of trouble isn't he?

She pouted and crossed her arms at him. "Hmpf. Don't go having some weird thoughts again Kishin."

He just smirked and pecked her cheek before nodding his head. "I can't promise that I won't have weird thoughts like whatever you're thinking...but I won't tie you to a bed or something like that. Ahem...for now."

Rukia furrowed her brow before letting out a soft sigh and smiling in amusement at his typical Kishin-like answer. Kishin also let out a smile and lightly patted her head. "I'll be fine. I know I was the one who said that you were neglecting me for a week being with your brother and all held up inside the Kuchiki Manor, so I would like to spend more time with you, but it seems that Kukaku has something important to tell me."

Rukia nodded her head in understanding, but she also had an awkward look about her at the mention of her being holed up inside the Manor. Kishin took note and questioned, "Is something the matter?"

Rukia shifted a bit in place and scratched the side of her cheek. "Ahhh...well, I mean it's not that something is wrong per se...but...ahem. It seems that Nii-sama knows about you and I d-d-dating and...he uhhh, well he prefers it right now if I remain within the Kuchiki Manor."

Kishin clicked his tongue in annoyance but he nodded his head in understanding. "That's fine. Then that means I'll just have to visit the Manor more often."

"Ah! You visit the Manor? B-But Onii-sama and...wait, you and Onii-sama aren't going to fight or anything are you?"

"Haha, well I mean we already sorta did so probably not...but I'm not making any promises."

"O-Oi! T-"

"AHEM!" Kukaku coughed to interject as she was growing a bit impatient. She stared at the two of them and continued, "Can you both save your issues for another time?"

Rukia rubbed the back of her neck and quickly apologized for stalling. "Ah, sorry. I didn't mean t-"

Kukaku just waved her hand and interrupted again, "Alright alright I get it. You apologized enough about Kaien. Didn't I tell you that your apologies are too long winded?"

Rukia awkwardly coughed and nodded before deciding to finally excuse herself. "Ahem. Then I'll take my leave." She glanced at Kishin with an apologetic look to which he simply gave her an encouraging one. Not long after it was only Kukaku and Kishin left.

"So? You wanted to talk?" Kishin asked whilst staring in the distance where Rukia disappeared along with Ichigo and Orhime.

Kukaku crossed her arms and stood beside him nodding her head. "To think that all this time you were on close terms with our uncle. No wonder you know about that item."

Kishin had a look of indifference as he replied, "Seems Yoruichi informed you that I know about it."

"Yeah, she did, though she neglected to tell me how you found out. Turns out it was uncle Isshin. Man, to think he'd mouth off about something like that. Honestly he's too careless sometimes, just like randomly up and leaving his position and not saying anything to us beforehand."

"Well, that's just his style I guess. Since you mentioned that item then is that what you wanted to talk about?"

Kukaku narrowed her eyes deep in thought before letting out a drawn out sigh. "I just wanted to confirm hearing it from you that you indeed knew about the stolen item. I'm sure Yoruichi has already informed you not to go digging your nose in that stuff. It'll only bring you trouble."

Kishin closed his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. "I got it. I heard enough from Yoruichi. You Great Noble Clan members sure have a bunch of troublesome things to deal with."

"Cheh! You can say that again. No wonder uncle ran away from the position. That dolt."

"Ha, it's too bad you can't do the same. Ganju wouldn't be able to handle the position." He then gave a curious sideways glance in her direction and ventured to ask, "You...knew about Ichigo's birth didn't you? Is there a reason why you didn't say anything about you guys being family?"

Kukaku furrowed her brow and took out her pipe to smoke it. "Uncle didn't tell him about us and he even changed his last name to his wife's last name. He hasn't even sent a letter or any form of message to tell us that he's okay. I heard it all from Yoruichi. It seems that uncle really wishes to remain detached from us, the Clan, and the Soul Society. I'm just respecting his wishes. Besides, it's not my place to tell Ichigo of his birth."

"I see. So that's how it is huh? Well, I guess you have a point. You aren't angry at him?"

"Hm? Who? Uncle? Ha!" Kukaku's facial expression turned a bit solemn before turning frustrated to sadness, to pity. "I'm not mad at him. He had his own troubles, but I admit that a letter or some sort of message would have been nice before he disappeared. Rather than be angry at him, I rather pity him. Even if I lost my brother Kaien, I have at least a century's worth of memories with him. Uncle on the other hand fell in love with Masaki and even had three kids with her, but in the end the time he had to spend with her was too short. I can only imagine the pain that he felt and probably still feels at her death to this day."

"I see...but doesn't that make your feelings of loss greater? You had spent so much more time with Kaien. Doesn't that make the void you feel inside that much more empty?"

Kukaku blew a puff of smoke in Kishin's face before responding, "Oi, are you trying to make me feel worse on purpose? Anyways it's not that it makes the void feel less or more, it's just that we know what kind of job a Shinigami has. They could lose their lives against a Hollow at a moment's notice. It still hurts, but at the very least we carry that knowledge with us and we're more prepared for that eventuality. Masaki on the other hand wasn't supposed to fight Hollows so the probability of her dying to a Hollow is drastically reduced. I'm sure Isshin was less prepared for her death. Especially with having his kids around."

Kishin furrowed his brow at the mention of Masaki's death once more. "Hey, Kukaku. Do you happen to know how Masaki died? You knew she was a Quincy didn't you?"

"Yeah. Of course I knew that. Yoruichi and I share a lot of information with each other."

"I see. Then...how exactly did she die? Her reiatsu was pretty substantial. She'd be more than a match against a Lieutenant class Shinigami. I can't see her dying to some Hollow that appeared in Karakura Town unless it was of the Menos class."

Kukaku's expression immediately became serious as she responded, "I heard about it from Yoruichi and she told me what Urahara discovered."

"Oh? And what's that?" Kishin curiously asked, noting the hesitant and anxious look on Kukaku's face.

Kukaku took another puff of her pipe before answering with a question. "What do you know about Quincys?"

"Eh? Quincys? Well, not much I suppose. They're Humans who have the ability to manipulate reishi and were nearly all wiped out about 200 years ago. Mayuri sure did an extensive amount of research on them. Does Masaki's death have something to do with that?"

Kukaku frowned and nodded. "You may have read Kurostuchi's data on the Quincy but the database of the 12th division is still limited. Especially if you aren't looking through Kurotsuchi's direct files with his account."

"Then are you saying that there are more to the Quincy that I don't know about?"

"Yeah. Masaki died from a Hollow, no doubt about that. A Hollow named Grand Fisher according to Yoruichi, but the only reason Masaki lost against a Hollow like that was because she lost her powers."

Kishin's eyelid slightly twitched in bewilderment after hearing that Masaki lost her powers. "How'd that happen?"


Kishin frowned. "Aus-what?"

"Auswahlen. What do you know about the origin of the Quincy?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"I see. Well, that's to be expected. It's not well known amongst the Shinigami and there aren't many Quincy left around to tell you, but apparently there was a Quincy King at one point and time in the past. I don't know much myself, but from what Yoruichi told me Auswahlen is a power that belongs to said Quincy King. It can steal the powers of a Quincy no matter how far away they are. Urahara probably knows in more detail, but the night Masaki died she lost her powers due to this Auswahlen."

Kishin crossed his arms deep in thought and commented, "So that's how it is. Without her powers she couldn't fight off Grand Fisher and died. Then her soul?"

Kukaku sighed and stared up at the now sunset colored sky. "Her soul is lost. As a Human her soul should have entered Soul Society, but she was instead consumed by Grand Fisher. Another reason why I pity my uncle."

"Hey, Kukaku. This Quincy King you spoke of. He stole Masaki's powers...for what reason? And where and who is this person?"

Kukaku shook her head just as clueless. "Like I said, I don't know much either. I only know as much as Yoruichi told me. You'll have to ask Urahara if you want more information on Quincys. Anyways, I suppose you can go now. My business with you is over."

"Eh? That's it? So you really only wanted to confirm that I knew about that item?"

"Yeah. That's right. And to make sure that you won't go mouthing off to others about it."

"Yeah yeah, hearing it from Yoruichi and now you I'm pretty sure I got the message. By the way, I heard that the residual reiatsu left behind was a beastly one. Might it have something to do with the Beast realm?"

Kukaku gave him a curious glance as she questioned, "Oh? So you know about the Beast realm huh? I'm kind of shocked but also impressed. You know a lot more than you let on, but whether this incident is related to the Beast realm? I highly doubt it. The Beast realm is permanently sealed off. They're rejected from the cycle of reincarnation." She noted the surprised look in his eyes and questioned, "What's with that look?"

"Ah...well, it's just that I threw that out there on a whim. I briefly heard about the Beast realm from Yushiro, but even then he didn't seem too sure if it existed either."

Kukaku let out a light chuckle and started walking back inside her residence. "Well, like Yourichi and I said. There's no need to concern yourself over these matters. It'll only bring you endless headaches. In fact I'm getting headaches myself just thinking about it. Anyways, you should just hurry and head back to Rukia. I'm sure you've been itching to get some time alone with her."

Kishin's cheeks turned a tinge of pink at Kukaku's obvious underlying meaning and lightly coughed before excusing himself. "Ahem. Then I'll be off. Anyways it was nice to meet you officially for the first time, Shiba Kukaku." Kishin waved and took his own leave heading back for the Seireitei. The moment he stepped foot back inside he took note of the dark sky up above and the several reiatsu signatures by the giant Senkaimon gate.

Eh? Looks like Ichigo and the others are just about to leave.


He immediately dashed off towards the gate taking note of the glowing blue light being emitted from the Senkaimon. Standing in front of it were Ichigo, Ishida, Orihime, Sado, and Yoruichi in her cat form. And seeing them off were Rukia, Renji, Ukikate, Byakuya, Kinji, Toshiro, Rangiku, Yushiro, Kyoraku, Nanao, Unohana, and Isane.

"Quite a crowd." Kishin muttered to himself as he noted that Ukitake was currently speaking to Ichigo and handed him some sort of combat pass. As he neared closer Byakuya took note of his presence and gave him an awkward look. Kishin gave him a friendly smile and amiably waved in his direction. That only made Byakuya feel more awkward as he didn't exactly know how he should react around Kishin yet. After everything that happened he had realized that Kishin knew about Aizen being the one pulling the strings around the execution and was glad that Kishin had prevented Rukia's death, but at the same time he felt conflicted about the fact that Rukia was dating him.

Kishin just smirked at Byakuya's silence and walked past the stoic Captain tapping Rukia on the shoulder. "Hey."

Rukia turned up to look at him and smiled. "You're back. How was your talk with Kukaku-san?"

"Eh. Nothing of import. So-"

It was then Byakuya interrupted as he had silently appeared behind Kishin and commented, "Where do you think you are placing your hand?"

"Hm?" Kishin blinked several times in confusion before looking down where his hand was resting on Rukia's shoulder. He then turned his attention back to Byakuya and responded, "Is there a problem?"

Byakuya narrowed his eyes and said whilst gritting his teeth, "Remove your hand."

Kishin mischievously smirked and further wrapped his arms around Rukia's petite frame pulling her close to his chest. "What if I don't want to?"

A palpable tension began to brew in the atmosphere causing everyone to awkwardly stare in their direction. Rukia was especially feeling the pressure as she was the one currently stuck between them. Thankfully Ichigo interrupted and cut the tension as he walked over and amiably said, "Ah! Kishin, so you're back! You made it just in time. We're about to head out. Hm?" He glanced back between Kishin and Byakuya before glancing at Rukia and questioned, "Did I miss something?"

Rukia simply shook her head and stepped out from Kishin's embrace. "N-Nothing happened. Haha…"

Kishin and Byakuya temporarily set aside their differences as Kishin commented, "Yo, Ichigo. Now that you're heading back to the World of the Living you have a lot of things you need to start considering."

Ichigo tilted his head in confusion. "Things to consider? Like what?"

"Your power. You've obtained the powers of a Shinigami and even by Shinigami standards your power isn't ordinary. You have the strength of at least a Captain class combatant."

Ichigo just blinked, still confused. "And?"

Kishin let out a sigh. "You're a walking nuclear reactor. Figure out what you want to do with it. You can't just sit idly by in the Human World with that much power on you. Well, for now you can go back to being a high school student and whatnot, but now that you know what you know and you have experienced what you have, I doubt you'll be able to go back to living a normal Human life. You should spend some time to consider what you plan to do in the future. Do you want to be a Shinigami? Or will you live as a Human? You'll have to choose in the future."

Ichigo suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders at Kishin's heavy words, but he knew that what Kishin said was the hard truth. Kishin smirked at the lost look in Ichigo's eyes and slapped him on the arm waking Ichigo from his dazed state. "Well, you don't have to decide right now, but I thought I'd let you know what it is that you have to consider in the future so it doesn't come at you out of left field."

It was then Yoruichi's voice could be heard as she interrupted, "Ichigo. It's time."

"Y-Yeah." Ichigo stammered walking back over to Ishida and the others.

Kishin glanced down at the black cat to which Yoruichi simply said, "Kishin. You can expect me to keep in touch."

Kishin smirked and nodded. "Alright. I have some things I'd like to talk about as well so I'll be looking forward to our next meeting."

With those final words everyone watched as Yoruichi disappeared into the giant Senkaimon gate along with Ichigo, Ishida, Orihime, and Sado in tow. The light from the gate soon dimmed and returned back to normal, closing off. Kishin cocked his head to the side and commented, "I'm surprised they didn't ask about Hinamori's condition."

Rukia shook her head and interjected, "They did. You just weren't around."

Kishin raised an eyebrow and curiously asked, "I see. And how is she anyways? Any improvements?"

It was Toshiro who answered as he walked over and responded, "She's still unconscious. The mental strain on her after everything that happened must have been too much to bear. Captain Unohana said that she doesn't know when Hinamori will regain consciousness, but at least she's physically okay."

Kishin noted the frustrated and hateful look in Toshiro's eyes. "Sorry."

Toshiro widened his eyes at Kishin's apologetic comment. "Why are you apologizing? What happened to Hinamori isn't your fault. Even I know that."

"Even if I knew about Aizen all this time and didn't tell you about it?"

Toshiro clenched his hands into fists feeling frustrated and angry, but it was mostly directed at himself. "It's true that I wished you told me...but after hearing Aizen's explanation and witnessing his power I also understand that you didn't have a choice. I'm just angry that I wasn't strong enough to share the burden with you. That I wasn't strong enough to make a difference at all."

Kishin felt a weight lift off of his shoulders when he heard that Toshiro didn't blame him for Hinamori's situation, but he still felt somewhat responsible. After all, he truly didn't care about Hinamori's situation, but in the end his feelings of indifference towards consideration for Hinamori's life implicated Toshiro who he did happen to care about. He was snapped out of his thoughts as Toshiro addressed him once more. There was a serious and pleading tone in his voice.


"Hm? What is it?"

"I may be a Captain and you may be a Lieutenant...but you and I both know which of us is actually more powerful. I want to ask you to help me train. Once more like we did when we were kids. I...the way I am right now I realize that I'm lacking a lot."

Kishin stared at Toshiro's solemn expression in silence, but in the end he let out a sigh and nodded in agreement. "Alright. Heh, then it'll be just like old times, Shi-ro-chan."

Toshiro's mood instantly turned from solemn depression to annoyance at Kishin's old way of calling his name. "Oi! I'm being serious here!"

"Hahaha! You grew, but not by that much! You're still a kid in the end."

"You bastard! I'll make you eat those words you cheat!"

Kishin smirked and dashed off into the distance as Toshiro immediately gave chase.

Byakuya simply blinked with confused eyes completely bewildered at how childish Kishin and Toshiro could still act at this moment given their current positions and standing in the Gotei 13. He then turned to glance at Rukia who simply let out a light chuckle in awkwardness not knowing what she should say to her brother.


*Auswahlen (Holy Selection): Forcibly steals the power of a Quincy and returns it to the Quincy King.

Beast Realm: Currently sealed off and rejected from the cycle of reincarnation.


1. Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni/Sasakibe Chojiro

2. Soi Fon/Omaeda Marechiyo/Shihoin Yushiro

3. -/Kira Izuru

4. Unohana Retsu/Kotetsu Isane

5. -/Hinamori Momo

6. Kuchiki Byakuya/Abarai Renji

7. Komamura Sajin/Iba Tetsuzaemon

8. Kyoraku Shunsui/Ise Nanao

9. -/Hisagi Shuhei

10. Hitsugaya Toshiro/Matsumoto Rangiku

11. Zaraki Kenpachi/Kusajishi Yachiru

12. Kurotsuchi Mayuri/Kurotsuchi Nemu

13. Ukitake Jushiro/Chigetsu Kishin

Kido Corp Commander: Tsunayashiro Kinji

Great Noble Clans/Clan Head:

1. Kamunushi Clan/N/A:

Owns a piece of the Dark World Mirror. Ancestral Weapon: N/A

2. Tsunayashiro Clan/Tokinada:

Owns a piece of the Dark World Mirror. Ancestral Weapon: N/A

3. Shiba Clan/Kukaku:

Dark World Mirror piece stolen. Ancestral Weapon: N/A

4. Shihoin Clan/Yushiro:

Owns a piece of the Dark World Mirror. Ancestral Weapon: N/A

5. Kuchiki Clan/Byakuya:

Owns a piece of the Dark World Mirror. Ancestral Weapon: Muramasa

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