
Horse Riding

Rohan sighed and reminded himself,

'Past should always remain as past'

Then his eyes which were haze slowly cleared and he again looked as dignified Prime Minister of Country A.

When he looked at Asav, he felt complex emotions because he can see this child has an attitude that is absolute, confident, and resolute.

What's rare about Asav is his confidence which didn't look like deliberate or pretending arrogance and which is for a child having a clear mind is very surprising and amazing.

Asav was in his own world to see the admiration Rohan have for him, even if he saw this then also he would still be calm because he has seen this all his life(for a six-year child, what whole life but still...lol)

"Black Ghost" Asav murmured and that horse which was looking at them in vigilant suddenly neighed but that didn't show any other movement like resisting or wanting to make a contact,

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