
Trouble - 8

Now on the one side if we didn't find any powerful lawyer who can win this case for us then we will be doomed as both hospitals and research center will be in the hands of other party and on the other side if we got help from any powerful person or 'those people' then they will definitely eye on the fat meat both hospitals and research centers, both side we will lose the chance to regain our footing because either we will lose everything or we will just be working in the same position but will become someone else chess piece for their play"

Karan Kapoor solemnly said with heavy heart because now he is really regretting some things he did in the past because in the corner of his het there is a voice which keep repeating that 'You are paying what you sowed', 'This is all your karma', 'This is what you will get when you do something that shouldn't do'

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