

"Oh yeah but this isn't dropped " Hruday saw her with look 'you should tell me

"Okay, we will think about that, first ask Asav that he want to meet your family or not also regarding the matter I mentioned, you can ask your grandparents they know more than me" Aanya said softly as she also anticipating for the answer what Asav going to give for his father side family chance or not

Hruday then paused for minute to compose himself then he got up from his seat and walked towards us or more specifically towards Asav then kneeled in front of Asav and cleared his throat

"Asav, my child, do you want meet your grandparents, great grandpa and Uncles, there are very eager to meet you, would you come and meet them? There is also your little sister who also wants to meet you, are you coming to meet them?" Hruday asked in calm voice but he only know how much nervous wreck he is

Asav didn't answer but turned towards his mother she sighed then placed her hand on his head caressing

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