

"How are you?" He asked me

I was taken aback by his question

"I am okay," I said awkwardly

We sat in silence,

I said "If you don't have anything to talk about, I have work to do"

As I was getting up Hruday caught my hand said coldly "Sit down"

I sat and asked frustrated "What do you want?"

"Truth," He said as Rahul sat there enjoying the show

"Huh" I asked not understanding

"The truth of that year," He said again emphasizing 'Truth'

I froze as my mind wandered about that year I shuddered lightly

So I said "Sir I think you have mistaken me for someone else so please don't make it difficult for me"

got up, went to counter

Bella questioned "What are you all talking about? your face is not looking good, did they say something to make you unhappy? I will go and teach them a lesson"

"Nothing serious they are asking about the good places for business you know, where the places are good as they are going to invest here so" I said to her

"Really" she asked not believing me simply

"Yes really, you know I was a person from Country B, so they thought it is best to ask me about here, so they just questioned me nothing else, stop worrying," I said

"Okay I believe you," She said

After that we just sat there then she suddenly said as remembering,

"Today we will close the café early like 7 okay we will both go shopping at 4, deal?"

"Okay, deal," I said surrendering

After half an hour Rahul and Hruday come counter to foot the pay 

"Thank you for coming Carefree, it's $150," I said

"Here, keep the change" Rahul gave $ 200 but I only took $150 and returned the change,

"Come again," I said out of courtesy

"We will," Rahul said smirking

Whenever I see him like this I want to punch him so badly that I want to damage his face

After they went out I sighed in relief but the question Bella asked made me freeze,

"That Mr. Patel is here for you right?"

Even Bella asked question but her tone says that as a statement as she knew that the way he behaves differently

I squirmed under her gaze but I didn't answer her because I can't say otherwise and truth I can't speak

"Okay let's go shopping. It's already 4:30, can we go directly to my home after shopping?" Bella dragged saying that and also give an order to close the café at 06:00 in the evening

Bidding farewell to everyone we went out as I didn't bring a car so we got into Bella's car and drove away

After shopping until 08:00 I urged we should leave for home as dinner will be at 9 O'clock

We got Bella's home, our hands full of shopping bags today even I didn't hold back because I don't know when I will be back here so

After entering I saw everyone here from café Aunt Suyi, Mia and other waiters who work in the café, Uncle Riley, Aunt Maddie, and Uncle Bruno, Aunt Ava, Bill, Karyn then James, Uncle Ivan, Aunt Catherine

When everyone saw us many were sad I guess they got know about my depart, Aunt Suyi came hugged me tightly and asked me

"Why didn't you tell us that you are going to leave? All of sudden"

"Aunt Suyi I will be back, I am not forever going and I will always be in touch with you all and Carefree is here than where I will be going? I will be back don't cry please" I comforted her

"Okay, but you should take care of yourself," Aunt Suyi said

"Okay," I said smiling warmly as her worry made me feel loved

Everyone were sad Mia cried like a baby and many were looking terrible I have to comfort everyone but it made me feel like I am in a family

"If you have said earlier we would have got some farewell gifts," Mia said sulking

"It's okay I will be coming back I am happy that you're all here to send me off that is a big thing for me," I said

"Okay let's have dinner first after that we will continue our talk," Aunt Maddie said

We all sat at the dining table all food served here are my favorites, everyone happily ate and went to the hall to chat

Everyone starts to ask me question like

"When I will be back?"

"Where am I going?"

"How am I going?"

I did answer but I didn't delve in-depth I vaguely answered,

Then everyone wished me and went to their home only Uncle Riley's family and Uncle Bruno's family is present and I have something to talk with Uncle Ivan and Uncle Riley

After that, I went to study to talk with Uncle Ivan and Uncle Riley,

Here, Karyn said in disgust " Why can't she talk in front of everyone? We are all family here?"

Bella snapped "Is there any problem that they went to talk in study? you can ask when they will come back, why are you speaking like Amy owes you the world, you always speak with her arrogantly but she didn't say anything doesn't mean she is inferior it's because she never sees you as opponent she feels that arguing with you is like arguing with the child so she doesn't say anything that doesn't mean I will not do anything to you be aware of this"

"You" Karyn's face turned red from embarrassment then turned black in anger

She always pick fight with Amy because her Cousin Bella never close to her she talks with her warmly or friendly but with Amy everyone are friendly and everyone is fond of her, Amy is gorgeous, elegant her every move is like she is from royal family everyone likes her even her brother Bill likes her and in party also the businessman Mr. Hruday Patel from the Country A also only has his eyes on her so she always sees Amy as her enemy

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