
Chapter 104: The Seemingly Mundane Third Move

Li Yao also found time to check the live stream and, seeing the comments in Xiao Ze's broadcast room, finally allowed a slight smile to cross his face.

It wasn't that he was happy about the changing attitudes of these people; he didn't care how others judged him.

What made him smile was the thought that hunters who saw this clip would surely have their faith strengthened, and some of those who had wanted to give up their hunter roles may reconsider after watching his performance.

Since he was in a broadcast, he might as well do something meaningful.

The first skill might appear simple, but it was extremely hard to master. In his previous life, countless persistent hunters invested their time and energy to investigate all possible techniques, ultimately consolidating a mature theory.

Li Yao was one of them, and he was all too familiar with the amount of effort put forth by those who researched with him.

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