
The Void Gate

Tang Shaoyang was glad that the snow elves were not rejecting the idea of doing fusion with his spirits. He just needed to make sure that they did not fusion with the Void Creatures or Calamities. In his last attempt, he saw Commander Edson and Captain Barome approaching the house. Not wanting them to see what he did, he canceled the fusion quickly.

"That's for now. We will do it again once we get to our post!"

He turned and came out of the house to meet with Commander Edson. He did not mind having a spar with Commander Edson if they refused to put him in post zero.

"I have heard your request, and I will grant your request with one condition!" Edson was direct with his words.

"What's the condition?" Tang Shaoyang asked.

"You will be under my command until I am certain that your team is not a liability for the post zero!"


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