
Choosing The Reward 2

He reread all the options, from the Devil's talent to the ten talents he put on the list. After rereading it three times, his heart truly stuck on [One-Man-Army]. It was a good description of himself. But he hesitated, afraid it was a zonk. The only way for him to get another talent was when he ranked up to Chief Administrator, buying them from Administrator Shop. But it would be far in the future, ten years might not be enough for him to complete one hundred missions.

If most missions could be completed in hours, then it was possible. But he knew that a mission would take a few days or a few weeks if not months. That was the main reason for his dilemma. He might not be able to get more talent until ten years.

[Follow your heart. Your heart will never betray you!] That was Avyn's words after sensing his hesitation to take [One-Man-Army].


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