Chang Jie entered the room and was greeted with the grand interior. If he thought Tang Shaoyang was a gangster before, this changed his mind. The Emperor was not just any title, but the real status. The red carpet with gold stripes on the side stretched out to the throne. The man sat on the throne at the end of the room, gazing at him.
Chang Jie's eyes opened wide at the sight of Tang Shaoyang. The man had the same face and features, but the aura around the man was completely different from the one he met in the healer division room. The man on the throne was more dignified, but he did not know why it changed his perspective. The young man swallowed a mouthful of saliva as his heartbeat raced up. He had the courage to propose the meeting before, but he started to lose his confidence at this moment.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: