
Things Get More Interesting

The killing intent was so thick that it alarmed Wen. The Jade Eagle rushed toward him and stood next to Tang Shaoyang. The beastmen was ready to fight any time.

However, the killing intent radiated from Crystal the Frost Knight was directed to the Rosalie the Flame Queen. Tang Shaoyang did not expect this. From Rosalie's words, she seemed close to the Frost Knight but he was wrong about that.

After the killing intent, Crystal's body released cold air. The bed and floor froze as thick cold air filled the room. Crystal was about to draw her sword but Tang Shaoyang intervened, "Don't you dare to draw your sword! I forbid you from fighting!"

With his words, Crystal's hand stopped. She did not draw her sword as she slowly retracted the cold air. She side-stepped and bowed toward Tang Shaoyang, "I apologize for my insolentness, My Lord. This Servant just did not expect to meet the traitor who caused my household's demise."


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