Captain Knight Morris threw his helmet away as well, revealing his sorry visage. Morris was a middle-aged man in his late forties. His gray hair was messed up and tears flowed down from his eyes.
Captain Knight Morris looked toward Commander Ashley. Their eyes met, "I am sorry, Commander Ashley. I am sorry… I am really sorry…"
After conveying his feelings, Captain Knight Morris looked down at the scorched ground. He did not dare to look at Commander Ashley anymore. Captain Knight Morris was just the start. After him, the other surviving knights also threw their weapons and shields. Everyone was kneeling except for their Commander.
Commander Ashley gave a quick scan of the battlefield. She understood why her knights' spirits broke down. In less than five minutes, their formation was torn apart quickly. The knights who did not have a chance to surrender became the prey of the woman knight and the beast.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: