Dressed in crude armor, helmet, and much better axes than the Troll Warrior, Troll Champion tougher to handle for sure. However, Lu An easily killed them with his very quick movement.
"Phew~," Lu An looked toward Zhang Mengyao, "It's over," he exclaimed bewilderedly, not expecting they cleared the wave so quickly like this, "No, we are not over yet! We have to help the northern gate," Zhang Mengyao shook her head as she turned around.
Lu An nodded his head and followed Zhang Mengyao, "Where are you going now?" Lin Duan blocked Zhang Mengyao.
"Do we need to tell everything what we are going to do and where are going now to you?" Lu An smirked at Lin Duan as he kept walking forward. The guy made a way for Lu An in return while gritting his teeth and clenching his fist.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: