


Lu An's sword slashed through the hairy leather, but his swords only managed to make a shallow cut. The Wartusk did not even realize that its foreleg was cut as he grunted to push Hu Feng further.

At the same time, Yan Sheng and Tian Donghai came from the other side. Yan Sheng thrust his spear forward to the thigh as well while Tian Donghai's sword slashed the ankle part.

Yan Sheng's spear barely pierced the leather as only less than a quarter of his spearhead entered the leather while Tian Donghai's sword left a shallow cut that even the beast itself could not be bothered with.

The Wartusk kept pushing his hindlegs, did not want to lose against Hu Feng.

Hu Feng's hand trembled for holding against the unbelievable strength of the Wartusk, "Guys, help guys! I don't think I can hold much longer,"


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