Jin Fan went to the next chest. The first chest from the right. He opened the chest without hesitation.
The chest did not immediately disappear, meaning he did not get the gear like before. With a curiosity about what his subordinate got from the chest, he walked over to see what Jun Fan got from the second chance.
It was the same brown leather scroll as Qin Shoushan's. The difference was Jin Fan's scroll tied with a blue band. He was surprised as this Jin Fan had divine luck. In the first chest, he got a top-tier weapon set, on the second one he got a Class Change Scroll.
His hand was itchy, he wanted to take the scroll to see what class his subordinate got. However, he refrained himself, letting his subordinate to pick his reward.
Jin Fan's face was as bright as the sun when he saw the scroll. His hand was as fast as lightning when he took the scroll out.
[Skill Scroll]
Advanced Skill: Stealth
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