
Dance lessons- Part 1

What was one to say when the love of their life said that they enjoyed killing people and hearing people scream? Belle had always grown up with the idea that when a person was in love, they were supposed to accept each other's good and bad, and it didn't matter how bad it was, so she continued to stare at Lucas who looked back at her. 

"I don't know what to say," said Belle being frank with him. Lucas would still know without the need of her having to tell him anything. 

"That's alright," responded Lucas. Leaning forward, he kissed her cheek, "Don't ponder too much on it," and she gave him a nod. 

"I won't," she replied back to him. It must be the inherent nature of being a reaper because they dealt with death so it wasn't a big deal, thought Belle to herself.

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