
White lights

Kai could only look at the large rock that separated them from Alex, Abi and Alicia. He felt the ground tremble beneath his feet and he could see the walls start to crumble around them. He quickly ordered his men to continue down the tunnel towards the exit. He and his men dragged the other vampires out along with the dying witch queen.

As they headed out, the walls cracked and the entire structure started to shake. Falling debris, large and small, started to bombard them and they knew they needed to get out as soon as possible. The moment they were out of the tunnel, the ancient structure crumbled behind them, covering them with dust.

The vampires could only watch in horror. Riev and Raven's expressions were the same; filled with worry and dread. Their worry wasn't for Alex nor Abigail. Alexander was strong enough to survive that and they knew that he would do everything to save Abigail... but the witch princess – who would save her?

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