
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound With You

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Wahh..darling author won't give away Alex real persona..but because he can barge through the King and Queen just like that..he must be the Prince and First line in the throne(?) But I could be wrong again😅😂🤣 So was it the King's men who took her or the Princess..is this the lady who came at Alex mansion some chaps ago..could she have seen Abi there?🤔 I think she's nearby ..but I do hope they won't do any harm on her or use her against Alex. Waiting for the next!(tomorrow😜😍)


Im beiNg impatient but im fine waiting the chapters to unlock ,i love the story

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Dear author, don't worry about the voices of unfair criticism. We true fans of your work understand that you have a job, a private life, and it's an honor for us that you take your precious time writing your wonderful books to please us. Because reading your works is a pleasure. Thank you!


To my darling author,just have happy thoughts (include us loyal readers haha) coz they fill your life with happiness😊❤️💕We all know how hard you work for every book you have,we admire your dedication,your sleepless days and nights for it.So don't get discourage nor dishearten to those who want to pull you down. We are always here for you😘❤️💕 (I'm not so good with encouraging aren't I?😅😅)But I know you get the message😍Mwahhugs!!!

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Well said dear Author 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😶...your book is excellent and you deserve all my money is already your ....and those despicable characters who do not deserve to mention , they should leave as soon is possible 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊. Our dear author try the best to her ability . You got my support. Lol 😙😙😙😙😙😙😏

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I have quickly become a huge fan of your work. Your stories always bring a smile to my face and I am always happy to support amazing authors like you. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us and making our worlds a little brighter everyday with every word you share with us. As long as you choose to continue working hard on our behalf I will be here to support you. I will gladly wait for you to update no matter how long it takes. Thank you for working hard and please take care of yourself.

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Don't worry author we are there for you and all your works are really amazing and they of course deserve a lot of appreciation. Don't mind others

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I’m so pissed 😡. There should be no reason why this wonderful author should have to waste valuable Alex and Abi time because of stupid trolls, whiner and complainers. As readers if you have complaints about chapters being locked find something else to read and leave our dear Kazzzen alone. OAN just who is Alex 😱😍and which jealous creep took our Abi🧐

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I'm sorry this poor reader can only give you powerstones and still waiting for my job to get back on track.But I love this novel and the others-I read those silently.Hellbound With You is special coz theres a different charm on it. Dont mind those who continue to whine and complain,they are not loyal to your work. Continue being yourself,believe in your abilities and you always have us here to suppprt you.

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Dear author, Dont listen to those annoying trolls who only know how to complain and hate on your beautiful work. I respect you and look up to you onehundred precent, and I know how hard it is to work a full time job and then come home to do your passion enspired part time job. I will never stop reading this amazing work of art that you want to keep writing for us, and I honestly don't mind having to wait a little longer to use my passes to unlock the chapter. You need the money to keep the book going and I understand that. Just know that we all appreciate your hard work and everything that you do for us. Keep up the hard work! We all love your book and always look forward to reading it when new chapters come out. Thank you for your hard work! *vertual hugs*

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Hi author I am one of those who anticipate for the next chapter that you will publish. All the best 🤗👍

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I'm re-reading this a second time because it's SO GOOD. Despite having to wait(only frustrating cause it's the best and I'm impatient), this book has done so well. I'm honestly surprised it's not #1. It's definitely the book I get most excited about when I get that notification that new chapter is released. 😅 Don't doubt yourself, and honestly it's worth paying for. A great story doesn't write itself, and good talent can't always be free. ❤️

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Keep up the good work and dont worry about negtive people.

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This is an amazing book intriguing and awesome story gteat job

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Dear Author Kazz... I am your silent reader to enjoy your work to the maximum level. So, close your eyes and ears to all negative feedback. Time will prove who will be your true fans readers. Keep writing... Fighting!!!

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To My Dear Kazzen, In life, there are beautiful & not so beautiful things. To mention a few of the beautiful things are the love that we feel, the nature around us, & the life that we enjoy etcetcetc. The not so beautiful things are those that are not pleasing to the senses. As we enjoy so many beautiful things in our life, we really cannot avoid the not so beautiful things, & they also invade our senses. However, most of the time the beautiful things overrule the not so beautiful ones bec of our ability to discern. Each one of us is gifted with this ability: to make our life the best acc to the plan of the One above. But, we just cannot avoid some things that may cause blocks in making our life the best that we can. And they will be there all the time. Thus, we also have this ability to make decisions: to accept or not to accept. We welcome & embrace the beautiful things, AND we must REJECT the not so beautiful ones! OR turn them into power stones, to make ourselves even much better. To end, my dear Kazzen, you are one of my favorite authors. The views & opinions of others don't & will never affect me bec i am me! Pls don't let them demotivate or affect you. They are NOTHING to us, your loyal readers😊😊😊 May God keep you safe in this trying time. More power, & God bless you always.❤ Will always be here for you❤❤❤


Good 👍 job Author and you don't have to do this for those So -- CALLED-- READERS.. We love you 😘❤🤟 and we support you. Don't feel bad.. Ok Even if you want to decreased chapter update.. You can update one chapter perday not two.. We know you have work and three books to update.. We will read our lovely 😊❤books and support them wholeheartedly.. Always remember we always love you ❤😘🤟.

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ring

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I love you dear author... and it doesnt matter if u locked it early...as long as the story goes on.. as for me, and just so entertained i didnt even noticed its been locked...

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Don't mind them Ms. KazzenlX! They're just wapping because they can't buy the privilege. There are even novels that lock chapters way early like chapter 50-60. They're not the one making effort to write this despite of having a fulltime job. I can't even write 2chapters in one day because of houseworks.

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Don't mind them if they want they want they have the choice to buy or not the privelage if they want to buy then good if they don't want up to them if u keep minding those people who see is always negative then u will feel negativity as well. Bear in your mind that they can choose what they want to do if they said bad things let them be if u get affected u will just ruined ur own mood.