
Chapter 11

After giving my new subordinates time to rest and recover, we set off to do our thing, the kids would deal with the weak ones, being led by Maori.

While Kakuzu and Zabuza would slay the stronger foes.

My plan was simple kill the time evil guy that was controlling the country and take the country as my own by marrying the ice princess securing the love of the populace and making my position solid, Of course the marriage would only be political I don't really care if she has a lover, as long I ran the country.



It seems I overestimated how hard this part of my plan would be, it was beyond easy, Zabuza came with the princess that apparently was fleeting the country, in less than an hour and Kakuzu killed all the primary targets including her uncle the cliche bad guy of this story.

Kimimaro was enough to beat the rest of the common ninja like they were civilians, everything went down too easily, terrifying that a kid can fight like a veteran ninja.

So here I was, looking at a nine or ten year old princess and a bloodied and oddly satisfied Zabuza.

"So that's all?" I said raising an eyebrow at the princess in my chambers, "wow, I expected more fight, I guess my team is way more efficient than thought,"

"We surrender, just please don't hurt my people," The little princess begged.

"Not my plan, darling," I smiled, "I took the oppressors out of the power, and I plan to make this country livable by my standards, so don't worry,"

"We did all the work," Zabuza mumbled.

"Yes you did, and you save me," I said dramatically looking at my wrist as if I was looking for the time, "five minutes, just enough time to brush my teeth,"

Zabuza stared at me, and chuckled, "I'll be with Haku boss," and with that he left.

"What are you going to do with me?" The princess asked.

"Nothing, I wouldn't dare to start our relationship on the wrong side, love," I smiled, perhaps she would catch on.

"I see," The princess gulped and lowered her head, getting the wrong idea.

"Oh dear no," I chuckled, "I might be too smart for my own good, and maybe a cold hearted bastard, but I don't that... all I was insinuating was you will be my political bride, without the bride stuff."

The princess stared at me in disbelief for a second, she really thought I was going to rape her or something, disgusting she's like nine years old, "Then I'll be your care," she was relieved.

"Don't worry, everything will be just fine." I said as I left the room, not before giving the little spy in our reunion an order, "Kimimaro you are in charge of her for the time being,"

Kimimaro appeared, kneeling in front of me, "As you wish, master."


I had other stuff to do, like finding Kakuzu, and seeing how rich we were now, that the this tundra was ours.

"There you are," Kakuzu greeted, happily, or the equivalent for him.

"So hows much do we have?" I asked.

"Not enough, for me." Kakuzu chuckled briefly, "But we are certainly better than the sand and some minor villages,"

"Good enough, be sure to keep an eye of the money, people will try to ransack it," I knew he would do just that without me.

"Then I will have an extensive collection of hearts," Kakuzu said in a dangerous low tone.

"Good," With that done it was time start phase two, win the people and the ninjas support and build a great and powerful nation.

Phase one was complete, but phase two politics would take more time, and dedication.


Next day——

So, I decided to make an announcement, with the little princess by my side for everyone to hear, I expected.... a bit more of the politics I know of... I'm starting to think I'm not smart here, in this wicked world.

People accepted my ascension to power, happy that I saved their princess some were even more happy with the fact I was going to marry her.

'Note to self, research interpersonal relationships and normatives in the shinobi world,' I thought.

Zabuza just shrugged it off, saying ninjas follow the strong, and that I was the strongest for now.

Kakuzu said it was because we had all the money, which made way more sense.

Maori said they saw me as the good person I was and knew I was destine to be their leader, to sentimental for my taste.

Kimimaro said it was because they knew dead awaited them by his hands should they oppose me.

"What about you Tayuya?" I inquired.

"Fuck if I know," Tayuya replied.

"I think is like my mom said!" Karin added, popping out of nowhere.

"Fair enough," Some stuff is just not worth thinking.

Leaving the room, I started to plan phase three whip my newly acquired ninja into shape, and Kakuzu was the man for the job.

Zabuza had another task, training the kids, after all he did great with Haku, of course he had forbidden killing them or maiming them.

I had another project at hand, finding a cure for Kimimaro, he wasn't sick yet, but if everything stayed the same then he had a few years at best.

Maori was helping me, but she wasn't that good of a doctor, she had a powerful healing technique but not that kind of knowledge, I need it Tsunade.

A lot of money could entice her to work for me, for a bit, at least long enough to save the kid.

Then I didn't really cared if she stayed or not.

"Locate Tsunade," Not time like the present, and it was time to act and ensure my pieces stayed in optimal form.




Tsunade is currently in the land of rice]

"Perfect, keep tabs on her, I want to know where she is every day," I ordered the system.

[Understood... stalking mode activated....]

"Perfect," I smiled as I went to eat in my new castle that took me roughly five hours to conquer.









Sorry for the delay I was in an accident, broke a leg and my left arm, so I was in a lot of pain.

But here I am.

With love the author.

Next chapter