
Chapter 3

[Hiruzen has entered the area....]

Using all my might I struggled to get up, I had to meet him, my survival would be partially ensured with him knowing I was alive.

"Got it," I wasn't bleeding, and the system was repairing my body.

I had recovered 25% of my chakra, but it wasn't enough to heal my self I subconsciously knew that.

"Where is he?" I asked the system.

[157 meters north follow the waypoint]

An arrow appeared floating midair pointing me to where I had to go, so I slowly started to go to meet the Hokage, with one thing in mind avoiding Danzo or his Anbu dogs.

///Anbus close by twenty meters up high///

A warning, it was naive to think I could just avoid them and save myself, 'can I teleport close to the hokage with my current chakra reserves?'

[Negative you need 45% for teletransportation..]

'I still don't give any vitals or chakra reads to anyone right?' I asked.

[Yes, only visual confirmation could make them notice you, that or a Inuzuka.]

Good, then I would have to move slowly towards my goal, there is no rush, wait, analyze and react that's my bible.

///Anbus leaving the area//

|||Your destination is 80 meters away|||

I couldn't really see much apart from buildings and corpses, but the arrow was guiding me through the houses so it was safe to assume Hiruzen was behind them somewhere.

"It's so sad it had to come to this," Someone said, and knowing Danzo it wasn't him.

"There was no other way!" And I don't need to be a genius to know that was Danzo.

Two houses were between them and me, this was the crucial part and the most dangerous one, I couldn't let them know a kid could sneak so good two powerful ninja wouldn't notice so I had to let my vitals slowly go back to normal close to the hokage.

Moving through the houses was easy enough, I made sure to make no sound.

///Anbus 5 meters 58 to the north///

I could hear the voices, more clear now, moving swiftly through the house, I got visual confirmation of the hokage.

"Return vitals slowly," I muttered.

[87% of current chakra reserves has been consumed, current chakra level 6%

Time to act, putting myself in the ground before my vitals returned, I put on my most pathetic face and gasped, "help...."

Both elders turned to see me, Hiruzen and Danzo were both surprised.

"Another survivor!" Hiruzen said, as if the words weighted him, and they should I know everything but until I can defend myself I will play my childish part.

Danzo had a face of concern, questions how and why I survived.

"Get him with Sasuke to the hospital," Hiruzen ordered one of his Anbu.

"Hiruzen we—-" Danzo was about say something but a glare from the hokage silenced him.

Onto phase number two, as of now my chances of survival are close to none if I escape this village, in this world brain alone is not enough I need brawn.

I felt the Anbu carry me away, I didn't want to stay in Konoha not with so many potential threats looming on my back, Orochimaru, Danzo and Obito, but I could easily fake my demise, in my first mission.

But in the meantime I would learn everything they could offer, or I could play the possum once again if this backfired.

The anbu was moving fast, really fast, while I was faking to be unconscious I could totally feel the wind on my body.

[Arriving at Konoha's Hospital.]

A few seconds later the anbu stopped moving, I could hear other people in the area talking about menial stuff.

"Take him to an emergency room, Hokage's orders," The anbu handed me to someone else like a package and left.

The medical ninja carried me to another room, where he put me on a empty bed.

"The last two uchiha," The doctor mumbled, as he started to make some tests on my body.

The night proceeded with an unusual calm that gave time to think in possible escape plans and contingencies if they decided I was too big of a threat.

///Anbus approaching your room - Danzo Anbus///

So the old man decided I wasn't worth it, well it's good I was prepared for this.

The anbu approached me slowly and injected me with something, after that he disappeared.

///Pathogen has entered the system....

Is commonly use to kill and eliminate threats without leaving trace is takes five hours to kill but doesn't leave marks or anything///

[System self repaired protocol started.....



Erasing pathogen....


Estimated time : 45 min.]

"Fake death in five hours," I muttered, well plan B didn't work out Hiruzen was too much of an idiot to know Danzo would try something, or he knew but didn't care enough.

Plan C was simple, too let them think I was dead for real this time and escape this political hell hole they call the will of fire.

'Will the take my eyes if the bury me?' I asked the system if that was the case some modifications would have to be done, of course if I could regenerate my eyes with my world soul magic then I wouldn't really mind.


The chances are low, you don't have any record of awakening your sharingan so the would probably bury you complete...

But if that were to happen using 75% of your chakra you could regenerate them...]

A risk worth taking, now onto the next step.

'Can you put me in hibernation until the bury me, I don't want to breathe and let them know I'm alive,' I asked the system, if he couldn't I would use a voice command to get the same result.

[It is within my capabilities....

Hibernation with no breathing....


Setting timer....until the host is buried]



I slowly opened my eyes, but didn't see or find anything, I was in a tight spot big enough to fit my body but nothing more, I was glad they didn't take anything out, at the very I didn't feel anything out of place.

'Status' I wanted an update of what happen.

[Host was buried seventeen hours after they found you 'dead' after that they hold a ceremony for all the fallen uchiha....

Hiruzen seems to know about what Danzo did but decided to do nothing, but this is just a theory.

You are currently underground, in the Konoha hero's rest land.]

'What is the farthest I can teleport with my current chakra reserves?' I asked.

[Using 99% of your chakra you can get a few hundred meters out of the village...capture would be unavoidable.]

'Anyone out guarding the cemetery?' I asked.

[.....No one is around the area..]

"Very well," I said clearing my throat, "Dig."

Immediately a hole appeared in my tomb big enough for me to crawl out, once I was outside I muttered another command, "Fix,"

The hole disappeared like nothing happened, covering my tracks perfectly.

'Create route towards the gate,' I ordered the system.

[...calculating best escape route.....

.....Please follow the waypoint|||]

||| In two hundred meters turn right,|||

"Gender bender," Another command this one avoid certain people recognizing me, who would question a little girl jumping around the streets, and of course I would change it back as soon as I was out of here, I would change to a full grown woman or man but something inside my head told me I didn't had enough chakra for it, I could transform into an animal but... if shippuden taught me anything is that was a suicide.

[Chakra reserves 51%]

"New girly clothes," Another command, to ensure my character was believable, I was now wearing a pink dress with a bow on my head, "humiliating but effective,"

With my disguise ready it was time get out of this place and avoid having to fake my death a third time, but there was something still missing.

"Erase fake death, civilian chakra levels," my last two commands, if I didn't have any vitals ninjas would stop me, and if I had chakra above a civilian well, they might pay more attention to me.

"Time to get out," I said in a convincing girly tone.


With everything ready I hopped and smiled like an stereotypical Hollywood girl through the streets of Konoha, people in the market mostly ignored my presence or smiled at me, ninjas didn't give me much attention.

Eventually I made my way to the gates, where my last obstacle was waiting for me, the immigration squad.

'Would they let me just go by?' I asked the system.

[No, they would request your parents permission, or adult supervision.]

"I guess is time to dig again," I said, if the gate wasn't an option then I would open a hole through the gate and escape.

It took me half an hour to get to a corner of the wall, "Door"

A door appeared, letting me get out of the village, "Fix," as just like that the door was gone.

[Escape successful!]

"Erase gender bend command," In the blink of an eye I was a boy once again, "Eagle transformation,"

My body started to transform into an eagle, after the transformation was done I started to stretch my wings.

'Time to fly out of here,' With that I took off, being glad I can control my new body effortlessly thanks to the engraved knowledge in my head.

[Chakra reserves 17%]


Alright this is to clarify something, he didn't transform into an animal at first because the knowledge he had about naruto showed that ninjas can notice if an animal is acting weird, like too smart to be an animal.

Like Ino when she took control of the bird but Kakuzo almost killed her.

So that's why he opted for changing his gender, clothes and behavior to ensure people wouldn't recognize him.

Next chapter