

On the second matchday of the Australian Open, there were no upsets, and the top seed players beat their opponents one after another. This is the same as what everyone expected before the game.

And the only thing that everyone didn't think expect was the victory of Zhang Guan!

Zhang Guan defeated Rochus with a total score of 3-0, and the scores of the three sets were 6-0, 6-3 and 6-0, a complete crushing victory.

If Zhang Guan's victory over Rochus is still barely acceptable, then this result makes people feel unimaginable. Although Rochus is not a seed player, he will not let others abuse him to such a degree. Special opponents will still rely on Zhang Guan, the sponsor's wild card, who is a "walking backdoor" player in everyone's eyes.

An amateur player who walked through the "back door", one who was regarded as the weakest player in the first round, and an athlete in track and field, defeated his opponent in the Grand Slam and broke into the second round. They all feel incredible.

However, some people immediately expressed doubts, such as Chris Guccione! He was interviewed again.

"What is Rochus doing? Can't he even win a track and field athlete? Don't know how he won the Wimbledon doubles championship that year! 3-0 score, double-bagel! I heard that during Zhang Guan's first serve, Rochus did not even touch the ball, which is incredible!" Guccione showed a surprised look.

The reporter on the opposite side was very picky and asked in general, "Mr. Guccioni, Rochus's singles ranking is clearly above you, but he lost to Zhang Guan, does it mean that Zhang Guan's strength is stronger, he is more suitable than you for this wild card quota?"

"Zhang Guan defeated Rochus, which means that his strength is stronger, so he deserves it more than me? No, no, I don't think so. How can a track and field athlete beat Rochus, normally under the circumstances, Rochus can beat Zhang Guan, I think the problem must be with Rochus! If I play, Zhang Guan will have already exploded!" Guccione said immediately.

The reporter seemed to catch some clues, he said, "Do you mean Rochus deliberately put water, lost the game?"

"Hehe." Guccione smiled strangely, "I don't know, I never said that. You should ask Rochus about this question!"

Guccione's interview quickly evolved into a conspiracy theory.

"We all know that Zhang Guan can only participate in the Australian Open with the sponsor's wild card. Let a track and field athlete participate in the tennis Grand Slam match. Zhang Guan's sponsor must have spent a lot of money, so the sponsor, of course, they don't want Zhang Guan to be out of the first round."

"At the same time, many people questioned whether Zhang Guan was qualified to get the quota for the foreign card before the game, and issued the foreign card to Zhang Guan, which also made the Australian Open Organizing Committee questioned. If Zhang Guan can successfully enter the second place In the round, it can be proved that Zhang Guan's strength can reach the level of professional tennis players, which is a maintenance of the credibility of the Australian Open Organizing Committee."

"Based on these two bold guesses, Rochus lost the game and it became a reasonable thing."

Although this view does not explicitly state that the game between Zhang Guan and Rochus is a fake match, the implicit meaning of this layer is already very obvious. This kind of conspiracy theory is easy to attract the attention or approval of ordinary people, even Rochus, who lost the ball, is also in trouble.


"Of course I don't have a fake match! I'm a professional tennis player. I have my professional ethics. How can I fake a match!" Rochus screamed at his agent Tom, even though his agent didn't trust himself. This made Rochus extremely angry.

"Then how do you explain that you lost to Zhang Guan?" The agent did not believe Rochus's statement.

"How to explain? God knows how I lost!" Rochus remembered yesterday's disastrous defeat, and his mood suddenly became worse. He continued, "So fast service, and so fast-moving speed, he begged me I can't catch it, he can catch my serve, and then I lose! It's that simple."

"Okay, okay, don't be so excited. Now it's meaningless to discuss how you lost. Many media are asking you how you lost. They are questioning you for deliberately putting water in the game!" The agent said.

"Intentional release of water? What good can I do! Can these people use their brains before they accuse me!" Rochus said.

"But we need an explanation, an explanation for the public." The agent said.

Rochus was in a state of silence. Is it necessary to admit to the public that his level and experience are not as good as Zhang Guan, so he was completely exploded by Zhang Guan in the game? Although this is true, Rochus thought it would be a shameful thing. A former Wimbledon doubles champion could not beat a rookie for the first time, which would make him a laughing stock in tennis.

"No, I can't publicly admit that my strength is not as good as Zhang Guan! You have to find another excuse!" Rochus thought carefully and said, "I said that I suddenly felt unwell during the game, so for many of Zhang Guan's serve was hard for me to respond to. By the way, help me make an appointment for a doctor and have a medical check-up, so everyone will surely believe that I lost to Zhang Guan because of my physical reasons."


Sebastian Grosjean is the 28th seed of the Australian Open.

In some competitions, to prevent players with stronger strength from meeting in advance, seed players will be set. The tennis grand slam will set 32 seed players, and the ranking of the seed players is based on the world ranking at that time. When the game is grouped, the seed players will be deliberately separated. The seed players must meet at least in the third round, the top 16 seeds must meet in the fourth round, and the top 8 seeds need to reach the quarter-finals. To meet, and so on, if the first and second seeds of the match want to compete, they must go to the final. This is also the format of the competition. In the finals of tennis competitions, there are often heads-up battles in the world.

Grosjean, the 28th seed of the tournament, ended his first round on the first matchday. His luck was very good. His opponent retired due to injury. He only played a little more than a set, and successfully advanced to the second round. In the second round, he faced the winner between Zhang Guan and Rochus.

Grosjean had always thought that his opponent would be Rochus in the second round, but he did not expect that the final promotion would be Zhang Guan, and he still won with a crushing score. This made Grosjean flat-footed and he felt a surprise.

"It's awful, I should have gone and watched that game yesterday! The previous pre-game preparations were all directed at Rochus, but I didn't expect Rochus to be eliminated by Zhang Guan! In the end, Zhang Guan, a wild card player, how did he get rid of Rochus!" Grosjean sat anxiously in front of the computer, browsing the recent news about the Australian Open.

"Rochus lost to Zhang Guan because of physical discomfort"

The title immediately attracted Grosjean. Grosjean clicked in. The general content was that Rochus felt uncomfortable in the game, but he insisted on finishing the game, so he lost the big score to Zhang Guan.

"It's like this! I said that Zhang Guan could not beat Rochus. It turned out that it was because of Rochus' own body, so I should be relieved. This Zhang Guan's luck is really good, he easily picked up a career first win, or a grand slam first win. But my luck was also very good. In the first game, my opponent retired with half an injury. In the second game, I met Zhang Guan, an amateur player. Having said that, I still don't know anything about Zhang Guan. Although he may be very good, I still have to do some pre-match preparations! Go ahead and watch the video of Zhang Guan's game against Rochus yesterday!"


Director Qu is undoubtedly one of the people who care most about Zhang Guan. The news that Zhang Guan successfully entered the second round of the Australian Open was immediately known to Director Qu.

"Zhang Guan was able to get past the first round, really shit luck! When is the second round?" Director Qu searched on a sports portal for a moment, but in the detailed schedule of key matches, he did not find Zhang Guan's game preview.

"Why not? By the way, how did I forget that Zhang Guan has been blocked by me, and his message will not appear on it!" Director Qu felt much better at this moment, "Even if you pass the first round What about you, you are now blocked, and who in the country will know that you have won at the Australian Open?"

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