
The First Battle

On the track, Zhang Guan stepped on the starting blocks with his feet, and he was nervous.

"Everyone, prepare!" The starter raised the starting gun, including Zhang Guan, and all the athletes made a starting posture.

I have to say that two months of starting training is very effective for Zhang Guan. At least in terms of starting posture and a starting direction, Zhang Guan has caught up with other professional athletes.

Finally, the gunshots sounded, eight athletes on the track ran out of the starting line, and Zhang Guan also activated the "sprint" skill at this time.

However, at the moment of starting, Zhang Guan fell to the last place. The starting reaction time of professional athletes is generally within 0.2 seconds, and Zhang Guan 's current starting reaction time is about 0.1 seconds slower than others, After all, he only had about two months of training, and Zhang Guan had not yet fully reached the level of professional athletes in starting reaction time.

Yu Gui, who was watching from a distance, frowned, as a country coach of the home team, he naturally knows that the athlete's starting reaction time has a great relationship with the state of the starting time, but each professional athlete has undergone a lot of training, and the muscles and body have already won the memory of the starting movement, and even can Say the formation of the conditioned reflex. For excellent professional athletes, even if the starting state is worse, the starting reaction time cannot be slower than 0.2 seconds based on the body's memory and conditioned reflex.

In the men 's 100m professional competition, the only explanation for the athlete 's starting reaction time is slower than 0.2 seconds is the lack of attention when starting. Not focusing on the game, no matter what kind of sports competition is taboo, even more, unforgivable mistakes in the 100-meter race. So Yu Gui turned his head slightly and looked at Chen Lao, only to find that there was a faint smile on Chen Lao's face, which was a very happy expression.

Yu Guardian didn't know that Zhang Guan's original starting reaction time was even worse, and he was able to increase the starting reaction time to less than 0.3 seconds in two months, which made Chen Lao very satisfied.

"Lao Chen, what's wrong with this, his disciples dared to be distracted in the start, he was so happy!" Guidance Yu felt inexplicable, and then turned his eyes moved to the track, and then found that Zhang Guan was tied with the first place.

"What's going on? How is he catching up to me! His speed is so fast! This is the type of speed that only the top domestic players have." Yu Gui's eyes widened. He is the highest coach in the country and is extremely sensitive to the speed of the athletes, so In just a moment, Yu Gui made an accurate judgment.


The next few groups of players preparing to run were also watching the battle.

"Whatever you do, it's so fierce as soon as you come up, you don't have to fight so hard in the preliminary round!" A player said.

"It's normal. After all, it is the first group. The strength is not dominant. It is better to grab the first two to advance to the rematch." Another said.

"But this kid's speed is quite fast. This kind of speed should not be like a newcomer, but how come I have never seen it?"

"I haven't seen it"

"No, this speed seems outrageous!

In the discussion of everyone, Zhang Guan has approached the end. Even if he lost the blessing of the "sprint" skill for a distance, Zhang Guan undoubtedly crossed the end first, and the time in his mind was also crossed At the end of the moment, it accurately stopped at 10.38 seconds.

Subsequently, Zhang Guan looked at the display at the end of the screen, showing that his final score was 10.38 seconds.

Two months ago, Zhang Guan 's 10.3-second hand count result was about 10.54 seconds with electronic timekeeping. Now 10.38 seconds with electronic timekeeping is 0.16 seconds faster than two months ago, which is the time increased from the start.

"It turns out that this is not the case in national competitions." Zhang Guan let out a sigh of relief, the tension disappeared without a trace.


"Ten seconds and 38!" Yu Gui exclaimed.

This result may not be dazzling if placed ten years later, but right now, this was a very remarkable result. Last year, only three people across the country ran in less than 10.40 seconds, and Zhang Guan's 10.38 seconds would be ranked in the top four in the domestic year if placed last year.

Under the domestic athlete selection system and rating system, Yu Gui, who is the coach of the national team, is well aware of the athletes of the provincial level, but Zhang Guan is an exception today. Yu Gui recalled those excellent first-level athletes No similar information was found.

Yu Gui looked at the satisfied Chen Lao and said, "Lao Chen, where did you find this good seedling?"

Chen Lao extended two fingers and said, "Two months ago, I was dug into the treasure in the national second-level athlete test."

"Test of the second-level athletes?" Yu Gui's eyes widened in surprise. For him, the level of the second-level athletes in every country is like a childish child. And then, Guidance Yu reminded Chen Lao of "two months" ago.

"Two months ago to participate in the second-level athlete test? Is he a newcomer?" Yu Gui immediately grasped the focus of the problem.

"Yes! He is seventeen years old, sophomore, and started sprinting in a few years. I have regular training in my hands.

Only two months of practice. Old Chen nodded and asked again, "Can't believe it!"

"It's more than I can't believe it, it's scary." Yu Gui paused, then said: "Lao Chen, come back and give me a copy of this child's information! The national team needs some new blood.


On the track, when Zhang Guan completed the game, the novice task was also completed.

The system prompt pops up again: the task is completed, and the reward: 1 skill point.

Immediately afterward, the system sounded: "In addition to learning skills, the skill points can also be upgraded. Next, you can try to upgrade your skills.

The sprint skill icon appears in the middle of the system interface, and the task prompts Zhang Guan to upgrade the sprint skill. And Zhang Guan immediately upgraded the sprint skills

"The upgrade is successful, the sprint skill is upgraded to the expert level, and the skill effect is improved: the straight running speed is increased, the improvement lasted 20 seconds."

In the system, the green icon of the original skill has changed to blue at this moment. The original "linear running speed has a certain improvement" has become a "larger improvement", and the duration has also changed from 10 seconds to 20 seconds, Which has doubled.

"10 seconds has become 20 seconds, which means that the sprinting effect can cover the entire 100-meter race, so for the last distance, I can also enjoy the skill increase." Zhang Guan thought secretly.

A new task prompt suddenly pops up:

Now that you have expert-level skills, this is not what you used to be. The road to the peak of life has been opened. Accept the challenge!

Novice task: Break a national record.

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