

I teleported back to the base where I found a Retu invasion going on. With a thought I slaughtered them all, they died in extreme agony screeching loudly. I found the last one with a child in the infirmary.

Faith was there to stop me from killing that specific one saying. "This one came to warn us of the others."

I stilled and read it's mind before screeching at it in it's native language, telling it to find the bombs as I would deal with the other Retu off world. The kid understood what I said to it as well but was just as shocked as the Retu when I teleported away.

I landed on the Retu invasion site and with a smile I shifted fully and sealed the gate as I tore into them. I ate them all not even sparing their souls after I got the information I needed from their minds.

Several worlds full of rebel Retu later and I was sitting happy with a stomach full of souls as well as being tired of the stringy chicken taste that came with the crunch of a Retu. At least the goa'uld has different tastes to them!

When I teleported back to the SGC I was a bit preoccupied digesting souls when I noticed the guards were much smaller and pointing their weapons at me scared shitless. I snorted and shifted back to my human for putting on clothes with magic.

When I was human again I told them. "My bad, I just ate several planet's full of Retu. I was a bit distracted digesting their souls."

The guards looked more fearful by my words than the fact that I was just a giant wolf. Sam saw this and asked me. "Several planet's?"

I nodded. "They were spread out and about to attack several major worlds like earth. They were the equivalent of terrorist cells. Don't worry though, I ate them all."

My words had a weird effect on her father and the Retu listening in behind the boy. Her father looked disgusted while the Retu shit itself on the spot. As soon as the smell hit me I told Sam. "I'm not cleaning that up."

She pinched her nose asking. "What is that smell?"

Jacob answered. "The Retu voided it's bowels thanks to your boyfriend putting the fear of a god into it."

I cut off my sense of smell and did the same for Sam while the rest of my wives did the same for themselves. Everyone else was left to suffer.

I commented absentmindedly. "They tasted like chicken, though a bit bland like it wasn't seasoned so after the second planet full I made it rain taco sauce before I ate them."

Que another bowel movement from the Retu. This time everyone, even the sick kid got hit with the smell. I belched and a Retu antennae came out of my mouth and landed on the bed.

I picked it up asking. "Anyone want a bite?"

The Retu fainted into a pile of it's own feces. They all shook their heads and I popped it back into my mouth making sure to crunch it into smaller pieces this time. I turned to Sam after I swallowed it. "So, disaster averted yay?"

She rolled her eyes while she told me about the kid. I shrugged and summonses Thor with teleportation. I pointed at the kid saying. "Retu fiddled with his DNA. Take him back to the capital and have him fixed up and sent back here when he's a real boy or whatever."

Thor grabbed his nose. "What smells like Retu dung?"

I pointed behind the kid. "Retu dung obviously."

He grabbed the kid promising to bring him back as soon as he was healthy again. I sent them both to Chulak before saying. "I'm gonna go grab a shower. I've got Retu blood all over places only Retu would have during mating season."

I grabbed Sam and teleported to the shower where she helped me was the blood off. She told me about an interesting tidbit that Daniel failed to mention a while back when he went for his dimensional trip through a quantum mirror.

Apparently she looked rather attractive with long hair. With a smile I helped her grow her hair out. I had to agree I liked it a lot! She received some extra attention from me as I left her feeling stuffed in a bubble bath afterwards. Something I did for my mates when they couldn't stand without shaky legs.

She took the hint and decided to wear a cap to hold her hair up as air force regulations. I massaged her feet and shoulders before leaving her to enjoy her bath. I headed back to base to thank Daniel with the full translation of the ancient language into English.

He was a bit stunned that he could suddenly understand what he was trying to read until he saw me behind him. "You did this?"

I nodded. "Thanks for the tip by the way. I think I like Sam with long hair better now. It's very attractive. You'll find you can speak and read the language as easy as any ancient."

He thanked me and I shrugged. "Thanks for the tip."

I left him there reading all the ancient texts and translating it all. He was so excited that he started recording the translated words on both paper and audio tapes.

When I found my way back to Chulak next I came across a Nox and Tollan representative. They each came to verify my claims of divinity and see if I was lying about the protection I claimed for their non interference.

I chuckled as I felt the Nox elder trying to enter my mind. "Fine, if you want into my mind I'll let you in. See for yourself about my claims."

I held nothing back including what I knew of his people and their closeness with my mother as her favored people in this reality. When he pried deeper to try seeing my core, what made me a god after he knew I was one already, I slammed him out with a growl as he fell unconscious from my forceful ejection.

With a snort I told the Tollan. "He'll wake up in a bit. When he does tell him any other god would've killed him for prying into their essence. Since he now knows for a fact that I'm a god what would ease your worries about my claims of protection? Ahh, got it, here see this."

I showed him what I was willing to do for his planet and what I do to every planet in my empire. The wards and protections I add including the energy fields involved. When I was done he simply said. "I shall inform the council of your generosity."

I nodded and teleported away to add said protections to the newest conquered territories that Illyria had claimed in my name. The fleet, including five city ships and almost seventy war ships had grown considerably now.

I had them stop production on the war ships and focus on defensive satellites to put around the protected planets. The fleet could be used to it's full effect once all the planet's were safe. The satellites would be cloaked and powered by potentia or ZPM's as the humans would call them eventually.

The charging satellites would be stockpiling potentia for the wars to come now. After I finished preaching to the masses on each planet and showing off my divinity, I put up the wards and created the one hundred ward stones and a new seed as per usual.

Over the course of the next month I focused on that as my goal. That was until three weeks in I finally got news that Sam and Faith had been taken hostage by a goa'uld.

I was royally pissed when I did here about it and it wasn't even from the SGC or my wives, it was from a Tok'ra agent who'd thought I would care to know. I paid him back with the gate address to Egeria telling him that as soon as she was in his sights all he had to do was say my name and I'd come heal her.

With that I searched the goa'uld worlds for them. It wasn't until I heard Sam's weak voice whisper my name that I found them. "Osiris."

I appeared right next to her with a smile. "There you are love."

She frowned weakly. "How? They said you were dead!"

I snorted. "I cannot die, I am a god of rebirth and no one in this reality could kill me."

I cupped her face before saying. "Close your eyes now, I don't want you to see the side of me I'm about to show them."

The goa'uld, Jaffa and hidden Tok'ra were stunned that I'd appeared. When she closed her eyes I turned, shifting as I did so into my vampire form as I placed a sound barrier over her. My screeching roar shook the planet as I moved and appeared next to the Jaffa. I flayed him alive while holding everyone in the base still with my power.

The goa'uld inside him screeched as I ripped it out of him and flayed it alive as well before leaving it's flailing still alive form on the floor before the goa'uld that was next he begged but his screams joined the other two before I waved a finger summoning salt and electricity to set their nerves on fire and hear their screams.

I appeared before the Tok'ra next as she begged. "Please, I sent word I swear I had nothing to do with their capture! Please don't, not that!"

I screeched in her face while my fangs elongated. I sent her to the Tok'ra base as I moved throughout the facility giving the rest of the Jaffa and goa'uld the same treatment. The goa'uld inside were not spared either as I flayed them even inside the bodies they inhabited.

When I got to Hathor I read her mind and found that the NID had freed her for information and she'd escaped through the gate then after taking control of an operative and using his access to escape.

Her death was spectacular as she was technically still alive in a time fractal that I'd learned to control from Illyria. It was an excruciating way to keep your victims for an eternity outside of time and space in a living pocket dimension of a sort that shreds the soul as a price for being inside.

Add that to the fact that I flayed salted and electrocuted her as well and she wasn't in a good place. I shifted back to my human for and released the team starting with Faith. Then Sam, and after they had clothes, Jack and Daniel were next.

We left the facility and headed towards the gate while the girls ignored the shrieking Jaffa and goa'uld in the ground. Daniel and Jack asked me to do something about the so I dumped more salt and shocked them more.

The team looked sick even Faith now but she didn't comment because of the look on my face. I told them. "Once you're off world I'll seal this entire planet and this will be their fate for eternity. Unable to die or heal, outside of space and time, eternally in agony."

I turned to Jack and Daniel. "Let this be a lesson to anyone dumb enough to try taking what is mine."

When he came upon the barrier I raised a hand and punched it, shattering the barrier like glass. I wasn't in the mood to be polite. When I dialed earth and sent them through I took the gate and DHD and even took the staff weapon turrets hidden underground.

When I was done I sealed up the entire planet and tossed it out of space and time, outside of reality itself. It took twenty suns of power to do so but I was angry enough to waste them. When I was done I headed back to the SGC where I found General Hammond drinking heavily knowing I was coming for him after he'd heard what I'd done to the goa'uld and Jaffa.

I read his mind and growled. Senator Kinsey had ham-stringed him by having his granddaughter targeted. I snorted as he told me Buffy, Alice and Lexi were tracking down the proof and he'd been unable to tell anyone or risk his family.

Growling I didn't say a word to him, I reached into Kinsey's mind and sent him and all of the trust, the organization he works for, and all those in league with them into the sun. Not a word was said between us but he knew it was ok now by the anger that had drained from my face.

I simply teleported my wives back to me and took them and Sam to the house where I spent the day reassuring myself they were safe and ok. It wasn't a sexual thing but a comforting and holding kind of thing.

The next day I got word that the Tok'ra has managed to lay eyes on Egeria. I'd teleported to his side as Martouf was outside the door of the room where she was contained. I didn't need his confirmation as I broke the door down and appeared before her tank.

I disconnected her from the birthing organs she'd been forced to grow and the monitors she was hooked up to. I healed her to near perfect health as I took her out of the tank and grabbed Martouf, teleporting away to the Tok'ra base.

We appeared before the council chambers where they were holding the selections for her vessel to blend with. Apparently they'd quite the selection of people to choose from when they mentioned destroying the system lords.

Martouf told the councilors. "Hurry, she needs a vessel now!"

The girl closest to me pulled out an ashrak weapon and I snapped her neck before she could fire. I snorted. "Maybe someone that doesn't want her dead?"

One of the councilors told the last two volunteers to decide and the second closest to me stood. I held out the Tok'ra queen and she went into the girls mouth easily. After a moment I told Martouf. "We are even, I owe you nothing now."

He nodded. "Of course."

I teleported away to my wives and returned to their arms as I lay with them. Soon enough a Tok'ra had to come and ruin our time together. The Tok'ra in question was Jacob/Selmak so I didn't kill them for the annoyance.

The girls were called back to base that morning as it'd been a week anyway. We'd simply laid together, showered and eaten barely leaving the bedroom at times as we simply held each other and on occasion taught Sam magic and technology beyond her current understanding.

It was basic knowledge for goa'uld technology and onwards but nothing at the Tollan level yet. Though she did learn fairly quickly. The intimate part other than our bodies holding each other was the fact that we only communicated through telepathic messages and entering each other's minds.

When they returned to base under orders with Jacob leading them I went back to what I was doing and finished up planting seeds and sealing barriers around the worlds under my protection. I finished that easy enough as I was motivated to get back to my girls.

When I was done with that and a handful of miracles, I headed back to earth only to find them gone on some mission to find the goa'uld Set on earth. Growling I teleported to their sides only to be forced to erase a human's mind of seeing me arrive out of thin air.

I wasn't amused but Buffy and Lexi found it funny at least. I asked why we were at this particular cult property and Daniel explained the run down. When they were talking about how to handle it I just teleported inside. What I found inside disgusted me. The goa'uld Seth was rapping some poor human girl.

I erased her mind as I shocked everyone in the compound getting rid of the toxins in their system. I knocked Seth unconscious before clothing the poor girl and sending her out with the rest of the mortals.

I went through the cesspit that was Set's mind and found it was useless. I killed him and his host who was of like mind as his snake. After collecting all the goa'uld technology from the humans I sent them outside where the ATF and the team from the SGC was waiting.

I erased all the females minds but the men who'd been turned into eunuchs were screwed as they remembered the whole process in traumatic detail and I'd have to remold each of their bodies while erasing their memories and that was too time consuming. Hence the screwed part as I wasn't waste the time and energy on them.

I simply didn't care for their plights, they were mortal after all. If I could make it right with a simple mind wipe I'd do so but that would just terrify them more.

As the human finished leaving Jack and the team arrived as I took Seth's body and all the goa'uld technology into my ring. I basically cleared the place out including the rings to the tunnel below.

A good thing too as the ATF stormed the place moments later. When they pointed their guns at me I chuckled and raised my hand saying. "I'm with them. They were taking too long so I came in and freed the hostages. They were on some kind of drugs so I stunned them and they sort of came out of it. By the time I finished with them the cult leader had scampered off, my bad."

The agent in charge went to arrest me for interfering in a federal investigation and Jack stopped him saying. "He was under orders, I wouldn't do that if you value your careers."

The agent stopped for a minute but when he went ahead and cuffed my wrist I told them. "Sleep."

The agents fell down like they'd been ruffled and stayed down. "You humans really should listen to reason more often."

Jack snorted. "The goa'uld? And don't tell me he escaped."

I shrugged. "I killed him. He was in the middle of rapping a girl when I came in. I don't particularly care for the act so I freed the poor girl of her memories as well as most of the men and women that left. The ones that remember are the eunuchs. Poor bastards, but I'm not wasting energy and time to regrow a males body parts unless I value them. They're mortals, they'll get over it."

At my shrug Jack scowled. "Yes, because that's what we mortals do, get over it."

I chuckled. "Actually you all have a saying I quite enjoy. Time heals all wounds. A funny thing that, considering what I did to the last humans I punished. Outside of time and space and all that."

He shivered and I turned to Sam. "The goa'uld technology and Set's body are in my rings. I've just finished modifying the ATF's memories. They won't remember us but they will remember the cult leader hitting them with a knockout gas and running while they hit the ground. Can't leave any traces of aliens in their minds. So, let's go home?"

Lexi snorted while Alice sighed exasperated. "Yes, lets go home."

I teleported them and their vehicle back to the compound before depositing the goa'uld technology in their armory. The staff sergeant will have a hell of a time cataloging all the new weapons and goa'uld grenades.

After dropping off the body in a volcano I came back to take the girls back to the bedroom when Hammond stopped me. "What about the man he was possessing?"

I sighed. "I'll be honest with you. Set enjoyed what he was doing almost as much as the human he was possessing. He picked a winner I guess. If the man were innocent I might've saved him and even erased his mind. But he was just as much a monster as the goa'uld possessing him."

He gave a grim nod and I left with the girls back to the room. A week later I was called to a meeting of the system lords to discuss earth having hatak class ships from my own supply and being a possible threat to the system lords.

I lounged on my throne in the neutral mine filled zone while Ba'al accused me of this and that. When he asked. "What have you to say for yourself against these allegations?"

I snorted. "If it's about the old and nearly useless hatak ships, I retired them after our first meeting as my new ships are far more advanced. Those things belong to Ra's era and I'm not talking about recently either. When I was informed of them going missing I assumed it was one of you or a minor goa'uld. From there I laid waste to every minor goa'uld near my territories. This you have but to look around and you see for yourself. The closest goa'uld near my territory is that of the Morrigan."

I waved a finger to the goa'uld in question before saying. "As for the Tau'ri having them odds are it was the Tok'ra working with them or a minor goa'uld using them and failing before their likely death to take out the Tau'ri as proof of their power. Unlike you lot I seem to be the only one who doesn't cower at the mention of the Tau'ri. Besides, my interests don't fall in those regions of space. Let the Tau'ri blow themselves up for all I care I have better and far more interesting things to concern myself with."

Ba'al asked curiously. "Such as?"

I smirked. "Never you mind. My musings on making the strongest vessels possible. I've been tinkering with the Jaffa to interesting effects."

I waved a hand a rabid looking Jaffa in chains was brought in. In reality it was a vampire werewolf hybrid I'd tried making and he'd lost his mind. He was a willing volunteer in the end so I promised to at least take care of his family for as many generations as they procreated.

It tried lunging at me when my lo'taur, aka Illyria, send a blast with a modified staff weapon and his head exploded. In reality she'd exploded his head and I'd wiped his soul. The goa'uld looked amused by my findings while Nirrti asked. "What have you done to cause such changes?"

I smirked. "I skinned him alive along with a wolf and replaced his skin before shoving him in a sarcophagus. Amusing at least is it not? Perhaps I'll try changing the next one's genetic makeup to include the wolf DNA naturally or maybe a fetus so it's born naturally. I wonder what would happen if I did such a thing with a queen. With our natural healing it should be possible-"

I trailed off as the goa'uld shivered at my musings while Yu spoke up angry. "It is against our laws!"

I snorted. "We make our own laws. Perhaps you wish to challenge me for their changes then?"

He stilled before sneering and looking away. I leaned back while catching Ba'al's eye. "I've no interest in the Tau'ri or the missing ships for that matter. If that's all this is about then-"

He raised a hand before shaking his head. "There is one more thing we must discuss. The Asgard have come to try and include the Tau'ri into the protective planets treaty. We need representatives to represent our interests while on their world."

He looked to me and I snorted while he smiled. "I nominate Osiris, Cronus and Nirrti. Does anyone have any objections?"

I growled. "You would dare presume to waste my valuable time with these trivial tasks!"

I stood as my eyes flashed and he chuckled while I snorted. "I nominate Yu, Cronus and Nirrti."

I turned to Yu with a sneer before continuing. "And Ba'al to be their Cha'tak."

He was expecting the insult but what he wasn't expecting was a reasonable line up. Cronus chuckled. "I agree with Osiris."

Several votes went through and it was a tie. Finally Ba'al spoke up. "Since there's only one difference and there is a tie both Yu and Osiris will go with Cronus and Nirrti."

I sneered but agreed as I was overruled and this wasn't where I needed to focus my energies anyway. While I boarded the ship that would take us to the nearest stargate I teleported from my personal quarters to warn Sam and the rest while watching her award ceremony to Major.

As soon as it was over I told them all as Jack was beamed up by Freyr and warned of the same things. I contacted Thor and had him replace Freyr as the representative from the Asgard. Freyr agreed and I congratulated Sam once more with a deep kiss before teleporting back to the ship.

When we reached the planet in question Thor met us there and stripped us of possible weapons his technology could detect. Of course he was in his old ship now as Freyr had went home by stargate.

When we arrived at the SGC by stargate we were shown around and given quarters suited to our pantheon and stylings. Daniel did his best to not sound amused when he showed me my quarters that had a fruit bowl and a throne with two fan wavers, Faith and Buffy, in gold body paint while Alice and Lexi were by the refreshments and the bed nearly nude in Egyptian female wear that left little to the imagination.

I sneered. "It will do Tau'ri slave."

I waved him off as he closed the doors behind him with a smirk and went on to lead Cronus to his quarters. I chuckled and sat on the throne before pulling both women into my lap. I was about to ravage them when I heard Nirrti's incessant hollering.

I looked up and saw the camera in my own quarters and yanked it out before leaving the girls pouting in amusement as I walked out growling and tossing the camera to the ground. "I will not be spied on!"

Nirrti said much the same thing as she tossed her own camera down. Cronus and Yu agreed as well. Daniel ever the peace keeper said. "They were there for your safety, but I can see how that can be misconstrued. We can remove those in your quarters but the ones in the hallways do need to stay if only for your safety."

I growled at first then nodded. Cronus followed my lead then Nirrti and Yu. I turned and went back to my quarters while Cronus traded words with Teal'c. As soon as I closed my doors I sealed them with magic and removed all the cameras and sound listening devices.

Then I was all over them, there was no mistaking what had clearly happened from the body paint smears and the obvious soaked hair in their nether regions as I left all four of them oozing seed while I gathered with the other system lords to begin the meeting.

Cronus lead as I couldn't be bothered to care about the proceedings. When Yu insulted me I reminded him he was but a larva compared to me. After that Nirrti snickered and insulted Yu before Jack interrupted us. I sneered. "Gon'shak tel'tak"

I cursed him for the insult before Cronus went to copy me as he was trying to remain the one in control. He knew I wasn't afraid of war as even the Osiris in the urn that I'd killed relished in war. That and a bit of trickery by Setesh and Ba'al was the reason he'd been imprisoned for so long.

Heck, Cronus hadn't even been a system lord back then. Only Yu was remotely as old as the original Osiris. He'd actually been amongst the goa'uld to have helped beat Osiris's army and helped Ra and Set capture him.

As it was I was the first to leave and return to my quarters where I continued my pursuits. After a while I was called out by Cronus and he asked me blatantly. "Why do you challenge my leadership?"

I sneered. "I challenged Ra, what makes you think I care about your leadership or even Ba'al's? If you must know I am waiting to see when Nirrti will strike. My informants say she's been playing with new technology."

He stilled before asking. "What new technology?"

Shrugged I told him. "That's why I'm waiting for her to strike. Once she does I'll know what she's hidden from us and the rest of the system lords."

He sighed. "Then a game we shall play."

I chuckled darkly. "Indeed."

Nirrti and Yu joined us as we continued the meeting and this time Cronus was all business. Thor made his offer of allowing us to use a long coveted passage through a unique solar system while Cronus counter offered. He demanded the return of the Hatak motherships to their rightful owner, me, and the immediate forfeiture of the Tau'ri stargate as a special addendum.

Jack stopped himself before asking to be recognized. When Thor did so he opened with. "The motherships have been taken apart and used for spare parts by our scientists to attempt at making a rocket to get us to mars. As for the stargates I say huh?"

I sneered. "You will return-"

Cronus spoke over me to plant his dominance. "If there is no more ships than there is nothing to return."

I growled and we traded curses until finally Yu spoke up. I switched my ire to him while Cronus continued. "Both stargates must be handed over or we will never agree to such a proposal further more article three zero six states that no planet may advance technologically to the point where they are a threat to the goa'uld."

Jack could hold it in now as he spoke out of turn. "What? Sorry."

He turned to Thor. "May I speak?"

Thor nodded. "The Asgard council recognizes the human representative."

Yu and I stopped arguing and turned to listen to Jack who asked us and Cronus specifically. "You're limiting our development?"

I sneered. "The council and this whole treaty recognizes that humans are mere cattle to be used as hosts for us and slaves. Nothing more."

Cronus cursed me calling my spawn weaklings and I chuckled pointing out Anubis was technically my spawn. Yu took exception to that calling all of my spawn deranged. That I didn't argue with as I only gave him and Cronus as smug look.

They tisked while Cronus told the Asgard and in turn Jack. "Such decisions of the races technological advancement is to rest solely in the hands of the goa'uld system lords. As I said before, both gates must be turned over for this treaty to work."

I stood saying. "Until such a time as you decide we will be taking our leave in our quarters unsatisfactory quarters."

Cronus followed my lead on this as Nirrti and Yu stood as well and swept out behind us. When I got to my quarters Cronus came inside. Luckily the girls knew to leave as this was an important point.

He lounged about until Teal'c came in and I gave them leave to speak at Cronus's request. I found Yu and mentioned a possible cure for his old age being a stasis healing chamber. I also happened to mention I could attempt to have one built as I'd learned much from the technology Ra had received after taking on an Asgard host.

He wanted to know what I wanted in trade for such a thing and I told him we'd discuss it further as we'd heard the Daniel calling for help. We went to see what was happening and were blocked by the human guards from leaving Yu's quarters.

We waited until the humans came to get us and I was boiling with anger from what I projected. Yu saw my rage as a sign that I was making deals with Cronus. While Nirrti saw it as an in to use against the humans and doom both them and Cronus.

She faked healing him and failing with a healing device the humans provided. Growling I spoke. "You have doomed your planet with these actions. If Cronus does not get to a sarcophagus then he will die and you won't need to fear the other system lords, I'll destroy you myself!"

Jack pleaded their case while we left to our quarters to speak to each other in private. Nirrti had been against the deal to start with but now there was no deal and she was basking in my anger while Yu asked me. "What deal did you make with Cronus to have you so angry?"

I sneered. "It does not matter now. The Tau'ri will not let us leave and as such we will be destroyed along with them when the other system lords use us as an excuse to strike them down!"

Yu fidgeted while Nirrti asked. "What do you suggest then?"

I growled. "My lo'taur will come to retrieve me before the planet is destroyed. Her loyalty is absolute I made sure of it. She will bring the full force of my fleet with seventy ships there is nothing to fear for me."

They were both severely shocked at the size of my fleet as I'd never revealed it all only a third of that was ever reported to the system lords. I was the single strongest system lord as I rivaled nearly half the full night of the other combined system lord's fleet.

They were simply shocked at the size of my power before Yu spoke up. "You have broken the balance of power amongst the system lords!"

I snorted. "Do not play with me Yu, we both know you're fleet is at least half that."

I turned to Nirrti and snorted. "And you are barely a system lord at ten ships."

She blanched before sneering. "Barely but still a system lord."

I nodded conceding her that point before they both attempted to curry favor. I made sure to revel in their attention while Yu spoke of an alliance with our deal as a basis. When the humans summoned us they both showed me preferential behavior.

The humans took notice of it as Jack spoke to me directly. "We know for a fact that Cronus will be fine now as Nirrti lied about being able to heal him. Major Carter was able to -"

Nirrti protested as Jack snorted. "We know it was you who did it! We talked to the Tok'ra. You're the only one thats been experimenting with phase shifting technology."

I stood and questioned Nirrti. "You dare not share this technology with the system lords!"

She shook her head. "They're lies!"

Yu stood up behind her saying. "You're the one that was against this treaty! You dare ruin our dealings with the Asgard? You've long since coveted Cronus's territory!"

She saw we weren't swayed and sneered. "Go'tak!"

He choked her but she knocked him off and activated her cloaking technology. She disappeared before knocking a guard over and taking his weapon. Sam pushed me down and landed on top of me while Daniel did the same to Yu as Nirrti opened fire.

Sam moaned at how ready I was to take her as she'd landed with the junction of her thighs pressing against my member. She gave me a ready gaze before kicking back into soldier mode and grabbing a Reetu blaster the Tok'ra had provided the last time Reetu were in the base.

I watched her chase after Nirrti with the soldiers following her and waited as I got up. The humans aid they'd take care of it and Yu followed my lead. When they brought Nirrti back in Jack spoke up. "Cronus said he would accept the treaty and we wouldn't have to give up our stargate."

I nodded, Yu followed while my gaze never left Nirrti or more specifically Sam behind her looking all sexy and in charge. An hour later Cronus joined us in the stargate room where we'd taken Nirrti and her technology and were ready to leave.

I'd given the humans the address with which to send us to while Cronus warned them that while the treaty protected their planet, it did not in fact protect their off world people. We took Nirrti back to the neutral meeting place and met with other system lords.

The system lords fined her and took the technology to be replicated and disseminated amongst all of us. I gave Ba'al and Cronus a light nod and after we chowed down on some spicy goa'uld we met in private.

In Ba'al's quarters with Cronus listening I told them. "She is clearly hiding more advanced technology in her territory. Now that she has revealed an advance like this I propose we each ally ourselves and lay waist to her territory. She is the weakest amongst the system lords next to Morrigan. You both may take her territory for yourselves but I wish to see what other advances she's made."

Ba'al agreed easily but Cronus spoke up. "You must share the technology we do find there amongst the rest of the system lords or they'll never stand for it."

I growled but nodded. "So be it. For the good of the empire."

I swept out and listened to Cronus tell Ba'al about my fleet size in secret. Either Nirrti or Yu talked but neither matters right now as they were both cautious. For the next ten weeks we laid waste to Nirrti's domain ending in a final battle over her last home world where she fell after trying to flee.

We scavenged the technology and found Furling technology she'd been concealing. It was mostly genetic manipulation technology but it was more than compensation added with the cloaking technology and the advanced shields she had.

The council of system lords were furious she'd managed to hide so much from us and happy about her death. The territory was split three ways as Camulus argued for a few mining planets he'd been coveting. I wasn't interested in territory deadlocked between the three.

Ba'al and Cronus were far more respectful when they'd seen the size of my fleet. The replicators has finished placing cloaked satellite stations powered by potentia around the protected planets in my domain and were stockpiling charged potentia now for future wars.

Now all they were doing was building city ships to cover Chulak and my hidden planets three to a planet like the satellites in orbit around them. While that was going on I'd skipped out a few times during the battles to go back to earth to help out.

Apparently Daniel activated a device from Ma'chello's collection that'd been used to assassinate a bunch of goa'uld. I arrived in time to remove them from Sam, Jack and Doctor Fraiser before removing one from Teal'c.

I went ahead and gave them the protein markers goa'uld leave behind after they die in someone. I'd also added some trace naquadah to nearly everyone's blood streams so that they could activate goa'uld technology easily. Add to that the fact that I'd given the entire base the ATA gene that allowed them to use ancient technology and I'd done my good deeds for a while at least.

I'd skipped out and had some crazy rough sex with Sam and Faith leaving both of them only when they each were walking with a well sexed gait. They way their asses swayed when they walked to the shower was hypnotic to me and had me showering with them.

When I was thoroughly satisfied for a moment at least and they were sharing a bubble bath, I headed back to the ship. I repeated the same actions when I was prayed to by Sam and found an alternate Sam and an alive Kawalsky.

They were in a meeting room with them when I appeared shocking them both. "What the hell?"

I chuckled. "Mortals."

I gave my Sam a kiss while the other Sam looked confused. "Who is he?"

Daniel answered her. "He's a god of sorts. Not like the goa'uld obviously, but an actual god."

I chuckled as I released my Sam. "There's not an alternate me in their reality or they'd know it. I tend to dislike false gods and a goa'uld taking over earth would never happen While there's a Sam on it."

I brushed my Sam's cheek with the back of my knuckles. With a thought my Sam's hair shortened into her military cut while I turned to the alternate Sam. "You married your Jack. That'll never happen with my Sam and Jack."

She frowned as I sighed. "You're going to experience entropic cascade failure soon. You shouldn't have come to a reality with a living alternate you. It affects even gods as realities can't stand more than one as we act as a singularity of a sort. We house too much energy and as such it's more immediate and tends to destroy the reality in the process. You however aren't nearly as focused, so mortal and human. It'll be a couple hours before you start to feel it."

Jack asked. "Wait a minute, are you saying there's more than one of you?"

I chuckled. "Yes, and I know of at least two others. One turned evil and rules his reality with a bloody fist. A result of Alice here dying in his reality."

Daniel asked. "And the other?"

Alice answered for me. "The other version of him wiped out all life in that reality and sat upon a throne of bones next to a version of Faith, Buffy and I. Not an outcome we want."

The human shivered and Jack asked. "Is there a reality where you're good?"

I shrugged. "This one? Technically I'm not evil here."

He snorted. "That doesn't make you good though!"

I shrugged. "Just be happy I'm not evil here."

The alternate Sam asked while I held my Sam in my arms. "How did you two-"

My Sam smiled. "He arrived when we went to Chulak to get our people back after Apophis raided the base and took an officer. He killed Apophis and set the people of Chulak free. He's turned a large part of the galaxy into paradise worlds."

She leaned back into my chest while I held her and her ass nestled my member hiding my hard on from the others in the room. When they were done with introductions sat down in Sam's seat while she took my lap.

She was a bit flushed and the other Sam gave her a knowing look while they talked about what needed done to save their reality.

Daniel mentioned the Asgard but I simply told him. "There's no need. I'll go through and wipe out all goa'uld on the planet. Then they can contact the Asgard if they wish to. I've a few secrets I can tell them once I lock out their reality from ours when I head back. I'll even revive their dead as a last goodbye."

Both alternate Sam and Kawalsky were both shocked and a little more believing of my godhood now. Faith chuckled. "And here I thought you'd try to get in her pants."

I snorted. "My Sam's better as she's mine. This Sam married Jack, how good can her judgement be, he's an idiot."

Jack bit out. "Hey-"

I gave him a look. "You tried to compare yourself with me, clearly you've been dropped on your head a few too many times."

He dropped his pen. "That's fair I guess."

The two alternates were not amused but then I couldn't care less. I asked them. "So, how are we getting there? Quantum mirror or the long way?"

Alternate Sam asked. "What's the long way?"

I shrugged. "I jump us through realities until we find the right one. Considering there's an infinite number of them, we're talking possible a billion years of hopping. Don't worry though, I'll keep you alive for it well, mostly."

They grimaced and Kawalsky said. "We'll take the mirror thank you."

I shrugged. "Spoil sport."

We had the mirror brought over from Area 51 and Kawalsky found the right reality while showing my Sam and Daniel how to work it. Alternate Sam got hit with some of the cascade failure by the right reality.

When she was done she said she was ready to go before it hit again. Chuckling we touched the mirror and came through the other side. I sent off a pulse of magic like before as this reality shared it's unique energy with me as well. We exchanged energies and I ended up with another seed of the same energy I'd gotten when I first arrived in my stargate reality.

When alternate Sam asked. "Ok, so what's next?"

I grinned and pointed to the Jaffa pointing staff weapons at us. "Watch this."

I snapped my fingers and it looked like they became spare blood in a horror film as their meat was shredded. The humans looked sick but I chuckled. "That was every Jaffa on the planet and their goa'uld counter parts. The fleet of ships above as well. Congratulations, you've officially won your invasion."

I focused and the walls vibrated as the base repaired itself. At a fascinating rewind way to the humans eyes. They watched in amazement when the vaporized humans came back in places as well.

Power pulsed from me as all over the world the same thing was happening. When I finished the mass revival and the repairs to the planet and cities I had the hatak ships land in the desert by Area 51. Before telling the two humans beside me. "It's done. The mother ships are by your Area 51 and the humans are all brought back. As for contacting your Alpha site, I'll leave that to you."

They ran off to find their friends and came back a half hour later while I waited. Their Jack and the rest thanked me but I simply gave them some bonus information on the ancient outposts and where to find a repository and how to safely take information from it without overloading their minds.

Add to that the building instructions for ancient war ships and city ships I gave alternate Sam and the language download I gave Kawalsky and they were pretty set. The repository would tell them everything else they needed to know about the ancients, the Nox and the Asgard.

They thanked me once more but I shrugged it off before cupping alternate Sam's cheek. "Even if you're not my Sam I can't knowingly leave any Sam's to suffer if I can help it."

I backed up and released her before telling them. "Contact the Asgard and tell them there is a group of ancients going from the Milky Way galaxy to the Pegasus galaxy at close to light speed. They'll be able to help them with both of their problems and in return ask that they spare a ship to protect this earth until such a time as you no longer need their protection."

I waved a hand and took out the energy booster for the stargate that my Jack had built and recalibrated it before putting in a new fuel cell from a goa'uld staff weapon. After tossing it to alternate Sam I told her. "It will power the gate if you connect it to the breaker box and dial the Asgard gate address my Sam gave you. It's a one shot until you figure it out on your own."

With a small smile I touched the mirror and went back to my Sam that I kissed deeply before she turned off the mirror. I took all my girls to bed then to share a large bath together as I didn't stay out of them for more than a minute and long enough to switch girls or holes in Faith's case.

That is until I got in the mood for it and they all ended up walking funny afterwards. That was the last of the calls back to earth while I was dealing with Nirrti.

Two weeks later she was dead and the system lords decided up her territory while sharing the furling technology she'd hid. I didn't seriously need or want the technology, I just acted on her idiocy to see another system lord fall without any trouble from the rest.

I shared the technology with earth including the cloaking technology. That earned me some brownie point with Sam as she insisted she couldn't wait and I took her there in her lab in the middle of the night.

Faith was the one to catch us and she only ended up joining as I broke the table while pounding her on it. She ended up lighting a blunt afterwards and snuggling up against me and Sam on the floor.

I cleaned up the lab when they slept and sent them to our actual bed via teleportation. I went to find Buffy, Alice and Lexi in the gym where I visited the same fate on them. Towards morning I grabbed a shower and repaired the gym after sending them to bed as well.

Feeling happy and satisfied for a while at least, I helped Daniel translate some goa'uld text from the ships they'd taken apart. I downloaded the full schematics for the hatak class goa'uld ships and downwards onto a twenty terabyte hard drive. I then spent some time listening to Bon Jovi, Pantera and Ozzie in the gate room to the SG teams annoyance and amusement.

When I teleported away to Chulak I had Illyria quit the war campaign for now as we'd taken all the territories between the system lords and earth. Nearly a third of the entire Milky Way galaxy was under my rule now. If we passed earth and folded it into my domain the system lords would notice while if we went further we'd face Sokar and I didn't feel like picking that fight just yet, soon but not yet.

Next chapter