
Chapter 23: Trouble Brewing

"No... don't go!!" Jason shouted as he tried to reach out to Jane, but after two minutes of frantically searching around in the air, he realized that there was no one in the room anymore. Jason immediately tried to get out of the room to search for Jane. He tried to search for the exit, but unfortunately, he could not find it.

"Why??" Jason cried out inwardly as he slumped into the chair, as the realization of his helplessness slowly sunk into him.


"Damn it, just where is this brat. Looks like we are going to be in deep trouble." mused Number Three as he kept on searching for Jason. 'Tch, there is nothing here. Let me return and see if Number Four got some lead'

But just as he was heading back, suddenly he heard a male voice calling out in the corridors.

"Master Reed, Master Reed, where are you?"

'Ah, finally!!' Number Three finally felt as he a load had been taken off their shoulders as he called out...

"Disciple Jason, over here!!"

"Huh, who is there?"

"Disciple Jason, I am an Elder who Sect Master Reed sent to bring you to him. Please come with me."

"Alright, lead the way"

This 'Jason' was, without a doubt, Jane masquerading as Jason. It seemed as if the trick was successful and she could put Reed off Jason's tail for the time being.

'My only wish is to have my mother rescued from that damn bastard. Jason, please do your best.' She thought in her mind as she followed Number Three.

Soon, they arrived in the dark room where Reed was anxiously waiting for them. After all, he was also on a timer and did not know how long it would take for the Skull Mark to take over Jason even with the formation in the Pool of Damnation in full force.

"Sect Master, I have brought Disciple Jason with me."

"What took you so long? Ah, forget it. Go and join the other Elders. Take Elder Four with you."

"Yes, Sect Master"

The hooded man bowed as he left the room, leaving Jane all alone with Reed.

"Jason, follow me," Reed said as he started walking out of the room with large steps.

"Master, wait for me," Jane said as she hurried to keep up with Reed.

As they were walking, Jane asked Reed, "Master, why are we moving so quickly? Did something happen?"

"Jason, I know that it has been your dream for long to embark on the cultivation journey. I, as your Master, have failed you by not trying to speed up the process." Reed replied as he continued his brisk walk.

"Master, it is nothing like..." Jane tried to say something when Reed cut her off.

"Listen now, Jason. I have decided that this matter cannot be delayed any longer. That is why I need you to fully prepare your body for the arduous training that I have in mind for you. To prepare your body, I have specifically created a bath that can open up all the pores and energy channels in your body."

"But Master, I just took that bath..."

"You fool, that bath was just to relieve you from the stress of your travel. How can it be enough to prepare your body for cultivation? This time, you are not to come out of the bath until I come to take you out of the bath. You understand?" Reed reprimanded seriously.

'Hmm. It looks like this bastard is in a real hurry to further his plans. Did something happen?' Jane thought.

"Master, you seem to be in a foul mood. Did something happen?"

"Ah, nothing. It is just some flys that are buzzing around the sect. Don't worry about it. Your Master will take care of those pests." Reed replied as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ok, Master."

As Jane kept following Reed, she could not help but have doubts in her mind. 'It looks like this bastard is facing enemies and hence wants to summon the Skull Lord to deal with them. Could it be my people? In that case, there is still hope!!! I have to endure inside the Pool of Damnation. I don't think that this bastard will be able to pay much attention to me or Jason since he would be busy dealing with those invaders.'

"Ok, Jason," Reed said as they finally reached the Pool of Damnation. "You can go in now. Remember, do NOT come out of the Pool until I come to take you. I have spent a lot of resources on arranging this bath for you and we cannot let it go to waste. You understand?"

"Yes, Master. Please don't worry about me. I swear I will not leave this place. You can rest assured and take care of your matters." Jane said as she shut the door and went inside the bath.

As Reed heard 'Jason' go inside the bath, he had a sinister smile on his face. 'Brat, this is probably the last time we are meeting. Do not worry. Once the Skull Lord arrives and we take over this entire plane, your name shall be forever passed down the generations of our temple. In a way, you shall become an immortal for our temple and hence fulfill your dream. Hahaha'

Just to ensure that there were no further hiccups in his plan, he started casting a formation. After about a minute of chanting, a purple web-like formation with a skull mark in its center appeared in front of the door. Once the formation was successful, he silently left to prepare the other sacrifices.

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