
Chapter 15: Reaching the Library

As Jason looked around the chamber, he could see nothing other than grey mist. This was very much similar to the time when he was brought over from Earth to here. But as a few minutes passed, Jason grew impatient and cried out,

"Elder, how long is it going to take? Don't tell me it is going to take a few hours like it took to reach here from Earth. Why can't you people have everything in one place instead of having everything so far apart from one other?"

The hooded man, who was wary of Jason, cautiously replied. "Ah, disciple Jason, it is not like that. Even though we are using a similar technique to the one Sect Master used to bring you here, we will reach our destination in the next two to three minutes. Unlike Earth which was millions of planes away from us, the library is just in a secret location in this plane itself. We shall reach soon."

"What? We are millions of planes away from Earth?! Oh God. Just how on earth did the Sect Master manage to find me at a place so remote? And what was he doing there in the first place? You wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you Elder?" Jason exclaimed.

"Ah, no no. How could I know about the Sect Master's arrangements? I am just a lowly librarian. Anyways, let us drop the topic. Look, we have arrived."

As he said that, the mist slowly started clearing out. When the mist totally cleared out, Jason could see that they were in another chamber much similar to the chamber from which they had started their journey.

"Librarian Huang, what just happened? Did the teleportation fail? How come are we back to the place we started from?" Jason asked.

"No, Disciple Jason, we did not fail in our travel. This is the other chamber that will lead us to the library."

"As I said before, the library is not located on another plane. It is located in the same plane but at a secret location. You can think of this portion of the plane as a hidden pocket that can only be accessed through these chambers. No other formation or technique can bring you here. This keeps the library safe and helps us prevent any unauthorized person from entering the library. Only the Sect Master and I can come here."

"Ah, such a wonderful place. I am really impressed." marveled Jason as he tried to walk out of the chamber.

"Err Disciple Jason, we need to get out through the other side," said Huang as he opened the chamber from the other side.

Soon, Jason came out of the glass chamber and stood outside as he gazed at the library around him. To his surprise, there were no racks filled with books as he would find in a typical library on Earth. Instead, he found that many books and scrolls were covered in glass casings and displayed on the wall, like an art museum.

"Finally," exclaimed Jason as he started going out to take a look, but he was stopped by the hooded man.

"Just a second, Disciple Jason. I need to tell you one secret." the hooded man said in a serious voice.

"What is it, Elder?" asked Jason in an impatient tone.

"You see, accessing this secret pocket is not easy. After one to and fro journey, the formation on the chambers would deactivate, and no one would be able to come here for another five hundred years. Do you know what that means? The Sect Master is willing to do this, just for you! In the past, the Sect Master always had disciples train in the most basic techniques that could be found anywhere across the continent. But just for you, the Sect Master decided to make an exception. I hope you can keep this mind."

"Oh, alright I will keep thisin mind. I will also make sure to thank Master later for the same." Jason said in a serious manner.

"All right. No go and select your techniques. Remember to ask me if you do not understand something. I am there to help you."

As Jason walked away, the hooded man laughed in his mind. 'Haha, brat. Weren't you very cunning? This time, you clearly took a loss. Haha, soon your soul shall become food to the Skull Lord. Liaison's way of doing things are truly great.'

In reality, the library that was seemingly located in a secret pocket was actually a sham that was constructed by Number 1 (Ralph) while the MC was having his bath in the Pool of Damnation. This sham library was located just on the other side of the glass chamber and contained a few techniques that were taken from the human world and were lying around in the storage.

Even Jason could feel that something was wrong from the expression of the hooded man. But he could not pinpoint out the exact source of his hunch. So, he decided to ignore it for now and choose a cultivation technique for himself. After all, this was the most important thing to do now. Even though he had decided to not take the librarian's help in choosing a technique, he decided to hear him once.

"Respected Elder, I do not have any prior experience in the path of cultivation. Could you please tell me more about the classification of techniques in the cultivation world and what kind of technique would be suitable for me?"

"Of course. But before I can teach you that, there are a few things that you need to know. Let us start with those."

Hi all,

I am immensely sad by the number of bots that have been commenting and the lack of any actual readers. I am not writing this novel for bots, am I? I know that this is a new novel and it would take time to gain readers, so I will wait a little longer. But if I still don't reach human readers or just get support from bots, then forget it.

In case you are a human reading this novel, please show any kind of support you can. Only you can keep this novel alive. I don't want to spoil much, but even though things are really slow right now, the novel truly starts when the boy meets his true master. Please bear with me till then..


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