
「 Hide n Seek 」

"As I explained before, the Baang is the basic unit to summon a group of Shinsu. The more Baang is, the more difficult it will be to control."

Currently, Yuga is teaching Regulars ways to make Baang one by one, now he is seen teaching Bam to make more than a Baang.

"You're right, it's hard to keep both at the same time," Bam said.

"It's hard, yeah ... people call me a genius when I created my first Baang in two years, and you who have just learned to manipulating Shinsu for two weeks have been able to create your first Baang ... Then what should I call you? Supeeer Genius?"

Yuga's words can be heard by other Regulars who are waiting their turn.

Kira now seen leaning against the wall while drinking a box of apple juice. He was currently eavesdropping on the conversation of an orange-haired androgynous man named Hoh, with Lauroe about the terrifying talent that Bam had.

* Sluurp *

Hearing that voice, Hoh and Lauroe immediately stopped chatting.

"You look very relaxed huh, Mr. Kira," Hoh said with a smile.

Hearing that, Kira just answered with a bored face.

"Yes, that is ... why is it too tense."

"Haha, you're right ..." Hoh said, laughing bitterly.

However, Kira also thought the same thing with Hoh, well Kira was indeed able to control dozens of Baang at once in his first try. However, that was after he had conducted many years of training in controlling magic in his previous world. So naturally it happened.

As for Bam, an innocent boy who was even just learning to control Shinsu, of course his talent made people envy him.

These days, Classes have become very boring for Kira. Even Lauroe's habit of falling asleep in class became contagious to him. All the tests Yuga gave him, Kira completed with the standard values ​​to make him inconspicuous.

Kira then looks yawned and says.

* Yawn *

"Maybe I should ask for a few packs of instant coffee from Hansung Yu as stock in my room."


* Click *

Today is the last day of the class session with the teachers, and the Regular are also announced to get a Joint Exam tomorrow. The joint exam in question is a joint exam for all positions.

But there is no information about what the test is. Well, even for regulars who have scored above average on the class exam, this exam has absolutely no effect, even if they fail the exam tomorrow.

At this time, Kira and Bam had just finished their studies, and planned to go to Aguero's room to take him to the Cafeteria together.

Kire seen sipping a box of apple juice while chatting with Bam. The relationship between the two of them became closer and because Bam was a very sociable and very innocent person, so the two of them became more talkative.

In fact, in addition to Lauroe, Bam also sometimes asks for some advice in controlling Shinsu from Kira.

"So that's how it is ... your goal to climb this tower is actually just to chase after a girl?" Asked Kira while putting on a flat face. Hearing that, Bam nodded.

"Um, her name is Rachel ... have you heard or seen her in this tower, Mr. Kira?" Bam said.

"Rachel... Rachel..., I don't know, I've never heard her name. "

Hearing that, Bam was a little disappointed because he thought at least Kira knew about Rachel because he was from another test area.

" Oh, I see... "

"Well, don't be depressed like that ... as long as there is no definitive news of her death, then she must be living somewhere in this tower." Kira said, muttering irritably because he felt that his Apple juice had run out.

"I hope so." Bam replied, feeling better after being convinced by Kira.

And when they were walking suddenly someone they knew passed by at the end of the hall. Bam who saw that said.


"Hmmm?" Kira also raised his eyebrows because he was confused about what a Ranker was doing from the hallway to the Regular's room at this time of night.

The two of them then walked to the end of the hall, and suddenly a voice came from Yuga who seemed to be chatting with someone.

Hearing that, of course Kira immediately stopped Bam and the two of them finally took to listening to Yuga's conversation with someone on a Pocket-shaped telephone.

Bam, who felt that their current actions were not right, whispered to Kira.

"Mr. Kira, shouldn't we not

eavesdrop on other people's conversations?"

"Calm down, we are currently observing!" Whispered Kira.

"Observing?" Bam replied in confusion.

"That's right, we have to sneak around and watch unnoticed by the target we're observing ... this is very important in the battle, Bam."

Hearing that, Bam nodded seriously, he considered what Kira said was the truth, even though Kira just lied so that Bam would be quiet and not ask many questions. Because Kira suspects something about Yuga, Kira then secretly manipulates Shinsu around the two of them so that a ranker like Yuga cannot detect their presence.

Then, the two of them stood near the wall and Yuga's voice came.

"So I have to make changes to the plan, huh?"

Yuga paused for a moment before he returned to talking to the person on the phone.

"All right, of course, everything is ready ... then I will immediately do it in the next exam, it is quite a coincidence after this there will be an exam that allows me to do that."

Hearing that, Bam and Kira looked at each other. Kira thinking.

'The next test ... wlWhat is Yuga actually planning, besides who is he really?? '

"Of course, I will definitely bring Green April to King Jahad and kill the fake princess, you don't need to worry."

Hearing that, Kira widened his eyes and thought.

'So Yuga is the person referred to by Hansung Yu ... he is the assassin sent by the king of the tower to this floor. Then, Bam and I must leave immediately- '

However, before Kira finished his mind suddenly the voice from Yuga surprised Bam and Kira.

" Who is there! "

Hearing that, Kira widened his eyes for a moment, before his expression became serious and prepared to use Shinsu if Yuga suddenly attacked the two of them.

However, another voice finally sounded.

"Ah, it's me Quant, I came here to pick you up because the other tankers are about to start a meeting to discuss the exam tomorrow." Said Quant in his trademark tone.

"Ah, is that so. I'm sorry for troubling you, let's go." Yuga said.

Quant then turned and stepped, as did Yuga. However, Yuga stopped stepping for a moment and looked back slightly for a few moments, before finally he actually left with Quant.

After that, only Kira and Bam were left standing in the dark alley. Bam, who was previously tense because he thought he and Kira had been caught eavesdropping, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew ~ That was close, huh ... Mr. Kira." Said Bam.

Hearing that, Kira nodded, it must be admitted that he had been surprised when he heard Yuga's voice before

Bam then put on a worried face and said.

"But who exactly is Mr. Yuga, what does it mean that he will kill Jahad's Princess and bring back Green April? Isn't Miss Anaak in danger at this time ...?"

Kira who heard that patted Bam's shoulder.

"Bam, don't report this problem to anyone, I can only tell you one thing ... but for sure, in this place all the Rankers are our enemies, be careful," said Kira.

Bam who heard that looked down.

"But, if we don't report it to Mr. Lero-Ro, Miss Anaak might be in danger on the exam tomorrow."

Kira stared at Bam for a moment because Bam's naive and innocent behavior reminded him of someone.

"No, even Mr. Lero-Ro cannot be trusted for now ... that's right, if you insist on helping the lizard girl, we discuss this matter with Khun, maybe he wants to help."

Hearing that, Bam's face brightened, then smiled at Kira and nodded. Kira staring at Bam for a moment before he turned around

"Then, let's go to Khun's room, I'm already hungry," Kira said as he threw the apple juice in the garbage box.

"Um," answered Bam.

As he walked, Kira's mind could not calm down after learning that there was a murderer disguised as a teacher in his current place.

'Green April and Killing Anaak, that offee addict must have known this. No, all of this might be his plan to recruit an Irregular besides me among the Regular he said before, but who ... jeez, this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 'Think Kira.

Kira not knowing that the person he was looking for was right next to him right now, the two of them then left the dark aisle to Aguero's Room.


In the morning, regulars from all positions were gathered in a large meadow with a large underground building in the middle.

Rankers have also sat in their seats to assess the Regular on this exam. However, the figure of Yuga was nowhere to be seen.

* Yawn *

Kira each looks sleepy and tired, then Rea who hasn't been seen for several days approaches him cheerfully as usual.

"Roughly, bro ~ What kind of test are we going to face this time, huh?" Rea asked.

"I don't know ..." Kira answered curtly.

"Tch, you're so cold ... even though this cute Rea has been kind enough to greet you," said Rea, frowning.

Kira then spoke to Rea, because in fact Kira knew that Rea's sullen and cheerful expression was just made up.

"So, what about your class, little girl?"

Heard that, Rea said.

"Well, they are very weak except for 2 people ... Jahad's Princesses. I have to admit, they are like monsters even without Shinsu."

Hearing the title of Jahad's Princess, Kira murmured while glancing a little towards Anaak who was holding Green April in her hand.

"Jahad's Princess, huh?"

After a while, Lero-Ro finally appeared before the Regular and said.

"All Regular participants in the joint exam, I want to congratulate all of you."

Lero-Ro then began his speech, 30 joint test participants will be divided into teams A and B which will be balanced in the composition of the team, meaning each team has a balanced number in the five positions.

Kira and Rea don't seem to be in the same team, but Kira smiled a little after seeing his team members, that's because inside were Aguero and even Anaak, they were in team A. While Rea, Bam, and Endorsi were in team B.

Kira and Aguero then looked at each other, the two of them and Bam had discussed about Anaak problems last night.

"The details will be explained further by the supervisor." Said Lero-Ro.

After that, Hansung Yu began to explain the test mechanism.

"Hi, I'm Hansung Yu, I'm your supervisor, nice to meet you again," he said with a smile.

"Your test this time is Hide n Seek," said Hansung Yu who made all the Regular confusion.

He then explained that the test would be carried out in a large underground building beforehand and explained the rules of the hide and seek test.

Each team will conduct a separate test, they will choose a Fisherman as a seeker, and if the seeker can enter the exit door without being caught by the Hansung Yu's Seeker, then the team wins.

The time is 3 hours, and the seekers will wear a pin that will be used as a sensor, if the pin is touched by the enemy, then the team will lose.

Then, Rea who put on a confused face asked Hansung Yu.

"Then who is your seeker?"

All Regular also have the same question, then comes the sound of someone's scream.

"Hey! That's a good question, little girl! The one who will be the seeker of the exam this time is me, your favorite Ranker ... Quant Blitz !!! Hahaha"

Seeing that, the regulars who didn't come from area 3 put on strange faces, and looked at Quant like they were staring at fools.

Realizing that Quant was a Ranker, the regulars became noisy and complained. Well it's only natural, even if it was just an ordinary Ranker, the regulars at this place might not be able to fight it, of course excluding Kira.

To calm the Regular, Hansung Yu then said.

"Don't worry, Quant will be given a limit in the use of his Shinsu, he can only use 1 Baang, 10 Myun and 10 Soo."

Well, even though that didn't calm the Regular at all, well because it was a secret that even if without Shinsu, a Ranker who had reached the top of the tower had extraordinary physical strength.

"Then, we start the test now!"


At present, the Regular from Team A are preparing to start the exam, they are currently discussing their plans to complete this exam in the Safe Zone.

"This test is so cruel ..." Shibisu sighed, thinking that they, a Regular must defeat a Ranker in a Hide n Seek game.

"Well, even though he looks the weakest among the Rankers here," Aguero said.

Kira currently observing his team members, the possibility that Fisherman will be chosen, of course, Anaak is the most logical choice.

Apart from that, Lauroe was on their team, this was easier. Then Aguero proposed to arbitrarily choose a leader.

Well, in the end everyone appointed him to carry out the task. No one protested or opposed the results of the vote.

Kira then think.

'I must admit, this is a very good team compared to team B ... their team is very chaotic. '

He can already imagine how Endorsi and Rea would argue about who deserves to be the leader in their team.

'Even so, your team will separate, and if Khun reveals a victory, then it is certain that the Bam team will fail ... what are your plans to save Bam, Khun?' Well, even if Aguero betrayed, this test would still have Individual scores, and Kira would not mind if he actually lost.

Moreover, there is a problem that is more important than that right now. That is, the possibility of Yuga being behind the darkness of this place right now, preparing to kill his target anytime.

Aguero then explained about his plan to everyone, they also agreed easily because Aguero's plan was considered the best plan to deal with a ranker like Quant.

After that, the plan starts and everyone goes to their respective places, as planned. Currently in the safe zone there are only three people left, namely Aguero, Kira, and Lauroe who are sleeping.

"So you really plan to lose in this test?" Said Kira. And Aguero nodded, he then asked Kira with a grin.

"You don't mind, right?" Heard that Kira shook his head.

"Then I leave it to you to use Shinsu's manipulation techniques like when you stopped the Anaak's Hook in the Crown Game, how long can you stop a Ranker like Quant," Aguero asked.

"Maybe about 5 seconds. But if it's according to what you planned, then I can set the time just to give a shock effect to him. " said Kira.

Hearing that, Aguero smiled.

"Yes, please."

Then Kira turned and left the safe zone leaving Aguero and Lauroe. Aguero smiled slyly and said to Lauroe who was still sleeping.

"Lauroe, let's go. Take it easy, your job in this exam is only to appoint someone. That's all."

Next chapter