
CP7.5: Yell Teehee For the New squad

Previously in Stories Untold, Steve met Bruce What seems to be the Author of the book that Steve was training under, after a couple of drinks off the tavern Bruce agrees to train Steve on Combat. After weeks months or few Cristopher decided to join them, they were three months of training in and Bruce decided to take a break for the day seeing that it's Sunday... Steve Mess around explained the thing that happened for the past three months thought it seems he had mastered the art of hand by hand combat in less time then expected. He call a Funny Sunday which is really pathetic for Steve.

Theres only one month before the Royal council will be sending a council member to my house to discuss with the task I was given. After the a week Bruce will be leaving the village for month, So for the week we sat down to study how to use the Zodiac Elements. I didn't pay attention as much as I wanted to, It's just boring. But I do listen if It's critical, he explains that the Mortal body Is given an Element by it's date of birth it's either Fire, Air, Water, and Earth all are equally powered but has a weakness and a strong point. he explains that it has sub Elements like Tunder(Fire), Ice(Water), Wood(Earth), Etc. but one person only has one Element. You can only apply this Zodiac effect to a weapons as you hold them in battle. He also said that only the people that have the Notch bloodline and Herobrine Bloodline can use all the Elements at once there is only twenty people living with the given Bloodlines but no trace of the Herobrine bloodline legend said that The Herobrine bloodline is more superior than Notch's He said that there is only one person who inherited the bloodline but it's only a legend. He explains it as a mod that is created by a special type of player called modders. Enchantments and Elements Can be placed upon a weapon and help master the art which it has been given.

A month later, I was sparing with Cristopher lately and I spotted something weird as we spar I always see this guy with red eyes pitch black skin and white dirty hoddie and pants on a far distance. I always have this flashbacks or Daydreams or Daymares back on this null knocking me out and appearing in a cave leading to a reflective crystal seeing my self but with white glowing eyes and my reflection that was trying to warn me and reappearing in a gloomy room with the same person who I see while sparing with Cristopher from time to time. I was thinking about this stupid things happening to me while I sat down on top of a tree near a my tree house, I thought to my self waaw this is annoying. John- " Steve! , do you think you should move to your new house by now I mean? ", Steve- " You built me a house? ", John- " Yeah, You are the one who gave all your emeralds to us " Steve- " I dont want it, it's Shit Nobles money anyways built a wall and let the people in the other side to pay. " John- " Funny joke Steve waaaaaw... ", Steve- " Ahhhhh It's a Joke funny, I'm Already packed but my tree house is staying ". I Jumped down the tree, John- " where are your bags? " Steve- " It's in my pocket inside the ender chest " John- " take care of Alex, she will be living with you for a while ". Steve- " I know, just feel weird today like I think some is about to happen like a bad omen". I Arrived in my house and It soon confirms why I feel Odd today, There were eight people in my living room including Alex, Cristopher, Alexander, and Bruce. I actually thought I was In the wrong house so I almost left until Bruce called, Bruce-" Steve you probably don't know this but I'm actually a council official of the Eastern provinces of the kingdom, Field Marshal Alexander sent me here to help you train for the past month ". I wanted to sleep, Bruce and Alexander introduced me to four other people Edrian, John Micheal, Kimberly, and Angel. They assigned into this squad In including Cristopher and witness under investigation Alex. They then gave me a pocket size note book and left my house. Steve- " Let's go upstairs ". I was assigned as team captain of the squad we didn't know each other as much so we introduce our selves in detail. The notebook tells what tier our squad is, what are our daily assignment things like that, it looks like we are signed as a tier four squad. We started talking for a bit, Edrian and Angel are Nobles, John Micheal is a commoner. I didn't know why but Kimberly refuse to tell us her status but she looks and acts like a brat It's obvious to that she's one of does royals. It didn't bother me as much, I might be wrong after all.

I sent them to help Kimberly train on her magic. I then rushed to Alexanders office for extra information. I arrived slamming the door, Steve- " What the heck Alexander! I thought we're friends " Alexander- " We are friends ". Steve- " You said that ok, but why them? And why me?! " Alexander - " I am one of the three field marshals you know that Steve but this time I couldn't help you with this, I mean your Assigned as team leader " Steve- " But why one of them is a complete novice the other two are Ok the other one is just above better OK!, I explained it to you that I work alone or with Cristopher nothing more " Alexander- " See Steve, I can't help you the prince him self assigned this squad not me just get on with you mission ". Steve- " Ahhhhhh Fuck! As least give us three weeks to plan" Alexnader-" two week tops". I left his office with a giant frown on my face, So me and Cristopher are basically baby sitting a bunch of seventeen year old ahhhhhhhh what a drag.


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