
Chapter 1: The first step interactions.

Listen up, this is my opinion about seduction. Im not giving any bullshit. Seductions starts with a person entering a room, it could be the first time, it could be anytime, but they must be physically attractive. When you have the physically attractive part down then the rest is leaning more towards interactions. If you're ugly like me, go study and work on hygiene, cleaning your face, and work on your communication. Then work out to look physically better. Once you have that part done. The only thing left is interactions. Okay so interactions, they're simple but complex if you're nervous or in a non-normal state, with women you focus on being truthful not to the point you said all your secrets, and ruin the moment, but truthful enough were you leave a thought in that beautiful girls head. When you start that first interactions. Which should be introducing and getting to know eachother. Remember be very touchy-feely whenever your with her and make flirtatious vibes with her. Eyes works like a charm, eye contact and smiling can make a girl blush harder then anything. So make sure you do so, but dont just stare at her. Just only enough to get her eyes focused on you. A little trick is to look at her when your talking and whenever she's talking look behind her once in a while because it can maybe make her jealous. When you speak, look at her eyes, lips, hair, ears, but mostly her eyes. This make things feel less awkward since having things directly stare in your eyes get really weird sometimes. Talk slow and steady usually this causes the voice to be deeper and its less likely to have stutters. Your goal isn't to figure out what to say next but to figure out the girls emotions. Girls emotions are the most valuable thing ever. If you grasp on how that girl feels,you can seduce her without a second thought. Remember interactions is a key to open up emotions. Specially with the flirtatious vibes and touchyness. This could get lots of girls thinking about you. When giving her compliments you either say un heard of words or use simple words with a sexual vibe and lick your lips while biting it for a bit, maybe that would work. Then try to understand her body language because it can help you out in reading her. Other things you should focus on when your introducing yourself, is the scent you have on. Focus on how she reacts when you walk near her or tell her to purposely smell you and see if you smell good. It can cause her to be a little bit more closer to you and have a reaction from her to start off conversations. Remember that everyone is different and new things can appear and disappear without you even noticing it. So be very observant and focus on every women you see. Trust me when your cute and you walk around you start noticing lots of people checking you out.

My experience with introducing. How I usually introduce myself is just walk up to her and say hello whats your name. Then proceed to shake her hand. I would talk about myself, well just enough so she understands im not a bad guy. Then I ask simple questions about what she likes, or talk about anything. Then I would go ask for her snap, instagram, or number to see if she wants to talk again.

If you read this through then this is the things you need to seduce.

1. Physical attraction.

2. Eye contact.

3. Introduction.

4. Body language.

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