
Part IV, Chapter V

Jane and I knew there was no turning back and we had no choice. So, we ran through the labyrinth to find out that the walls moved. As if this was not already confusing enough.

"How are you alive?" I asked as Jane and search for the exit.

"Just as I thought" started Cupcake "After all this fucking time you still understand nothing. This is why you really are the 'Defective Detective'. You didn't take that job because you wanted to help sweep away crime, you wanted to have fun! you knew exactly how stupid everyone in the town were and took it to your advantage. Pointing out the obvious that nobody can see just to impress them and where did that take you? But no sweat, kid. You may have been stupid as fuck, but you're not as stupid as everybody else to fool them like that"

I had to process what to say because I had no speech for this. The reason why is because he was right. When the truth that hits you has a massive impact, you get hurt by your own secrets.

"That doesn't answer my question" I finally said "How did you survive, Harvey?!"

"I didn't" he answered "Or more accurately, he did not. Harvey is gone. Why did I have a voice filter? why didn't I show my face at the fucking video? It's because I'm someone else, you stupid!"

"Who are you?"

"Call me whatever the fuck you desire. Cupcake, Moriarty, Spongebob. I don't give a shit! but I'm sure Jane knows who I am"

"What?" asked Jane

"Get out of this Labyrinth and find out. The clock is still ticking and people's heads are exploding"

After that, the unknown person called off and it was just the two of us now. The walls kept changing every 8 seconds, or as I counted. Finally, we got to what looked like the center of the Labyrinth. The walls kept moving in all four corners.

"Wait" said Jane "I can feel where the walls are going. I'm sensing a pattern"

I looked around looking for said pattern, but could not see it.

"On my command we run left!" instructed Jane "Wait for it. Now!"

And so we ran to the left before the walls moved again.

"We go straight on my command. Wait for it! Now!"

And so we ran straight. Jane continued to lead us to the exit. The fact that a blind person is leading the way is just so wholesome. The blind can indeed sense better.

Finally, we reached the exit after a few mini heart-attacks. Infront of us was a door with a password.

"Shit" I cursed "There's a password. Only one try is allowed"

"You can do it!" cheered Jane "Think!"

I closed my eyes to focus on my thinking. Talking to imaginary people and imaginary Emily. I was told to think fast because there were people dying. There are some people out there who said that thinking fast gives the illusion of time going slow, unless you were doing exams. This is called the Perceptual Theory of Time which, in simple words, states that the more information there is, the slower time goes, and boy do I have a lot of information.

Maybe if I scan through memory lane of my previous adventures. It cannot be the time I met Jane for the first time because that is too far back, it could be the middle, or the twist. There is no ending yet, and I am going to write my own ending. I am the only one who should be allowed to hold the pen.

There should be hints in my memories.

I opened my eyes in finding out where the password was, and it's not in my memories.

"Jane!" I called "You have to remember who the fuck the unknown moron was in your memories. He or she said that you know who it is"

Jane nodded and started searching through her own memories, maybe even tried to kick start the forgotten ones.

"Who?" she whispered "Who?"

"You sound like an owl"

"Shut the fuck up, I'm thinking!"

She started tapping her head and thinking hard until finally she remembered and whispered to my ear.

"Wha- what?" I asked

"Just type it in"

The door opened upon typing in "Trauer" and we stepped into an empty room with a door left ajarred. This must be the hidden room. We entered to find nothing but a computer and none other than our friend who thinks he is Sherlock Holmes, tied to a chair.

"Sherlock!" I yelled

"Sherlock is here too?" asked Jane

"What is it with tying detectives on a chair? That is so cliché now"

"Huh?" woke up Sherlock "How did I get here? Jane? William?"

"Hey don't worry! we'll figure everything out once we find out what's in this flash drive"

"The rope isn't tight enough" said Sherlock, shaking his body and freeing his hands "Moriarty wanted me to escape!"

"No, Sherlock, there is no Moriarty. Just someone who's been playing with us"

"That sounds exactly like Moriarty"

I smirked and plugged in the flash drive. Inside was a video entitled "I am sorry.mp4"

What could this video contain? I double-clicked to open it to find out. In it was the same man from the first video we found. His head was out of frame, and then he adjusted the camera to reveal his face. It was him, it was Sherlock.

"What?" I asked

"That can't be possible! How could I be in two places at the same time?" asked Sherlock

"Oh you, little shit!" cursed Jane

"Wait, Jane!" I interrupted "Let's not jump to conclusions"

"You must listen" said Sherlock in the video "My real name is Trauer and I am suffering from Dissociative Fugue. This video was taken a year after the 'Cupcake' incident. How did I know about this? I was one of his so-called 'Slaves' and, even though it was scary, I missed a lot of excitement after his death. So, instead I made plans to make my life exciting, but at what cost? The cost is a lot, I know there will be deaths because of me and I have hired someone to deliver my puzzles. What I'm about to do is incredibly fucked up" he teared

"Sir, your psychiatrist is here!" yelled an unfamiliar voice. Trauer shut off the first part of the video. The next clip started without transition.

"There are two detectives whose lives were ruined by Cupcake. William Habitat and Jane Surname, honestly I ship them" he chuckled before starting to cry "Wait, what am I saying? Back to what I'm gonna do. I'm currently following William and Jane. I last saw them planning to move to Norway for a better life. Jane is blind now. With that said, I will read out what my next identity will read, to create him, when I dissociate possibly permanently. It is written like a Diary to make an even greater effect. Why do this? Because I don't want 'this' me to cause the trouble and pain" he started reading from a notebook "Sherlock Holmes' diary. 'January 1, 2019. Watson, Mrs. Hudson, and Lestrade are celebrating the new year, but I am far too busy with cases' " He continued to read and we listened. Even when our attention span ran out because the video was nearly an hour long.

" 'October 14, 2019. My companion, John Watson, has been kidnapped by Moriarty after the events of the 'Reichenbach fall'. He has also kidnapped Leela. I could, indeed, find another. But Watson? He is also my best friend' " Trauer closed the book and proceeded to start a different topic "A man named Michael Fallon is the one who I hired to deliver my puzzles. That is not even his real name. If things turn out good" his head started to shake. He was dissociating "When a lot of people die because of me, I want to be killed. End my life with a gun"

But the video does not end there. On the next part he said "I dissociated. It's getting worse. I have to get everything sorted out before I start. I will put this video in a flash drive hidden in William's room, I have placed death collars on a lot of people, and a gun next to Cupcake's computer" he started laughing before going back to look sorrowful "I'm sorry. William, Jane. I know you want a good life, and I am sorry for doing this. I am so deeply sorry. One more thing. I forgot to mention. My full name is Trauer Habitat, and William is my son" he turned off the camera and the video ended.

"What?" I asked in confusion "What do you mean? You- you're my dad!?"

"I remember now" his voice cracked "What did I do to you? What did I do to everyone? Please, grab the gun and end me"

"No, no!" I refused "It's never too late to start a new life! Come home with me, dad. We can start over!"

"I'll be imprisoned if I stay"

"We'll keep everything a secret!" said Jane "We forgive you!"

"This is what happened to Harvey seconds before he died, right? He was forgiven, and he shot himself. Well, I guess I have become the new Harvey"

He ran up to the gun to attempt to shoot himself. We tried to stop him but the gun was already held and pointed at us.

"Stop!" he cried "I turned myself into a murderer! Do not forgive me. Why are

bad people forgiven and good people forgotten?!"

Jane rushed to attempt to take the gun away from him. Making them fall down at the corner of a wall. She raised his arms to point the gun upward

"I may be blind, but that doesn't mean I can't stop you. I am tired of blood!" she punched him.

"Don't punch my dad!" I cried

"I'm sorry. When your mom died giving birth to Emily I didn't think I would be able to take care of the two of you without her, so I gave you away and I regretted it. I was about to pick you up again but then I got into an accident. I remember!" he struggled to put the gun against his head, but I tried to snatch the gun away. His grip was too strong for me.

"I am not going to lose another family member! I don't give a shit about what you did. Those are all in the past now!"

To my shock, he pulled the trigger, but was not killed. Jane started to breath heavily before falling down to my arms. Her chest was bleeding hard. My ears were ringing.

"Jane?" I cried out "Jane!? Not you too, oh God, not you too!"

Dad was in shock and tried to shoot himself, but there was only one bullet and that one bullet pierced Jane instead.

"William" she struggled to speak as she coughed out blood, holding my cheeks "You have to move forward without me"

"You're my best friend!" I complained. Raining down on her with tears.

"You might live with misery, and regret, and loneliness. But as long as keep thinking of me, as long you let me live in your soul, we'll always be connected. Now kiss me before it's too late, you idiot and remember that the moon is beautiful"

And so I did, her lips tenderly touching mine and it felt so good. But knowing this will be the last, also hurts. A painful kiss. It ended with her head dropping down.

"Jane?" I cried "Don't leave me. Hey!"

I had to accept that she was not breathing, and my best friend had died right on my arms. I hugged her lifeless body so tight because I never will again.

I screamed in agony, mourning. I do not know what to feel about my dad anymore.

"I'm sorry" he apologized "You don't have to forgive me"

I could not say anything. I was angry, very angry at life. Each chapter of my own story ends tragically, but I know that I will always get through.

Next chapter