
Part III, Chapter IV - A kind man

Liv ran to Jason quickly before getting pushed back by Sherlock. A man to my left initiated an upper cut move against someone who was taller. Jane, despite fighting really good for a blind woman, got punched on the stomach. She did not see it coming.

"Hey!" I yelled at the man who landed the punch "How dare you-" he punched me mid-sentence but it was not going to stop me "Punch- " another fist "My- " and another "Wife!"

I realized I had a weak body by feeling how much pain it gave me, but the fact that I managed to fight my enemy's slaves gave me confidence. I kicked him with my knee and, upon bowing down from it, punched him on the back. He fell down on the floor and crawled away to safety. Agatha finally woke up to ask what was going on and hiding between seats.

"Some boss you are" said officer Heinz, locking his arms on his opponent. I made sure my wife was all right after that punch.

"Thanks" said Jane, grabbing my shoulder. I was now focused on protecting her. Sherlock was impressive in the fight. He timed his attacks correctly and it was as if he could predict his enemy's move. He turned his head to me after using Jason as a human shield and knocking him out and the other guy.

"It appears as if you never fought like this before." he said.

"Well, I had a different fight" I explained "I nearly had my arm broken by one guy and, just like Sherlock Holmes, I guess, I fought with my mind as the weapon"

Everyone continued to beat each other up, even the flight attendants got knocked out.

"Well, my dear boy, this must not register at an emotional level"

"All my fights were registered at an emotional level. My little sister's death broke my heart, and then this Cupcake asshole appeared and showed me her real corpse, knowing her real death didn't happen that night, but actually a week when I was new to working as a detective and before then, she was alive, shattered it more. I could've seen her once again but no, fucking Cupcake just had to fuck up my life!"

"Then you wanted a peaceful life with your best friend and that was when I showed up to ruin your peaceful life"

"Yes" my voice cracked.

"Shit!" yelped Jane. I turned around to see that she had been punched by a tan man, then proceeded to kick her. Jane was already on the floor. He had jumped over seats to punch my best friend/wife.

"Jane!" I cried, delivering a strong blow to the man's stomach. Trying to hold off the pain, he bent down touching his stomach.

"I'm so damn tired of this absurd violence!" I yelled, knee kicking his stomach over and over. He fell down but I continued to inflict pain. I locked him in his position by sitting and weighing him down, then proceeded to punch him left and right until he bleeded.

"What a story my life is!" I shouted in grief "Out of nowhere, I created an enemy without knowing a single fuck of it or when. My sister and I wanted to take care of each other until we can go live on separate lives, but no, I sunk here instead! A life full of violence, and sorrow, and death, and gore. My God, is there a lot of unnecessary fucking blood!"

The man I was beating up, started to bleed horrendously. Next thing I know he started to have a seizure.

"William, that's enough!" cried Agatha.

"Everyone's beating each other up!"

"Well not anymore! Look around you. Everyone did beat each other up but none wanted to come close to murder"

It appeared as if my shouting and beating the man up more harshly than anyone had caught their attention. Everybody showed signs of injury, but nobody showed signs of nearing death. I pulled my next punch before I could strike. I had realized that the real reason everybody stopped beating each other up was that, by looking at my actions, they saw what they could become. They already saw two serial killers- Jason and Liv, but I was a better example for they were seeing one of the things that makes a serial killer.

"Well, a couple already killed someone" I implied

"So you're going to kill another?" interrupted Sherlock.

"No" I answered

"Well look at what you're doing. Everyone stopped fighting because of your cries, but on the flip side you are going to kill someone without even realizing it! If you kill this man right now, you won't be better than Jason and Liv, you might become worse! I know you've had too much in your life. But dear God above, pull yourself together!"

"William!" yelled Jane "I've done worse, i've killed people and was sent to kidnap your sister. But look at me, I'm still here and I never killed again. Once you kill someone, there is no going back. Remember, despite Harvey ruining your life and blinding me, you still forgave him? You had the strength to forgive your enemy, I never even had the strength to forgive myself"

I could not say anything, I was speechless. Finally, I found the words to spit out.

"I'm killing a man" I said in realization "When I became a detective a few years ago, before resigning, I did it to catch criminals especially murderers. And now there's blood in my hands"

Guards came marching in to take away Liv and Jason, but upon seeing my position, they took me away too. It turned out we had landed but my thoughts and emotions buried me too deep to realize what was finally happening to me. A man who chose a name so innocent had planted himself in my head and was winning. I, once again, buried myself in thoughts to have an imaginary conversation with my sister. What would she had said if she saw me? I knew exactly that she would have shaken her head in dissapointment but still forgive me for having blood on my hands, for being responsible to someone's cause of death if I had actually killed him.

"I'm sorry, Emily" said I, overwhelmed with negative emotions.

"We will always be together, brother" she replied "Even the nicest people do bad things sometimes"

"Am I good?" I asked her

"Good?" she asked back "In what way? Everyone's good in their own way. Some people are good at being bad, and some are bad at being good. Be specific"

Reminding myself that all of this was happening in my mind, I realized that I was trying to figure what kind of person I could be.

Next chapter