

I try to call Binx but I get nothing but silence. It has to be the handcuffs... I kick the side of the carriage again before leaning against the other side. He better be okay... he has to be okay. I slowly close my eyes and try to calm down.

If I don't calm down, my anger will get the best of me... I slide to the floor and sit down as the carriage rocks back and forth on the uneven roads. I close my eyes and take deep breaths before trying to feel Kian through the mark on my hand.

Nothing... but I've never been able to feel anything on my end. It's still there so that's a good sign, right? I gently rub the mark on my palm, whispering to him "Please be okay... please." I don't know if he can hear me or not but it doesn't stop me from trying.

After a while, the carriage comes to a stop and the door is opened. A male demon pulls me out and drags me into a dark path. After walking down the dark tunnel, we make and turn and start going up a large, stone staircase.

After several silent minutes, we make it to the top and he pulls me down another long hallway. As we continue walking, I can hear music growing louder and louder. When we come to a stop, the two guards by the doors step to the side and open the doors.

When the doors open, multiple things stick out and nearly have me stepping back. On a round table lies a female demon with multiple cuts on her naked body as other demons lean around her, slowly cutting her. They all seem to be enjoying it... even the female demon being cut.

On the other side, they have demons in leashes doing things I didn't even know was possible... I grit my teeth and keep a straight face as I try to ignore the freakshow I'm currently walking through. When we finally make it to the back of the room, we come to a stop in front of a large, black throne.

Sitting in that throne is hands down one of the most attractive men I've ever laid eyes on but when his eyes lock onto mine, my soul actually shakes. He may be attractive but the dude is pure evil... Enzo.

His red eyes are so dark, they're nearly black. He slowly leans his head to the side and looks me over as the demon next to me releases me and says "Amon is... he's currently being tended to." Enzo slowly blinks and looks over to the demon.

The demon falls to his knees and trembles under his gaze before Enzo says "Leave" The demon crawls back with his head down and mutters "Thank you" before crawling away. I turn and watch the guy crawl away with an arched brow.

When I look back to Enzo, I suck in and step back when I find him right before me. He cocks his head to the side and looks me over with a blank face and says "You're even able to hold demon essence... interesting."

He slowly starts to walk around me as I try to calm my racing heart. I allow him to walk around me and take a deep breath. When he comes to a stop before me, he looks my face over before saying "Are you not terrified in my presence?"

I sigh and say "Irritated, pissed, confused, tired, hungry, and worried but not terrified. Sorry if that disappoints." Enzo arches a dark brow before slowly smirking at me and saying "I can tell you're speaking the truth."

He leans in and takes a deep breath, causing me to lean away in confusion as he looks into my eyes and says "I can't smell your fear. You actually smell... good." We stare at each other in silence before he stands back up and says "So you're the elusive witch I've been waiting for this whole time. You've killed quite a few of my men."

I shrug and say "They shouldn't have pissed me off." Enzo's smile grows as he nods and says "Yes, I tend to kill them when they piss me off as well. I hear that your name is Eris. Eris Hallows..." I nod my head and say "Well, I'm here now so what is it you want?"

He looks me over again and says "I didn't expect you to be so... likable. I need you because you're the only surviving relative of Queen Cara, the original witch. Hallows... her middle name always did have a ring to it. You see, I fell in love with Cara but her grandfather would have non of it."

He slowly starts walking around me again as he says "He tricked me and sealed me down here. I've been stuck down here for as long as I can remember. I tried to break out and even tried to have someone summon me but nothing I do works. I found out that I needed the power of a Hallows."

He comes to a stop in front of me again and says "This is where you come in. I need you to bring me out. Only you have the ability to do that." I slowly nod my head as the pieces finally start falling into place. He just wants me to zap him out... huh. Interesting.

I look up to his eyes and say "Let's say I'm willing to help you... what can you do for me in return?" Enzo starts to smile again as he looks down at me with interest. He slowly steps closer and lowers his voice as he asks "Tell me what it is you desire and I'll make it happen."

A small smirk plays on my lips as I tilt my head a little and ask "Anything?" He looks down at my lips before saying "Anything." My smirk turns into a sly smile as I lean forward and softly say "Save Kian."

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