
Twists And Turns

I take a deep breath and turn back to the park. I came here to walk and clear my head, that's what I'll do. Don't get me wrong, I like that my father is alive and that I now have a brother but everything's been a bit... sudden.

I'm not used to having so many people in my space and it's hard to quickly adjust... I sigh and keep walking, trying to do my best to convince myself that I'm not being a bitch but I'm failing miserably. How many people wished they had a family that would love them with open arms?

And here I am bitching... After making a few rounds, I decided to call it and head to the police station. I told him I would be there in an hour but its only been about forty minutes. As I walk out of the park, I run into another problem.

I forgot that I gave my car to Liam... I resist the urge to smack my forehead and decide to walk to the police station instead. It's not that far from here and I'll just Uber back to the house. As I finally make it back to the police station, I flinch at seeing all the blue tarps strapped to the walls and to the roof.

They aren't going to ask me to pay for all this... right? I shake myself and walk up to the large double doors. I close my umbrella and shake out the extra rain before walking into the station. Unlike the other night, it was now busy with people working and answering phones.

Some desks were missing but overall it looks like everything was back in working order. As the women upfront look up, they all grow quiet and soon the rest of the station becomes quiet. I almost start walking back out the door until Harris calls out "Eris! I'm glad you came a little early."

I awkwardly smile and nod my head as everyone still continues to stare at me in silence. As Harris opens the side door to let me in, everyone soon starts smiling and nodding at me. A few even say thanks! I nod politely and resist the urge to run away as Harris leads me to his office.

This should be a good sign, right? This means they won't ask me to pay for the damages... right!? Harris quickly shuts the door as he says "Ignore them. They're just nosy and want to know who's responsible for stopping the Demon dude."

As he starts digging in a pile of papers, I frown and say "Technically, Xander killed him." Harris ignores me and pulls out a paper before saying "Technically, you had him before the Alpha showed up. By the way... are you... are you alright?"

I frown at him and ask "Yeah? Why?" He looks at my shoulder before saying "I've never seen a witch that strong... those were titanium cell bars that were also enchanted. He smashed you into them and nearly put you through them but you... you just looked a little bothered by the whole thing."

Oh... I quickly smile and lift up the scent charm around my neck as I say "It's amazing what a good charm can do." He looks at the charm and his eyes light up. I technically didn't lie... technically. I just insinuated that the charm made me stronger.

"Can the station buy a few of those from you?" He asks with excitement, nearly making me choke on my own spit. My heart races as I stutter "It... it only works for me... and my particular magic." I say in a lame excuse but Harris nods his head and says "Well, could you possibly make something that could help us?"

I lick the front of my teeth and nod my head saying "Sure... I mean I can definitely look into it and see what I can come up with." What he doesn't know is that there is no charm that can give you that kind of strength. I guess I can make some that will make them a little hardier...

He beams at me and says "That would be awesome! Oh, I wanted to show you this." He turns the paper and places it on the desk. When I look at the paper, I feel my blood grow cold at the image on it.

My name 'Eris' written in blood on a wall. "What the... where is this?" I ask trying to see everything in the picture as Harris says "In a back ally of a downtown club... a female witch was killed and left to bleed out. We took samples and the blood on the wall and it matches the dead witch."

I look up and ask "Can I see a picture of the dead witch?" Harris nods and places another paper in front of me and I immediately recognize the witch. She was the one who hit me with the spell. Harris watches me closely and says "I thought it was her but I wasn't sure... Seeing your face, I guess I was correct."

I look up to Harris and nod as I say "Yeah, that's the witch I saved in that ally before." Harris nods and says "Why is the killer writing your name in the victim's blood?" I shake my head and keep my mouth shut but to be honest, I really didn't know myself. I had a few theories but...

Suddenly, a knock at the door has us both turning to look. The door opens and a woman with bright red cheeks says "Ambrose Valer is here for you sir." I arch an eyebrow as Ambrose walks into the room with a smirk.

"I thought I smelt someone familiar. You really know how to redecorate things, Eris." Ambrose says with mirth. Harris looks between us with a frown before saying "Thank you for coming all this way. I just have a few questions for you about the dead witch found behind your club."

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