

Just for the record... I like chasing, NOT being chased! When I hear a loud howl, I nearly pee myself. How is he so fast!? How powerful is he?? I dig my claws in even deeper and run as fast as I can. This time I don't stop inside my little cage I've created.

This time I keep running, running as fast as I possibly can while enjoying the feeling in my muscles. The smells, the wind... it's everything I've always wanted and more. When I hear him right behind me, I kick it into another gear.

I need to focus but all the smells are distracting... why was he so freaking fast!? What kind of monster is he? When I feel him lunging for me, I quickly dart to the left and watch with wide eyes when he flies straight past me.

He looks even bigger when I'm in this form... No wonder he caught up to me! His legs were twice as long as mine! Maybe even more! I bet the asshole knew that too! He lunges at me again and this time I tuck low to the ground and stop.

He flies straight over me but quickly turns around to face me. I slowly stand up and glare at him, not amused. He lunges at me again, completely taking me by surprise! Why is he still coming!? We stopped!! I scramble to the side but I'm not fast enough.

I run straight into his front leg, knocking me over. I go to get up but he pushes me back over and opens his powerful jaw. I freeze, ears instantly slicking back as I growl at him. My nails are out and ready as he lightly nips my neck.

He leans back and looks down at me with those amber eyes, completely confusing me. What the hell is he doing? If someone saw us, they'd see a huge black wolf standing over a small snow leopard while staring at me like I'm his next meal.

Something I didn't take into consideration was how much more experience he has as a shifter. Not only does he have more experience, but he's also able to run as fast as he wants whenever he wants for however long he wants. My poor muscles didn't stand a chance against this apex predator.

Maybe if I had been born in a pack and allowed to run and train I'd be faster... or maybe it's because I'm female and ultimately smaller and weaker. I wonder if my father would have been able to outrun him.

Suddenly, his entire body weight cashes down on me as he nuzzles me with his nose. He takes several sniffs before nudging me. I growl at him and try to get up but he's too freaking heavy! I struggle against him until I have no choice but to stop to catch my breath.

He seems amused by the whole thing... I, on the other hand, am not! I cry out at him with a growl, earning a louder growl from him. I huff in annoyance and finally stop fighting. I turn my head to the side and play dead.

If I changed back now... would he crush me for real? My leopard was still physically stronger than my human form... He nips me again before slowly getting up. I quickly get to my feet and shake off all the dead leaves stuck to me while I glare at him.

I glare at him one last time before turning away from him and walking back to the house. He silently follows behind me and occasionally nips at my hid legs. Each time I would try to kick him in the face while turning back to glare at him.

He finally stops when I hiss at him. That was a first though... I've never hissed at anyone before. When we finally reach my backyard, I quickly change back. I don't bother looking at him as I head straight inside for water.

After a minute or so, he walks in with just his pants on again. "It amazes me how fast you can change and without having to strip down." I take another drink before asking "What the hell was that?" He looks genuinely confused as he asks "What was what?"

I point at him and say "You laying on top of me and biting me. Were you trying to crush me?" He looks slightly shocked before asking "Have you never been in a pack before?" I give him a dry look, earning a nod from him as he says "It's play... I was just playing and showing you affection. We're taught this kind of play as young shifters."

I frown at him but slowly nod my head and say "You just seemed like an ass..." He chuckles and says "I guess sitting on people and biting them would be an ass move." He suddenly sobers up and says "I won" I roll my eyes and say "You did that all on your own. I never agreed and you said all that because you knew you'd win."

He watches me put the glass down as he says "I knew you'd be slower but I didn't think you'd be that slow. How often do you run?" I shrug and say "Once or twice a month... sometimes I skip a few months if I'm busy."

He looks at me in disbelief and says "How do you not lose control of your beast?" I frown at him and shake my head saying "That's just it... I have absolute control of my beast but that's probably because I'm only half shifter."

He slowly nods his head as he tries to digest that but I take the moment to say "I won't fit in with your pack, Xander. I appreciate your offer but this" I point between the both of us "Isn't going to work. We're too different."

He quickly steps in front of me and says "Friends then. For now, we can be friends and I can show you that I really mean you no harm. I will keep your secret and help keep you stay safe." I sigh and say "I'm perfectly capable of keeping myself safe, wolf."

I walk past him and open my front door. I turn to look at him and say "It's real late, you should probably head on home." He watches me silently for a few moments before saying "I'll leave if you agree to be friends. What's so bad about being friends?"

Because I don't want to be 'just' friends with you... I shake my head and sigh as I say "Fine, friends." He walks over to the door but stops right before me and lifts a hand out to me. I look to his hand then back up to his amber eyes while shaking my head no.

His eyes flash with a dangerous glint as he says "Why are you so against touching me, Eris? So you really do feel this pull between us then?" I grit my teeth and lift my hand to shake his but right before I touch him, I pause.

His Alpha markings are already moving closer to me, making me tense. Before I can pull my hand back, his large hand quickly takes mine. I hold my breath and when nothing happens, I slowly relax. I was worried over nothing... but suddenly his Alpha markings shoot down his arm and straight for my hand!

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