
The Star 33

In the proceeding few days, Orison released the clan into the prepared cave after they had finished the measures necessary to do so safely. He retained a polite distance from everyone except Rohn and his daughter and offered none of the vast methods of assistance he could have. It was futile.

There was a part of him that felt bad about that but all their hard work would be for nothing. Due to itself and connected echoes being condemned to fall beforehand, this one lacked ability to influence the final expression when Satyra collapsed her world down into a single existence in a single layer of the echoes. It was the very reason why he'd chosen to pull his antics in it.

Aside from what the mysterious seer wanted, he had come for three objectives. And although he couldn't physically remember them outside of the cradle, he had left a series of checkpoint signs and mental landmarks that let him know he was succeeding or if he failed. It was sadly necessary for him to do it like that because he had to make the seer's cooperation with him more efficient than thwarting him entirely. There was also the ever present threat of a tier six fey with multiple tier five avatars working in the background.

It didn't sit well with him to fly so blindly but he didn't want to know too much about these people who were little more than passing ghosts in his journey. He didn't want to understand the rich story behind the resources he was claiming or the lives he was temporarily entangling with. He knew that made him a bit like the powerful people who had treated the lesser dimensions like playgrounds for their antics back when he first started his own climb.

But, he was willing to embrace that hateful hypocrisy for the sake of his son and for a poor soul who he had let flap in the wind. He could have left that to be buried with the rest of the past he had severed ties with but things he had discovered in the obelisk wouldn't allow his conscience to rest. Despite being unwillingly dragged into Orison's drama on multiple occasions, the man had been nothing but helpful at great personal cost.

He never held a grudge over involuntary abandonment. Even times when Orison had next to nothing to give, the man was willing to work off of half believed promises that weren't fulfilled on more than one occasion. Most importantly, even after being forgotten, the man had done things to help the young mage without a single possibility of being so much as acknowledged, much less repaid.

Dustin, who came across as mercenary minded and pleasure seeking, was anything but in reality. Whether trapped in a nightmarish story world or left behind in an alien and corruption riddled splay of existence, the man soldiered on and followed a surprisingly unshakable moral compass. He did so all the way up to when it cost him everything.

The man had been marginalized and overlooked due to the actions of others. Whether or not the majority of those actions and their consequences where invalidated or overwritten, the man's efforts deserved recognition. For his unnoticed sacrifice and selfless friendship, Dustin deserved a lot more than to just be saved from short lived obscurity with a barely intact soul.


In the wake of recovery from the disaster and emergency relocation, the Umberdown family and their Sun Cave clan had been busy reestablishing itself. Claiming the tier five 'sea goddess' mermaid corpse from the young mage, Glaucous took off with his new wife as well. With some backhanded courtesy, the blue man left word to leave Orison be for recovery.

After having claimed the underwater palace and the secret astral rift portal, below the nearby secret 'mana well' with the snow globe, the young mage's personal business was complete for some time. It was quite strange to treat Gravat/Glaucous' childhood home and the exceedingly rare essence fountain of a portal rift as little more than grocery check off items but that's what they were. He didn't care about their history nor what they meant to the world or himself because they might as well have been dry cleaning he picked up. They weren't for him.

That didn't stop him from getting some use out of them, however. Much of the palace was off limits by the seer's request and lingering protections set in place by more than one tier six existence. That didn't stop him from ransacking the cellars and some secret stashes of the succeeding generations of inhabitants. The bottomless pit of a scroll case artifact would be hogging the majority of the portal's output until he needed to set it loose as well.

While outwardly appearing to turn into an agoraphobe who never left his apartments in the Umberdown manor, the young mage was quietly pouring over the wealth of magic theory left him by Hiidan and nurturing the growth of his spiral. He hadn't forgotten his deal with Rohn, however. Daily sessions that ran the gambit of magical and mundane knowledge were patiently displayed to Rohna.

What began as a duty turned into a genuine pleasure. The girl was as hungry and filled with avarice towards the secrets of the natural and supernatural worlds as Orison himself had been in the beginning, had never stopped being. He never begrudged the presence of Rohn or the matron but he would only actively guide Rohna, treating every one of her father and grandmother's interruptions during their lessons with barely tolerated terseness.

With gentle care, he blew the tender of her latent magical talent into sparking life and fed it with graduating levels of supplements and guided meditation. But despite his growing indulgent affection for the girl, no amount of pleading or frustrated tears would move him to lend aid to the Umberdown family's growing issues in the outside world. That was, until an assassin from the so called 'Brown Robe Liberation Movement' tried to take her life.

In a called meeting he addressed his hosts, protege, bound assassin and high ranking officers of the clan. "Here's the harsh truth. There is no need to insist on the old structure anymore. Even if the mermaids were willing to transport people back and forth to the submerged alchematrix for more reasonable bargains, it won't be around for much longer. Glaucous HAS relinquished his guardianship. And, I don't care to be involved in political BS.

"I have a proposal. There is a fertile piece of unclaimed land less than a day and a half's travel east and a little north for a skilled scout. A ruin of an old elven village lies there. Surrender half the farming equipment, food and storage of basic necessities to those who are willing to go and rebuild there. If they want a democracy, meritocracy or a f***ing rock-paper-scissors 'ocracy', they can make one over there.

"Accept or don't accept my proposal. But, understand what will happen the next time someone tries to kill Rohna or Rohn... the matron as well, I guess... I'm going to let the three of them choose two people to tag along apiece and I'm going to move them somewhere safe. Then, I'm going to rain absolute destruction down on this cave until nothing remains to fight over and leave you to die from whatever force of nature takes you first."

As the stunned, outraged and thoughtful group began turning the gathering into vocal chaos, he walked over to the bound assassin. "Which is your dominant hand? Believe me when I say that you'll regret not being truthful. I only ask as a small courtesy."

After the terrified young woman indicated her right hand, her shrill cries of agony cut through the din and returned the meeting hall to silence. Once the young mage was done, the would be assassin's left hand was a fused finger 'crab claw' and the right was missing it's middle finger. After doing something arcane to the removed digit, he made the young woman swallow it.

Leaning in, he whispered, "The scroll in your inner vest will take you to a destroyed safe zone in the area I just mentioned. Place the sigil I just burned into your hand on the black pillar there and call out the name that will appear in your mind. Once their sending appears; ask for the materials to rebuild the safe zone, ask to be connected to the system and ask for them to save your loved ones that are being held hostage. Be sure to ask in that order.

"You have roughly three days before the finger in your stomach will digest. Before then, it can be used to summon a golem that will help you rebuild the safe zone. If you're quick about it, you might be able to squeeze some personal use out of it too. Don't bother trying to spit it back up. It won't work."

Stepping back, he punched her in the chest. It sounded like he broke something. And he had, the seal on the scroll. She disappeared in a flash of light.

Almost ceremoniously, he said, "Better fortune in your next life."

Rushing over with watery eyes, Rohna said, "Did you kill Mila!? You told me you wouldn't! It's not her fault!"

Solemnly, he said, "Oh, far worse. I gave her a responsibility with endless future headaches. A couple years without peace is a light sentence for trying to kill you, regardless of reason."

Rohn's right hand looked to his leader and said, "I know this man is your... wife. But, allowing him to speak of dividing us and threatening to destroy your ancestors' legacy, isn't that too indulgent!?"

Helplessly, Rohn said, "You mean the legacy he personally saved from destruction less than a season ago? Perhaps you forget that he and the guar- Lord Glaucous are of equal status."

"Symbolic marriage or not, he placed himself under your name. Can you not-" Orison didn't hear the rest of what was said as he made his way back to his apartments.

Predictably, the matron was not far behind. "Your words were flippant but there is always more than one purpose to your efforts. May I receive some enlightenments, daughter-in-law.

Ignoring the wicked twinkle in Lady Umberdown's eye that spoke of potentially more than words being shared if he played nice, Orison said, "Without the big bottle and the grape ape, your name alone doesn't have the power to hold back the ambitions of people in a clan this size. Letting malcontents walk away with half of things you no longer need so much of is better than a bloody civil war during crucial preparations for survival. Besides, they'll make a nice distraction for threats to focus on.

"While you and your loyal retinue stay here, safe and hidden, they'll be exposed to view. By the time you're found, their distress will have alerted you. Anyway, the distant future of this piece of land and its leadership... isn't something that's relevant to your line, matron.

"I'm trying my best to prepare Rohna for something much more... It's not necessarily something better. But, it's a much larger arena than a hidden and forgotten clan in the wilds of a dangerously unstable world.

"Well, even if her eyes turn downward instead of to the starry sky, she'll be looking from greater heights. I won't think less of her if the extent of her ambition stops at being the guardian and great ancestor of a clan cast in the hopes and desires of her own image. A clean start without the ills of the past wouldn't be a bad outcome."

She sighed wistfully. "It is a shameful thing to harbor jealousy of one's own granddaughter. But, in the deeper darkness of resting thought, I have felt it there. Earlier, you made it seem as if my place under the shelter of your shadow was an... afterthought. It stung more than it should have."

Orison said, "You know. Technically, I'm supposed to be under the shadow of your son, right? That was the deal. Yet, here we are... I'm not heartless but I meant what I said.

"Outside of the three of you and whichever two each of you decide to grab hold of, the rest of this lot can sod off. I'm not here to play clan guardian or help your family hold onto political power. If the sand castle falls to the tide, I'll keep you from being buried under it but that's it... This intervention WAS out of some misplaced affection I may have garnered towards you during our... more pleasant private moments."

Putting on her best seductive face, she said, "If you relent, merely a little, and accept my remorse, we could have many more pleasant private moments."

Looking sad and insecure, she added, "Have my charms faded so that they no longer have the power to move a hardened heart?"

He was tempted to play along. She was skillful, generous and her reactions to his attention were highly flattering. But, she had crossed a line that he had set. Subtly pitting him against her favored lover of many years, Rohn's second in command, she had used Orison to knock some arrogant complacency out of the man. It may have only been a small toe over the line in the sand but it wasn't accidental. It was a test.

He replied with a saintly smile, "How could that be? If anything, you are younger and more vibrant looking than when we first met. Since we both know why that is, allow me to politely ask you not to dip any deeper into Rohna's supplements than you already are. You've reached the limit of my indulgence on that end as well."

Shame, embarrassment and a little anger were quickly hidden behind a neutral mask as she made a monotone gesture of respect before withdrawing.

He stopped her and handed her a small bottle. "Like I said, I'm not heartless. This will grant you the remainder of it's benefit to life extension. Take this aged monkey wine too and make peace with your lover.

"By your words, he might not be as much fun as I am but he offers you something far more valuable. If you keep playing games with me, you might lose it. I know Delver sentiments are more open about certain things but you used me to hurt him.

"With this, the door to comfort between us is officially closed. May we part ways evermore in the shadowed hours and greet one another under brighter places in peace and friendship... Is that how it's said?"

She looked at him silently for a moment and collected her emotions back to even calmness. "Yes. Though, such a gesture is reserved for those whose sharing was more meaningful."

Orison softly shook his head. "Entertaining anything beyond your initial curiosity was a mistake because it was more meaningful... to me. But, that is the testament to the power of your charms, not faded in the least. It's my weakness to them that leaves me no choice but to deny them now."

At the doorway, she turned to him with a weak smile, "Comforting lies."

"Not at all. Uncomfortable truth but my will is stronger than my weakness. I won't be changing my mind," he replied.

The matron had a lot to say but no good reason to say it. For the same reason she never shared her given name, she kept them to herself and walked away. Years of ingrained discipline wouldn't allow her to grant someone even the smallest amount of power over her.

With her departure, the young mage was granted several hours of peace. The heated debates in the meeting hall had tied Rohn there. Rohna had lost her childhood friend to plotting and needed time alone. And with her parting gift of augmented drink in hand, the matron had a long standing secret relationship she planned on mending and dragging into the light.

Close to midnight, a familiar red sash woman with strong deep elf features was admitted to the young mage's inner chambers after he agreed to see her. "Orison, could I ask for a small kindness?"

With a wry smile, he said, "I have some generosity to spare for my secret sister wife. Did your trysts with Rohn get dragged out during the mudslinging portion of the discussions earlier?"

Watery eyed, she nodded. "I- need to know if I have quickened."

With a casual glance of flaring luminescence from his eyes, he said, "No. You'll be experiencing your moon blood in a couple of days. The recent stress around here has made you a little irregular. That's all."

Pushing a little dread at hearing the truth, she asked if she was capable. "Yes. No more or less than the average but you are able. I don't see any complications either. At least on your end, there shouldn't be any obstacles."

With mixed feelings, she said, "My family plans on following your suggestion. I will follow them... It is nearly a cruel humor. I so greatly desired to wear a more pleasing form and this sash. But now that I do, I find that it has distanced me from the people I care most for.

"The things it should have granted me are still denied. But the expectations and mistrust, I received them immediately. My greatest wish was granted only to reveal its cursed nature to me."

"Your silence while I pursued my foolish ambitions was already a greater kindness than I could expect. I'm am not so shameless as to ask for material aid. Perhaps some advice to aid myself and my family is still within the bounds of your remaining goodwill?"

Sighing, Orison gave it some thought. "Your aunt is aging and infirm and your little brother is still quite young. Do you desire a relatively stable life for your family as a traditional wife and mother or do you possess other ambitions?"

She nodded until he mentioned possessing other ambitions. Her eyes became a little glassy as she shook her head. She was lying. He cared enough to offer a little advice but that was the extent. If she was 'settling' with some matchmaking advice, that's what he would give. In truth, it would be a great deal better than he was letting on but letting her sweat it for a little while was a small prank for the stress of diverting the matron's eyes while she had sought to snuggle up with Rohn.

Handing her a small pouch of shiny black tokens, he said, "These are homing stones. They'll take you to the nearest transport pillar and allow you to use it to travel to another. There's only eight in this bag and each person will need two.

"Use the first one as soon as you're packed. Use the second to go to Kajriya slightly after noon tomorrow. Let the guard on duty tell his boring a** story about the pillars and the frescoes carved in them. Pretend it's the most fascinating thing you've ever heard. Once he's done, tell him you're refugees looking for shelter and a place to exchange goods for coins.

"He's a widower with a lot of free time and loneliness. You're a resourceful young woman. Reaching an understanding with the man will be one of the easiest things you've ever done.

"He... won't be as visually appealing as what you're used to but he's a good man with a big heart and enough savings to keep you and your two tag-alongs comfortable. Getting to see a little more of the world is a nice bonus. Don't worry about the language barrier with the other residents. He can help you with that too."

She went to thank him but he stopped her and added, "With this, the small fate between us is severed."

A chilly tingle washed over her. Unbeknownst to her, she had held a small spiritual debt over him. The young mage didn't know where it came from but it no longer mattered. He was sending her into the arms of a tier four undercover 'quest giver' for the other world summon people. Orison had no doubts she would put a smile on the man's face and that smile would be worth a lot to the one who gave it.

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