
The Star 30

Orison appeared in a secret underground 'apartment'. It was the only remaining structure of the starting safe zone he had arrived at in the first echo. In this echo, it had been destroyed several years earlier in some random event that held little interest to him. But, the apartment underneath the ground had never been found which made it a great place for the young mage to pour through Hiidan's return of favor. It was also a safe place to spend a few weeks recovering before heading out to his first area of interest.

He was pleasantly surprised. Although the interior was a random wreckage pile that took time to sort, the selection of what had been shoved into the ring wasn't as nonsensically chosen. There weren't ridiculous mounds of vulgar wealth and equipment that would never be used before reality hopping ripped them apart. Instead, there was a wide array of resources in modestly partitioned percentages of available ring space.

Although it had been done in an obvious rush, it gave the impression of a well balanced tithe of seized assets, above but not exaggeratedly beyond his tier. Hiidan was a combat oriented person at his core. So, it didn't surprise Orison overly much to see a touch of murder hobo mind set behind some choices in the collection.

He would have been surprised at the more generous portions of academic, comfort and lower end material supplies but they were things Hiidan likely had no interest in. The young mage smiled wickedly at the few hidden 'gems' secreted away within those supplies. Every walk of life had their sticky fingered subordinates and greedy superiors after all. Such people had to be guarded against and such people needed to hide what they had unjustly gained. And in his rush, Hiidan had missed them.

Within a book mark there were a trio of ownerless soul bound items. It took some doing to repair them and disarm some aged but still lethal magic traps. But soon enough, he was decked out in high fantasy style.

He inspected the semi-autonomous grimoire shaped magic machine gun that doubled as a book eating library in his head with a smile. Next, he played with a crystal ball filled with some kind of special spiritual essence material that acted like 'living metal'. It had a selection of minor divination magics but could also manifest a semi-autonomous magic focus weapon without leaving his spiritual seat.

The last had baffled him for awhile. It was a sealed scroll tube decorated with 'gems' of planar will 'seeds'. At first he thought it was a 'build your own reality' starter kit but discovered that it had the ability to manifest 'scroll armor'. It didn't really leave anything to the imagination when the manifestation was worn/ floated around but its protections were superior to the nightmare inducing battle suit Hiidan had left for him.

Thankfully, he discovered that the manifestation could take on a less risque appearance. But that was the farthest thing from Orison's mind when he stumbled across its most striking features. It would take ages but once the planar will seeds were juiced up, he could potentially produce small armies of elemental sprites and other non-sentient, soulless, planar dependent creatures. Once they were established, there were three seeds that could even be used to house living things.

"Whoever owned this had no idea what they possessed. They probably thought the neat gems were just some kind of self renewing essence crystals that powered the armor. This Greater Reality doesn't have a concept of planar wills because only one 'great will' ran everything except for afterlife realms and delegated a lot more responsibilities to tier eight 'directors'.

"This scroll armor didn't come from here. Some high tier being made this for a lower tier descendant. It probably sat in tatters inside that bookmark for centuries repairing itself... I'm glad the source stays in my head. Armies of tier fives and quite a few tier sixes would line up to murder me for it. Hiidan wouldn't have given THAT to me. That's for damn sure."

Such a thing was too dangerous to not take steps to safeguard detection of. After a few cautious toe dipping tests to make sure his Deathless Mound wouldn't eat it, Orison moved the sealed scroll case to his inner soul realm. Something bizarre did happen, however. The other two artifacts and the book mark were drawn there as well.

He was curious about what was happening in there but it had been some time since he could see into the depths of his own soul realm. On the positive, he was fairly certain that it would be a challenge to anyone under tier seven to get even the slightest clue about the artifacts. And since he could still call upon the artifacts' manifestations and abilities, he moved on.

The next few days, he read up on different esoteric and mundane information while recovering. Except for a moment when he blanked out, it had gone smoothly. It wasn't anything detrimental. His soul had merely established a more intimate link with the planar will seeds. More sources of law to passively aid the spiral was a reason to celebrate itself, even if it wouldn't speed up the natural growth by any extreme degree.

Orison's dimming enthusiasm over the nearly dead seeds was replaced by interest in this reality's broader knowledge of essence. What would be one of the most secret of secrets back in his home Greater Reality was practically common knowledge to anyone connected to the spiritual network simply known as 'the system'. Even eldritch and 'faith' essence were discussed with dry, academic logic rather than fear or reverence.

He was shocked to discover that eldritch essence could substitute faith essence when mixed with other essences. The young mage had already discovered ways to heal and cure diseases without burning power of existence to replace divine intervention. But with the new revelations and his entanglement power, he'd be able to regenerate lost limbs and resurrect the recently deceased.

Moreover, he'd already had enlightenments on how essences cycled into one another. The new information gave him inspiration on how eldritch and faith essence/ power of existence fit into that mix. It would be some time in the future but he could see hope that there would be a day when he could realistically convert, condense and separate them any way he desired. That would be an amazing thing, since he used some nearly as fast as they were produced while others loitered around for no other purpose than to grow his already meaninglessly large inner space.

After having spent more than a week alone, he was starting to feel the pull of desire for intelligent company. The back to back experiences of Greater Void traveling had reduced his spiritual and mental age to nearly the same as his physical appearance after all the grinding and replenishing. So, with a little too much excitement and anticipation than the situation probably warranted, he made his way to the nearest civilization.

Heading out the western path from the safe zone that had been reclaimed by nature, it didn't take but a few minutes for the weed strewn path to revert to nature trail. He felt fortunate that the destroyed safe zone had fruit trees to attract local wildlife or he would have been weaving through briers and thickets to make any progress. Verdant nature, however, meant that his summoned horse found their destination before his spirit sight did and they went tumbling down into a covered pit meant to trap wandering foragers.

For a second he stared in surprise at the glowing rectangle of script under him. "So, that's what the book mark does. Everything else was a two-for-one... It makes a magic hover board. Looks like it could comfortably seat about six. If there was anything to complain about, it could be seen for miles at night."

In response, the light dimmed and he was sitting on invisible force that only showed illuminated script to his spirit sight. "Sorry Enbarr. I think you just got benched, buddy. And after Amos' remnant impression made you so cool and life-like."

Settling down safely in the pit, he cast a modified version of tongues that would allow him to learn a foreign language as the magic translated for him. After that, he sat down and sprinkled some dust around his legs. As soon as a figure of a person was highlighted in his spirit sight, he stood up groggily and looked around in confusion.

"Did I fall into a sinkhole? No, this is carved. Is it possible there's people around here? Oh please, I hope so. I have no idea where I am... Wait, what if it's one of the semi sentient races. I've heard they kill people on sight! I need to get out of here!" Orison said as he started climbing out.

A young man's voice called out from behind him, "Wait stranger. I mean you no harm. My House would gladly host you for a few days in exchange for what you know of world events."

Fighting back a grin, the young mage said before turning around, "Do I have your oath of free and safe passage as long as I bring no harm to you or your... House?"

"I do but I only speak for myself. There is more than one clan. If you follow the words of our chief and house mistress, I'll defend you from any wrongs that might befall you. There is little reason to fear. My House is an honorable one," the young man said.

When the young mage turned to see the speaker with physical sight, his mental gears ground a little before he recovered equilibrium. He had been informed that the denizens of this underground area were a bit of a mixed lot but they were 'mixed' pretty advantageously. Due to enchantments around the place, centered on an artifact there, all he knew from using the cradle predicatively was that he came out the other side alright but had no idea what the inhabitants looked like.

He knew that they were predominantly bat beast kin and elf with a sprinkle of human, goblin a few few other things. That didn't mesh well in his mind but the expression spoke for itself. The one before him was pretty much a six foot six gladiator with deep elf skin and features stretched over it. It took a moment for him to notice the ridges within the pointy ears and a few faint ones across the bridge of the nose because the guy was covered in whirling blue lines... everywhere.

And, there wasn't a lot of 'everywhere' covered. The young man looked more prepared for spear fishing in the Amazon than potentially facing an angry boar. But feeling that the temperature seemed to run a little on the warm side for being underground, he figured he could understand the logic to some degree. At any rate, he could see why so many echoes of Lily enthusiastically accepted the supernatural tattoo guy's affections. He hated it.

He might not have known what folks looked like before he got here himself but it didn't take much deductive reasoning to figure out who the 'only guy with blue lineage marks like tattoos' was. It irked him that to get his way, he had to do a few things for a seer he'd never meet. But between obelisk and cradle, he couldn't come close to subverting what that mystery individual's goals were to get what he wanted. So, he had to make compromises.

Lost in thoughts tinged with subconscious jealousy, Orison followed his guide through dizzying branches of underground tunnels while engaging in some light banter after introductions. Jaden, the lineage tattooed young man in front of him, had powerful instincts and picked up on the subconscious leak of bitterness. While collecting some stashed foraging and a basket of fish suspended in cool creek water along the way, he copped a few subtle evaluations of Orison as well.

Taking a moment to enjoy what his instincts erroneously informed him was a recognition by another male of his 'superior qualities', he generously informed, "Friend Cantrip, if for no reason than exotic novelty alone, you will not suffer from lack of interest or those willing to offer you companionship. I dare say that the real challenge will be finding a peaceful night's rest. I'll speak to my father about allowing you permission to seek shelter in the moon cave, should that attention overwhelm you.

"It's not in my nature to embrace such things. But, my people are, as a whole, generous with affections. I have read that other cultures and races are more reserved in this way. It may be different than what you know. I'll do my best to explain things you may not understand."

As they drew near the underground city of the self named Delver race, Orison was 'treated' to more sights of Jaden's people. He was quickly able to determine that there was a three part social stratification. Purple sashes had a purer expression of elven features, bat ears and subtle nose ridges. Red sashes, the 'middle class', actually blended out to a sporty half elf appearance under the black skin softened by a sprinkle of dusty gray.

The brown sashes were notably marked with a motley array of features ranging from green cast skin to somewhat ovoid heads. They were typically smaller and scrawnier in build, denoting much stronger goblinoid heritage. And though not overtly mistreated, it was painfully obvious where they placed in the pecking order.

Following Orison's attention, Jaden said, "Our people can be coldly practical when need is great. At one point in our history, our ancestors captured a few raiding goblins to bolster our dwindling numbers and increase fertility. Winning acceptance and fair treatment for those more strongly marked by that blood has been a struggle. Progress has been slow but it steadily improves with each generation."

The young mage nodded absentmindedly. The fate of everyone on this world was to be erased and used to bolster counterparts with the strongest fate on other echoes. Social discrimination wasn't particularly high on wrongs he acknowledged but had no particular desire or ability to personally right.

With that downer rolling around in his head, they headed to a large infirmary that acted as a gateway between the outer cave system and the city proper. At the center was a device that looked like a townhouse sized cyber punk genie bottle. Powerful magic and advanced tech literal shined from every inch of its surface. At its base, a young brown sash lady was offering flowers at a small shrine and praying.

While Orison frowned at a few Delvers smirking and sneering at the young lady as they passed, Jaden said, "This device is a gift from one of our ancestors called to serve the great ones. It keeps us free of illness and infirmity. If one has essence of the elders, it can be called upon for stronger aid...

"Some of the desperate and hopeful visit it and make comforting lies to themselves that it might raise them up. It is well known that the healing bottle will only purify bloodlines after times of tragedy and great loss of life. Even still, it needs the essence of the elders to create that miracle."

A bit nervously, he added, "I grant you permission to approach it if you desire to. Know that if you try to harm it, none I know are great enough in power to save you from death. Even should the whole of my people return to the dirt, none but the ones my ancestor served can claim it."

"Thanks. I admit that I'm interested but trying to break or steal that is something even Satyra herself wouldn't do lightly," the young mage said with a friendly smile.

Friendly expression going tight and brittle, Jaden said, "We are not a people who revere the mother of this world but neither do we show disrespect."

Orison offered a halfhearted apology and walked to the artifact. The brown sash lady went to back a 'respectable and fearful distance from him but he waved her to continue what she was doing. After flashing her as reassuring a smile as he was capable, he turned to touch the giant cyborg genie bottle. It might only be by a technicality but he was recognized as a descendant of its registered users, giving him a small list of options available and their 'EE' cost.

Chuckling to himself, Orison thought, "If I could feed a mad god to this thing... Oh, the havoc I could wreak. Guess I'll have to settle for the eldritch essence I stole back from the silk purse and what I've generated over the past couple of weeks."

Putting his acting skills to the test, he said excitedly, "Jaden, as crazy as this sounds, I have a distant relative here. That's strange... he doesn't have a proper name. It reads like a batch code and number."

Eyes widening, the tattooed young man came over to see. On the off chance it might have something to do with the brown sash's presence, he softly demanded she stay.

"You have elder's essence? Here, I'll lend you my authority. Call him here while I call on my father. I can't explain what this is about but this would be a great service to my house, Orison. And, if this person is truly your kin, you could do them no greater service than to save them from the misery of their current life," Jaden said in a dire tone.

"No sh*t. They turned this other giga gramps of Al's into a eunuch before he had giga mom in this echo. According to that mystery seer, he'd be forced to commit suicide unleashing an 'aberration against nature and life itself' a few months from now," the young mage thought as he loaded a queue of actions he wanted the bottle to take.

Next chapter