
Country of Champions 11

As Orison slid his intent back in, Trisha began moaning and even slightly writhing. "I know it's a little uncomfortably full in there but just relax and let yourself stretch out just a little bit. I'll take it slow, all the way to the back... It's tight inside. Is it your first time being a little overfilled or has it just been awhile?"

Biting back a moan she said, "It's been awhile but it's never been quite like this. Between the injury and my boyfriend... ex-boyfriend not having come around to, you know. I've been having to, ugh, use my tool to do it for myself. It's harder and takes longer to get what I need... Oh, oh god! What was that!?"

Breaking out in a slight sheen of sweat from exerting as much control and concentration as he could, he said, "I started leaking a little and slid further than I meant to. Are you alright?"

Breath hitched, she said, "It was like little shocks all over. It-it didn't hurt, it's just really sensitive... There, you're there! Please don't try to push any further! Uhg, I feel like I'm going to split open!"

Orison bit his lip and then said, "I'll hold back for a second and let you adjust before I move, alright? It'll be slow, easy circles."

After he started moving a little, her head snapped back, eyes fluttering.

Tightly gripping his arm, she started muttered, "Please, please, please."

Concerned, he stopped and said, "What are you feeling? What do you want?"

"It's strange. It hurts but it feels good. I- I don't know what I want. Just do it!" she said almost breathlessly.

Seeing that she'd adjusted to the limit of what he dared to push into her, he started moving a little faster. Touching and sliding past every part, he could feel her accommodating him. The entrance place and channel he pushed through tightly clenched around him, she temporarily conformed to his shape as he explored the very limits of her depths.

Brushing past a certain spot, she bucked and cried out. Finding what he was looking for, he honed in on it, thoroughly exploring it. On the verge of fainting, her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she shuddered with complex and intense sensations. Seeing that she had reached the end of her endurance, he quickly got what he needed and shuddered a little as well as he withrew.

Focusing back in on the world around him, Orison noticed that Jacques was standing there, arms akimbo with an arched eyebrow. Behind his instructor, Daphne was peeking in, looking slightly scandalized. On the other side, Rio sported a sleazy grin with his portable touch screen out, voice recording.

Orison spared a dire look for the teen and said, "Erase or suffer."

Muttering something, Rio at least pretended to comply. The young mage would check later to make sure anyway so he turned to LeStrange.

"There's some kind of minuscule collection of entities chewing into a wound inside her essence reserve. They've stopped for the time being. I think there's a trigger for them to finish the job of puncturing it." Orison said with a dark look on his face.

Jacques quickly bent down to run a light sweep of his own intent. "After being highlighted like that, I can vaguely see that something is wrong. I'll let her recover before taking a look myself. Besides, it's so thoroughly coated with your essence in there. I want to let her body process some of that out."

Orison said, thoughtfully, "Is there consequences to doing that?"

LeStrange said, "Once or twice, it's not overly likely but more than that-"

Rio muttered, "She'll get knocked up?"

He said it a little louder than he meant to and caused three sets of scowling eyes to look at him. Daphne was trying to hold back a little giggle over the trouble Rio had brought on himself. Trisha was obviously burning with curiosity over her 'condition' and didn't like being the butt of someones joke."

"Am I in any immediate danger? I'd like to use the restroom," Trisha said.

Jacques and Orison both looked at her and the older man gestured to the doorway while the young mage said, "I doubt the trigger will be in there but just in case, don't touch Rio's socks if he missed the hamper again. Something that unwholesome has to be bad on a supernatural level."

With a gentle suggestion to look after her cousin, Daphne was sent upstairs by Orison. Rio was sent packing after them with a harsh reminder that he was their host and should be offering refreshments or something.

The teen smirked. "Really, because from where I was standing, it looked like you were hos-"

Faster than Rio could follow, Orison wrapped his hand around the boy's face and squeezed just shy of bruising. "Thin ice, you're skating on it."

Rio ripped his head free and said in a half angry, half amused voice, "No need to be all bent out of shape. Jeez."

Once the teen was upstairs, Orison looked at Rio's palmed touchscreen and erased the voice recording and then used it in tandem with his own to show Jacques the initial reason for asking him to come back.

In the beginning, Jacques said, "For the girl, in the future, situations like that should be taken to a hospital but its fine... As far as this goes, urging wizards with little chance for growth to take the arcanist spirit surgery has been a standard practice for a long time."

Slowly, Orison lead Jacques down the same rabbit hole he climbed through.

"Mon dieu! This can't be right! We've had infiltration lines before but this one goes all the way to lower core! We need to lock this down, now." Dr. Odd's apprentice was about to call his team.

Orison held out a hand. "Take it easy and don't draw attention to it. Contact your superior and lock it from the top down so you can get the head and the body instead of just the tail."

"Do I look like a fool to you, you boy! I've been doing this job for nearly a decade with plenty of condiments," the man said, his hawkish nose hoisted high like a stiff banner.

Holding back a chuckle, Orison said, "My apologies, Instructor LeStrange."

Covertly, the man changed the number he was about to dial for another and explained HIS findings to Dr. Odd. Despite superficially taking credit, Jacques did report the series of events accurately, if a little tilted in his favor. Less than three minutes later, it was Orison's turn to be ushered out of his own basement with the task of making sure Trisha, Daphne and Rio didn't leave the house or come back down to the basement yet.

While the two girls were doing their thing in the bathroom, Rio said, "Look. Don't get mad or anything but did it feel good, that thing you did with Trisha"

Orison sighed. "You want real talk? It was weird and brushing up against the equivalent of a supernatural bacterial culture was gross... I know for a fact that there ARE ways to enjoy doing such things but you really got to like someone and be somewhat spiritually compatible to get pleasure from mingling essence."

"It might have looked interesting and sounded... interesting but most of the noises she was making weren't happy ones. It was painful, confusing and probably a little scary to have someone else poking and prodding inside of an area not meant for anything more than a temporary storage area for essence.

"Only the outer edge of a honed intent is useful for safe contact. The rest is spiritual or psychic sensory input. Might as well ask me if poking a dirty wound with a nose or a tongue feels good. I suppose, before the last part, there might have been some small amount of abstract pleasure and stimulation but it wasn't anything gratifying like you were imagining."

Rio looked highly disappointed but still asked finer questions about spiritual intent. It was a good thing for the teen to know as well. Onmyoji used intent for almost everything they were known for and no matter what Rio ended up studying, it would only be natural that his talents would lie close to those hereditary lines. Somewhere along the trek of his impromptu lecture, Daphne and Trisha started listening in too.

Avalon wasn't stingy with sharing information but there were some things reserved for elites only. It wasn't just Meritocracy BS or secret nepotism, at least not only that. It was also to keep certain bits of information entrenched in Avalon and not falling into common usage outside. The honing of intent wasn't high on that list but it wasn't something easy to get information on either.

Realizing the importance of what he was sharing, Orison kept it useful but mostly superficial. There was a good possibility that his understanding of it was high enough to count as legacy considering that without a personalized and compatible meditation method, honing intent was ridiculously slow and difficult beyond the initial stages but with enough knowledge on it mixed with poor understanding, a person could easily hurt themselves or weaker willed mundanes.

Around the time he was wrapping up his charity lecture, Jacques called Trisha down the stairs and came back up to talk with Orison. "That was generous of you. Valuable secrets like that are why people pay well for tutors or save up for years to afford a good apprenticeship for one of their children."

The young mage said, "If it weren't for the dangers of self harm and mundane abuse, it would make good public knowledge. Being strong enough to sense intrusion of intent from possessing entities and manipulators would only be beneficial."

LeStrange added, "Let's not forget that it is a prerequisite for ritual magic and useful in the control of any powerful magic."

Shifting gears with mercurial speed, Jacques said, "All right, the three of you. Because this is going to be an all night mission, the girls are going to be spending the night."

Seeing Rio's mounting excitement, he said, "To make this proper, Shifty is going to be acting guardian until tomorrow."

A black cat that had gotten into the house grew into a stern, middle aged woman who looked like some female boarding school girl's worst nightmare.

Seeing that the lady was taking her job seriously and was intent on including Orison in that duty, he told Jacques, "Since my basement is off limits and I can't see my alchemy instructor today, I'm going to work on some reading in my bedroom. Could I please get a deactivate on the surveillance equipment in it please?"

The man said, "Ridiculous. There's no such thing. Bedrooms and bathrooms are off limits."

Orison said, "So you won't mind me destroying them then...since they're not supposed to be there?"

"No... I mean yes! They aren't active. It's for emergency use only." the man said, slightly embarrassed.

"So, inactive cameras shift angles and positions, like the one in the bathroom? That's interesting. Turn them off til tomorrow. I want bedroom privacy since I can't have basement privacy," the young mage said blandly.

Absentmindedly, he saw how green Rio looked. "They probably weren't turned on until I got here. Whatever you got up to in there wasn't seen, Rio."

Orison exited the circus and holed up until the next day. While he caught up on some reading from the crazy evil Magi's journal, a quite storm swept through Avalon. The small mountain of sudden approved vacations, early retirements and overnight approved switches to independent status would have administration eating migraine medicine and drinking antacids like they were balanced meals for a few days. Despite what the young mage uncovered being a huge merit, such a deeply terrifying and scandalous affair wouldn't ever be publicly recognized. It was too damaging.

He thought, "And that may have been the big payoff to begin with. Hundreds of victims over the span of years and the main goal was more likely the damaging of Avalon's prestige and public image. It would certainly make them look just as bad as the UTF and after the debacle I was involved in there, this should have been 'evening the playing field' using the same tool. Me.

"Of course, I didn't feel overly manipulated into discovering it. I kind of ran with that on my own. Did I get ahead of them? The crumb trail that they were feeding to me, did I accidentally jump to the end too fast for what was planned, allowing Avalon to do damage control? If so, how p*ssed must they be? Several years worth of build up to put a nasty crack in Avalon's shiny wall just to have it mortared and painted over in the middle of the night? It's a satisfying thought but all this is just me tilting at windmills."

Hours later, he was awakened from trance as a cool slither of spider silk thin intent try to breach into his spiritual seat. Right when he was about to get a good grip on it and pull as much as he could into the devouring swirl of his space's outer edge, his intuition warned him not to. It wasn't so much that the 'shadow in his bones' had grew strong enough to influence him again or that his intuition itself had grown that much stronger. It was just that fatal of a mistake.

Instead, Orison mental 'flicked' it and thought, "Get out and talk to me in person or over the touchscreen. You might be stronger but I WILL make it very unpleasant for you if you keep trying."

The dry chuckle of an older woman reverberated from the intent. "Alright. We can do it that way. Bring your young charge and whatever friends you like to the water park two miles north of your home. Around ten in the morning good? I like how nice the artificial sunlight feels in there but it gets a bit too strong past eleven."

Orison thought to the stranger's intent, "Your treat? Not to sound impolite but I'm not exactly flourishing at the moment."

The woman's voice was filled with good natured mirth. "Not to sound impolite but if it's my treat, I know better than to leave details fuzzy for cunning youngsters such as yourself to take advantage of. Details will be on your touch screen."

The thread of intent from the kind and matronly sounding voice exited his spiritual seat as his touch screen flashed a little brighter once. Before he checked it, Orison took a quick shower and air dried while he went through all his messages. Aside from one that was brilliant green among the charcoal uniformity of the rest, there was one he received from Liberty stating that some of her schedule had been shifted around.

She wanted to know if Orison was available at two in the afternoon for the meeting that they had scheduled for the following week. Getting a suspicious vibe about what had caused those changes, he agreed. Done with hers and seeing another three in the morning text from Turner, he read that one as well.

Five days prior, Orison sent a message to Turner asking about what courses in higher learning experienced Rowdies and planar response personnel found the most helpful. Four days prior, Turner responded and gave a pretty detailed list which Orison thanked him for and promised to show a real appreciation for once he had a decent amount of free merits. Three days prior, Orison received a very tired and probably slightly inebriated text from the man.

Turner explained how he thought his wife was thinking of leaving him and asked how, presumably someone other than Orison, managed to hold on to their wife and seemed so happy. After reading through a very garbled section about not wanting to hear dumb stuff like extra spice in the sack like usual but some real advice because he was at the end of his rope, the young mage responded to the text anyway.

Orison explained that the man's wife was probably just as tired as he was and waking her for some 'extra spice' was probably the worst thing that he could do. Instead, the last two hours they shared the bed before she needed to get up with the kids, he could just hold her. If she woke up, he could tell her that he missed her and that he didn't want anything but to feel her in his arms, the mother of his children and the love of his life. She fell in love with and married a man of action so what she was missing were the 'actions', the physical proof of his feelings for her, and not just the one that made their children.

It went well. Two nights prior, still mistaking Orison for his married friend, Turner explained how he got a special wake up he hadn't gotten in some time and thanked his friend for giving out some good advice for once. Later on, the young mage got a message apologizing up one side and down the other about mistaking him for someone else. After a night of silence, Turner sent a message simply stating 'Any more good ideas?'.

Shaking his head with a wry grin, Orison opened the message with green letterhead. Inside was a link to the entertainment organization board where he could redeem a platinum all expense day pass to the water park and forward three gold day passes. Those three gold granted 5000 merit gift card and could forward seven silver passes. A silver came with a 1000 merit gift card and could issue three standard tickets. There were only three people in Avalon who could issue a platinum pass from their reservation and that was a triumvirate member wielding their diamond access which sealed the venue for four hours. In this case, it was 9:30AM to 1:30 PM.

Seeing that it was a quarter til five, Orison quickly constructed a text with a wicked grin. "Ask and yea shall receive, Turner. Ask and yea shall receive."

Next chapter