
Chapter 14: Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf

Apparently, there were some limits to what villains Danny was able to look for on his own. He learned this the hard way via a loud lecture from Ivy and Harley after they learned of his next wisher's request.

"It doesn't matter how sick the kid is: he's unpredictable!" Harley finally shouted, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

Danny huffed in annoyance. "That's rich coming from you," he muttered.

Ivy's gaze narrowed dangerously. "Be nice."

"Well, let me do my job then," he pouted dramatically, ignoring Harley's delighted squeals over Ivy defending her.

Selina spoke up from where she was lounging in the kitchen, probably drinking a nice cup of tea while listening to the three of them argue. "Technically, there's nothing in your job description that says you have to track him down on your own."

"What, so you want to come with?"

"Don't be ridiculous," she said, leaning around the corner to actually join the three of them with her mug of tea in hand. "You don't pay enough for me to babysit."

"And you don't help me pay rent even though you've practically moved in," Danny shot back.

Selina dismissed his annoyance and her fellow Sirens' laughter with a casual wave of her hand. "Regardless, a little birdie owes me a favor, and I think he can be trusted to keep you alive. Probably."

Ivy sighed in defeat while Harley merely shrugged, leaving her position of towering over Danny to sit criss-cross on the carpet. "Well, at least he won't be goin' alone anymore."

Danny, however, was more focused on the uncertainty that he'd make it out alive. "What do you mean he'd 'probably' keep me alive?! Excuse me, but I have no desire to change my current state of alive-ness."

"Oh please," Selina rolled her eyes at his dramatics and took a leisurely sip of her drink. "Jason doesn't hate you that much."

"Just because I don't 'hate' you, doesn't mean I like you either," Jason grunted as the two of them trudged through the dark streets in Gotham's warehouse district. According to basically everyone who was anyone in the criminal world, Bane had set up shop in one of the many decrepit buildings on the outskirts of the town. No one cared enough to know what he was doing or which one he was in, though, so Jason and Danny had been checking each one over the past four hours.

Tracking down a supervillain this time felt much more… "real" to Danny. Ivy and Selina had practically forced Jason to give Danny some of his kevlar gear (in reality, Jason had nicked some of Dick's stuff instead and threatened Danny's life if he told). Danny definitely felt secure in his new outfit, but only after he had covered up the Nightwing insignia on his chest with a leather jacket.

"You like me enough to give me some help with my fashion sense," Danny snickered in reply.

Jason snorted derisively. "That's just because I couldn't be seen in public with you dressed as a prep. Think of the damage it'd do to my image." He held up a hand to stop their motion and raised his gun into a ready position as they approached the next warehouse. Danny shut his mouth quickly and drew his own handgun, although granted, it was miniscule in comparison to Jason's.

It felt strange referring to the notorious "Red Hood" simply as "Jason," since he knew he wasn't actually supposed to know any of the Bat-clan's names. To be fair, he shouldn't be rooming with the Sirens either, but his life didn't want to follow any rules anymore. He supposed it'd feel a tad more comfortable to call a companion by his last name, but Danny had a sneaking suspicion that he'd be found dead in a ditch if he asked about Jason's.

The two snuck into the old warehouse, automatically turning in separate directions to cover the entire 360 degrees. It became clear fairly fast that there was no visible threat, so both men lowered their weapons slightly.

Jason sighed. "I still can't believe you brought that peashooter."

Danny shrugged. "Not all of us have easy access to grenade launchers."

A deep voice rang out from above them. "Lucky for me." Danny's gaze warily rose to find the man they were looking for staring down at them through a hole in the floor on the next level. "Otherwise, I would feel threatened."

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Jason tense and move to fire at Bane. That wouldn't end well either way, so Danny stepped forward to stop them before they could start. "Mr. Bane, I came here to ask if you could visit a sick child."

It was hard to gauge the reaction of someone with a mask on. "Why would you be so foolish to hunt me down for a child's sake?"

Danny shrugged, not having a complicated reason. "A little boy with muscular dystrophy asked to see you. You try turning down a seven year old; they can be pretty persuasive." He tried not to show his surprise and uncertainty as Bane jumped down through the hole to land on the ground in front of them. They all ignored the cracks that formed where his feet landed.

"I have heard about you, Danny Johnson. You have never before approached others with a shadow."

"My roommates are overprotective and said if I didn't have a bodyguard, they'd handcuff me to the refrigerator. So I wouldn't starve," he elaborated when the two masked men turned towards him.

"Guess my life isn't so crazy," he heard Jason mutter as he finally lowered his gun.

Bane nodded his head; whether it was in agreement with Jason or understanding at his statement, Danny didn't know. It wasn't important at this point, either. He unzipped his jacket, pulled out the folded 'wisher filer' he had on the little boy, and gave it to Bane. "Ian, that's the kid's name, his birthday's coming up next Tuesday. The hospital asks if you could come during his party to minimize interruptions in his physical therapy."

The large man read over the file's contents in a few minutes before closing it and (Danny assumed) looking in his direction. "I will see you in Blüdhaven then, Johnson. Now, if you and Red Hood would be so kind?" He gestured towards the door they came in through.

Danny gave him a polite nod of his head before he spun on his heel and left, noticing that he was several steps behind Jason. He didn't bother hurrying his pace to catch up; if Bane was going to kill him, he'd have already done so.

"You're one insane son of a bitch, I'll give you that," Jason commented once they were both outside again.

Danny laughed and began to lead them back the way they came. "And I thought you said you didn't like me."

Ta da: Bane! You have requested, and I have delivered. The rest is to come (and Riddler will be in it soon too, don't worry). Thanks for your continued support, I'm glad you all like it!

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