
Chapter One hundred seventy-one: I won't give up

"Sam, Luke is here,"

I held my breath as I stared at Jack for a few seconds. I was preparing my daughter's chocolate muffins when she walked into the kitchen with mixed hesitation and worry in her voice.


It took me a few more seconds to speak as I don't know exactly what to feel at that moment. My heart screamed inside in excitement, but then as soon as I remember what he did, anger instantly took over.

"What is he doing here?" I asked sternly and gripped the pot holder tightly.

"Maybe he found out you're not in the Philippines and maybe he heard what happened from Dana," she shrugged.

"I don't want to talk to him nor do I want to see him!" I said turning around to face the oven.

"Sam, you still need to talk to him about what happened." she followed me inside the kitchen counter.

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